Farrah Abraham has invaded The Ashley’s turf! Currently in Los Angeles to promote her book, she (and Sophia) went on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning at 7 a.m. to talk about the end of ‘Teen Mom,’ and her relationship with one of Ryan’s radio show employees, John Parra, whom she met when she visited the set of Ryan’s radio show in June!
After going on a dinner date in June, Farrah and John have been talking “like every day for two months,” Farrah revealed on-air. According to Ryan Seacrest, John has kept quiet about his relationship with Farrah. (She hinted that she made John sign a “non-disclosure” contract…which, although she meant it as a joke, is totally something I could see her doing!)
Things have been going so well with John that Farrah is actually staying at his house while she visits Los Angeles! They went on a dinner date last night in Beverly Hills.
“It was like a sleepover,” she said. “He has an awesome family and they’re super fun,” Farrah said, adding that she woke up with John this morning (!) to find that Sophia had made a mess of John’s refrigerator.
She also revealed that she has moved back to Omaha, Nebraska, where her family lives. (I guess the whole Florida thing didn’t work out?) Although ‘Teen Mom’ is coming to an end, it sounds like we’ll be seeing Farrah’s ugly-cry mug back on our television sets in the future.
“Cameras will probably still be in my life moving forward, but I’m just happy I get to share the older side of me now,” she told Ryan Seacrest.
Here are some other topics she covered during the interview.
On the paparazzi and fans taking pictures:
“It happens all the time…it’s no big deal.”
On the next week’s series finale episode:
“It’s going to be 90 minutes and it’s going to be a great finale event. I think it was a great show while it lasted with us and I’m happy to move forward.”
On if she thinks she’s portrayed accurately on ‘Teen Mom’:
“I don’t think so because I hear a lot of different people when I meet them in person—they act like I’m somebody else from what they see on TV, so I just hope moving forward they can see who I am now.”
On if she would do differently if she could go back in time:
“I would have done a lot differently, mostly with relationships. With Sophia’s dad, with my parents, and I probably wouldn’t have fought so much on TV. I know that makes me look bad, but I’m open and honest, and that’s just what I wanted to do to help others.”
On her new book:
“I wrote the book so others could see the full story of [what they see] on TV. Lots of what I wrote about was difficult and I had to reread the book over and over and over again before we released it. Every time was a crazy bundle of emotions. The book is very true to my emotions and I think therapeutic for others to listen to…er…read about.”
Luckily, she didn’t try to plug (or get Ryan to play) any of her crappy music singles on the radio. All of Los Angeles would have started to bleed from their ears.
17 Responses
Unfirtunately, she is back in Omaha. God, I wish that ugly ferret had stayed across the border in Council Tuckey. What an embarassment.
Not sure if this was said but she didn’t live in Nebraska before and I doubt she lives there now. She’s from Iowa. There are other states that have a city named Omaha, maybe that’s the confusion. Now on to reality…god I hate this bit@@!! I read an article about how she was made by her mother to call her dad Michael because her sister has another biological father. Tonight on reunion she suddenly calls him by his first name because she distespects him and that’s how she shows it. Her bravado and grandstanding are an embarrassment. She’s disgusting!
Why the hell is Sophia staying at his house? They only met twice! That’s disgusting. We know they aren’t gonna get married because her name would be farrah parra! Just end it now lol
Lmaooooo @ Farrah Para!!!!!
I thought her family lived in Iowa??? Did they relocate to Nebraska???
I thought so to. I noticed on one episode of teen mom farrah was talking about sending sophia to her moms. At one point she said omaho, then a different time she said iowa. So I guess they moved last year, maybe?
They technically live in Council Bluffs, Iowa, which is right on the Iowa/Nebraska border. Omaha, Nebraska, on one side of the Missouri River, Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the other side. Hope this clears things up for anyone that was confused!
Ummmm…she still has to live in one place or the other idiot.
Your comment was rude. Council Bluffs/Omaha are often used interchangably, similarly to those in the Minneapolis/st. Paul area. Nobody from Council Bluffs wants to claim it, plus it’s easier to say you’re from Omaha–Council Bluffs is our retarded half sister that’s 30 seconds across a bridge.
And she is back. She was drunken stumbling around the Old Market like a $2 hooker the other night.
sapphire, so you are a doctor? I bet not! I am NOT unstable, yes I’m Farrah’s Michael. By the way farrah is still in school and WORKING
It would be sad if this was Michael abraham commenting on all these blogs. Why stand up for someone that doesn’t care about you! I’ve never yelled, rolled my eyes, or talked disrespect to my Dad because I LOVE him. Its so messed up you support the way she talks to ppl
I back you up Michael, It is disgusting what people are writing about Farrah. I wish you and your family all the best. It seems everyone has an opinion or for a better word a judgement to make. I wonder how they would look to the world if they had a camera crew with them 24/7. I think Farrah had some major problems to face and she did so bravely. I think you and Farrahs Mom have been incredibly supportive and in time Farrah will recognize that. When I was her age I had a strained relationship with my parents, and I said and did things that I wish I could take back. I am sure that Farrah will one day feel the same. Keep on doing what you are doing, and most importantly ignore some of the ignorant comments on this site.
What an egotistical, self centered, sleezy mess of a human being.
She and her family are all mentally unstable and it’s just unbearable.
No one likes you FARRAH!
Go away already and grow the Eff up and get your ass back in school where you belong instead of “trying” to sleep your way to fame.
You are Not a good mother, and you never will be. And that’s a fact!
Lmaoooo!!! Tell em how u REALLY feel! Hahahahaha!! And you are soooooo right!
She’s pretty horrendous. In every way possible.