The world hasn’t heard much from Brad Womack since his season of The Bachelor ended. Sure, his face was splashed across plenty of US Weekly magazine covers during the months after the show, as his relationship with ex-fiance Emily Maynard crumbled.
When the couple finally split for good, Brad did something that few reality stars do: he ran away from the spotlight. Brad wasn’t seen–or heard from–at all after the smoke cleared. While his ex went on to become the new Bachelorette, Brad slunked back into obscurity…until last week.
While trying to get some publicity for The Dogwood, a new bar he’s opening in Houston, Brad agreed to do an interview with a local television station. During the interview, he revealed that not only is he still single, but that he can’t get a date!
“Um, this is a true story, and it’s almost sad, you know I’ve only been on one date in a year? One date. Is that pathetic?” Brad said.
Brad also revealed that he’s looking for love in Houston, as long as it’s off camera and “with someone who loves the real Brad, not the reality Brad.”
Um…hopefully the ‘real’ Brad is actually interesting because the ‘reality’ Brad was pretty much a dead fish.
Although he’s never spoken publicly about his split with Emily (he even declined to appear on the “very special” episode of ‘The Bachelor’ where Emily talked to Chris Harrison about what happened) Brad did have a few things to say about his experience on the show…and his ex.
Some of the choice quotes include:
- “All I’ll say, she is a hell of a woman. I hope it works out. You know, I’m happy, I hope she’s happy.” (I’m assuming “a hell of a woman” is code for ‘bitch,’ no?)
- “I have no interest [in watching Emily as ‘The Bachelorette.’] (He totally still loves her!)
- “I just want people to know, hey I’m not just this cheesy reality show guy that handed out roses.”
- “Can I say I’m glad. I think I dodged a bullet with the relationship?” (Um…ouch!)
- “I swear to you I don’t have one piece of Bachelor memorabilia. It just one of those things. It came and went.”
Does that mean that my dream of a “Third Times a Charm”-themed season of ‘The Bachelor’ starring Brad Womack will never happen? In a strange way, that makes me kind of sad. He was so fun to make fun of.
(Photo: ABC13 KTRK-TV Houston, TX)