EXCLUSIVE: How ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Really Met Her Husband

Teen Mom 2
"We can tell people we met on J-Date, ok?"

In case you haven’t noticed, The Ashley has basically refrained from writing about the trainwreck that is Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans (except for this one moment of weakness last month). With all her marriages, divorces, drug uses, Twitter flip-outs, etc., the task of keeping up with Jenelle is just too big for The Ashley to handle. Plus, she’s tired of this turd-goblin and just doesn’t want to write about her life anymore.

That being said, The Ashley has taken an interest in Jenelle’s new husband, Courtland Rogers. (They got married in early December, right after Courtland appeared before a judge for one of his various felony charges, as you do.)

A friend of Jenelle’s (who doesn’t wish to be named, mainly because Jenelle is batsh*t crazy and would probably go burn down his/her house or something) has given The Ashley a juicy nugget about Jenelle and Courtland’s blissful love story. File this under “well-backed rumor.”

While Jenelle has told fans that she and Courtland have known each other for years, having met when they were young, the friend says this is all a load of crap. In fact, Jenelle and Courtland met right before they started dating in October. Who introduced them, you ask? Why, their mutual drug dealer, of course! Who knew that the dealers of North Carolina like to play Cupid, when they’re not, you know, dealing crack and other assorted controlled substances!?

The friend also revealed why Jenelle and Courtland made a mad dash to the alter, dating only about two months before saying, “I do.” It certainly wasn’t because he was dying to have Babs as a mother-in-law (although The Ashley would be!)

“They got married because Courtland has a court date on the third and Jenelle would have to testify against him if they weren’t married,” the friend revealed to The Ashley. (It’s likely that Jenelle is seeking refuge under “Spousal Testimonial Priviledge,” so she won’t have to spill the beans on her hubby under oath.)

Well, aren’t they just the picture of dope-fiend bliss? Remember kids….always listen to Zack and the gang….

Saved by the Bell

(Photos: Twitter, NBC)

5 Responses

  1. It depends whether or not she was present when the criminal activity was committed. If she was and they weren’t married then she still has to testify, lol. If he only told her about she will probably try to lie and say they were married. She should just plead the fifth lol you know she was involved if she was there.

    1. lol yeah that’s like saying you confided in someone who happens to be a therapist about a crime but then you later started seeing them on a professional basis, it’s only priveledged information if you are actually in session or on a call used as a session..some people just do not understand the law at all. Besides, I’m sure they have a lot more on him than just Janelle’s word, since it doesn’t hold much validity lol

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