Jemmye Carroll Says Drugs Were to Blame for ‘Challenge: Rivals II” Reunion Hi-jinks

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

It was the bitch-slap heard ’round the world, and now a Challenge: Rivals II cast mate is hinting that drugs may have been behind some of the evening’s most shocking moments.

Jemmye Carroll tweeted yesterday that some of her fellow cast mates were high during the live Reunion taping.

Jemmye’s ex-boyfriend is, of course Ryan Knight, who famously punch/slapped cast mate Frank Sweeney at the finale. (Click here to see that!) Many viewers were wondering aloud on Twitter if Knight, who was slurry and spacey during the reunion, was on drugs, and this seems to confirm it.

Blogger Brian Cohen (of BusDriver’ was at the finale taping and claims to have heard Knight talking about slapping Frank earlier in the evening.

“[He is] a bit of train wreck,” Brian wrote. “We saw him outside the studio before taping smoking and he basically said sh*t was going to happen. The slap/punch of Frank was 100% premeditated.”

Jemmye wasn’t the only cast member that was angry at Knight for what he did to Frank. Tough gal Emily Schromm (who’s buddies with Frank) sent out a stern tweet to Knight after the reunion.

Although we can’t be completely sure that Jemmye was talking about Knight when she mentioned people that were high at the reunion (to be fair, I’m sure more than one of those people were on something other than “giggle water”), it does make sense, given that Knight once had an addiction to pain killers.

Do you think Knight was “High! High!” at the Reunion?

(Photo: MTV)

9 Responses

  1. I agree, CT was hiiiiigh as a kite. And knight acted a fool but frank IS one of the most annoying people ever, he really is a little btch so I’m glad somebody said it! He really is awful. Also diem makes me crazy, I know she had ovarian cancer but she’s so shrill and fake and slutty/desperate – and ditzy as hell – I’m sorry for her health but that doesn’t make her any less annoying! Can’t stand her.

  2. I got the feeling things weren’t as great between Frank and Jemmye as he so defensively wanted us to believe. She didn’t try to back him up at all when he said they’d made up and she just had a deer in the headlights look the whole time like that was the first she’d heard of it.

  3. That was a nice shout to Babs there. You know what’s funny is I always said countless times watching the challenge that Knight acts like he’s had too much NyQuil. Something about the way he talks and his body actions. I never knew he had a “previous addiction” to pain meds. That’s sad if he’s still struggling with it, but no need to slap Frank.

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