Oh, Lord….she’s probably going to write a song about this….everyone cover your ears!
TMZ broke the news that Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham was arrested for DUI in the wee hours Tuesday morning in Nebraska, after she was caught “hanging a wide turn … and nearly hitting a police cruiser.”
She was pulled over and given a field sobriety test and apparently she blew a .147– nearly twice the legal limit! Although I’m sure she tried to bust her signature “ugly cry face” on the cops, apparently it didn’t work, as she ended up being hauled into jail around 1 a.m. this morning!
Her stint behind bars didn’t last long, as Farrah was out and tweeting this morning. Some of the gems she posted:
- It’s Amazing what people believe & makeup (LOVE MY LIFE) #Thank #God #I’mSuccessful & I don’t care about drama! #HaveAGreatDay
(Um…you created the drama when you drove drunk….and no one is making up anything….you were arrested for DUI.)
- #IF I were on a mountain #Guess what I would Yell?! #lmao
(Probably “Make it a double!”)
Anyway, this DUI comes on the heels of Farrah getting all liquored up on Valentine’s Day and posting drunken tweets (which, sadly, weren’t any more jumbled and confusing than her everyday sober tweets).
I can only imagine how angry and volatile Farrah must have been when she was arrested. I would have given my left arm (gotta save the right one for blogging purposes) to watch that scene unfold!
Anyway, The Ashley is on the search for Farrah’s mugshot! If you were in Omaha last night and saw this scene unfold, feel free to contact The Ashley with more gossip!
UPDATE: Just as The Ashley thought, it turns out Farrah was a complete terror during her arrest, according to a new update by TMZ, who was able to obtain the police report for the incident.
According to the report, “she was placed in the backseat of a police cruiser where she sat ‘banging her head against the window while yelling and screaming.'”
As you do.
In addition, the police report stated that Farrah tried to walk away from the police as they were trying to arrest her. (She is one of the biggest narcissists I have ever seen, so it makes sense that she thinks she’s above the law. In her mind, the cops were probably all just trying to get autographs from her or something.)
TMZ also states that Farrah refused to blow (hehehe) into the breathalyzer, biting it three times before the police could get a sufficient read.
4 Responses
I would like to request a dash cam video of this little episode.
what a spoiled, conceited bitch. where’s her “im perfect and better than all mothers” image now? too bad Derek died in a similar accident…