Former ‘Bachelorette’ Star Ali Fedotowsky Admits She Knew TV Engagement Was Wrong

Proposal 2010
“What should I do? I really want that ring!”

After last night’s explosive episode of The Bachelorette (recap coming soon!) it’s no surprise that members of the “Bachelor Nation” are speaking out with their thoughts. Fans and former contestants are buzzing about what contestant Brooks Forester did last night (which I’m not going to include here, in case you haven’t watched the episode yet!)

Former ‘Bachelorette’ Ali Fedotowsky spoke out in support of Brooks’ actions, and even admitted some startling facts about her own made-for-TV proposal back in 2010, revealing that she knew in her heart she wasn’t supposed to get engaged to Roberto Martinez, even though she accepted his on-air proposal.

“I’ve never said this publicly before, but I think I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I wasn’t 100 percent sure I should have gotten engaged to Roberto,” she said in her most-recent blog for E! News. “I didn’t really know him then. All I knew is that I was falling in love, swept off my feet in Tahiti, and believed in my heart that I would be ready to get married to him after some time passed. And in my case, as time passed, it didn’t work.”

“You did it right, bro!”

Ali also voiced her support for Brooks.

“Honestly, more people should think this hard about proposing before doing it on the show,” she wrote. “So many people jump into it. He didn’t do that. I have so much respect for him and his decision.” (Again, The Ashley is trying to avoid posting any spoilers, but if you haven’t watched the episode– you need to watch it right now. Seriously, pretend you’re sick and go home from work early. It was that good!)

She also gave a few good reasons why most couples from the show end up crashing and burning right after the season airs.

“People basically get engaged as strangers,” she wrote. “A few lucky couples find that after the show, they really are right for each other, but the majority realize they aren’t…Any couple from the show (whether still together or not) will tell you they didn’t really fall in love on the show, they fell in love after the show.”

Is Ali right? Should a proposal not be part of the show at all? Leave your thoughts in the comments below (and go watch that episode!)

(Photos: ABC)


3 Responses

  1. I completely agree with what Ali is saying- in 6 weeks, or however many weeks the show is filmed in, you can’t tell me that you know enough about someone to know whether you’re truly in love with them or just in love with the “idea” of them. Granted, there’s the rare occasion that people meet and they just “know” and that’s it.. but rarely does that actually happen and end up happily ever after. I’m not a huge Brooks fan BUT I will say, he was smart for doing what he did. And Des should realize that by now, I’m sure, that he was just trying to avoid hurting her even worse in the long run. I’m sure she was heartbroken, but think of house much worse it could’ve been had it been 6 months from then when he finally admitted maybe he wasn’t in love with her. He made a good decision not only for himself but for Des by being honest that maybe she wasn’t the “love of his life” because in the end, that’s what everyone deserves, is to spend the rest of their lives with the love of their life. No reason to settle, even for a tv show!

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