The Ashley really wants to write about American Idol today; however, this little gem was just too good to pass up.
According to TMZ, Whitney Purvis, one of the girls from the first season of 16 & Pregnant, was arrested yesterday for stealing…wait for it…a pregnancy test at a Georgia Wal-Mart! It’s like the White Trash Gods dropped this story from the heavens just for The Ashley!
Whitney, now 20, was booked for misdemeanor theft. Apparently ol’ Whit suspected that she may once again be pregnant again. However, rather than spending the $15.98 for the First Response pregnancy test, she decided to just slip it under her hoodie. She then walked into the Wal-Mart bathroom and attempted to use the test right then and there!
I can just imagine how this scene played out. A Wal-Mart employee (most likely a frizzy-haired woman named Marge) probably saw Whitney take the pregnancy test off the shelf and stuff it in her hoodie. Marge probably then had to follow Whit into the bathroom and knock on the stall, yelling, “Ma’am! You can’t pee on that unless ya pay for it!”
I would have given my right arm to have been in that bathroom.
Anyway, things have been kind of crappy for Whitney since she got skipped over by producers for a spot on Teen Mom. While the four Season 1 girls that were chosen for the series have gone on to get fortune and fame, Whitney (along with Ebony Jackson, who has seen her own share of problems since the show) has had it rough. Her mother was arrested for meth possession last year, and Whitney split with her baby-daddy Weston (and told TMZ all about it, ironically.)
Paging Dr. Drew! Get to Georgia, quick!
(Photo:Floyd County Sheriffs Office)
14 Responses
Update just got posted! She said that she got released and got her period so she’s happy since she never got a chance to take the test.
Should I say nice to her after she did it?
She seems so nice on the show. I feel bad for her. I want her and her baby daddy to get back together
First of all – Raising a child costs WAY more than a $15 pregnancy test, so hopefully hers came back negative.
Second – What is up with her eyebrows?
Doesn’t she know you can buy pregnancy tests at the dollar store?