To date, there have been 47 girls that have appeared on MTV’s controversial show 16 and Pregnant. (We will soon add to this number–The Ashley has already revealed two more girls that will appear on the show’s upcoming Season 5!)
Some of the girls have gone on to fame and fortune via the Teen Mom shows, while others have tried their best to stay in the limelight, despite having only been on one episode of an MTV reality show. Others still, like Season 2’s Felicia Cooke, have attempted to escape the limelight and cult-like following the show has by staying relatively quiet on social media.
Felicia, who recently revealed that she is pregnant with her second child, appeared on the show when she was 17 and pregnant with her first baby, Genesis. Now 21, Felicia says she regrets making the decision to open her life up to MTV cameras.
“Its ridiculous that I can’t put one thing out there about my life without someone making a million fake accounts of me and letting the whole world know my news,” she recently posted on her Facebook.
“I really regret being on MTV worst mistake ever.”
Felicia isn’t alone. Weston Gosa, the baby-daddy of Season 1 girl Whitney Purvis, has also called his participation on the MTV show as the worst mistake of his life. Many of the participants go on the show without realizing that the show’s fans would have an interest in their lives long after their episode aired.
To find out what some of the other girls that have been on the show thought about their experience, and see who else regrets making the decision to appear on ’16 and Pregnant,’ pick up a copy of The Ashley’s book, Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV’s Most Controversial Shows, on sale now! It features interviews with many of the ’16 and Pregnant’ and ‘Teen Mom’ cast members! Buy the book here!
Hopefully Season 5 newbies Maddy and Karley know what they’re getting into!
13 Responses
They are now in their 20s so they are not teens I don’t see the problem.
some are … some are still in their late teens. I dont see the problem … as long as their lack of willingness to not use birth control doesn’t come out of my paycheck….
It seems a lot of these girls use abortion as a form of birth control.
There have been a lot of pregnancies from them lately. Jordan Ward was the first one to ever get pregnant again and that was such a big deal.
Ebony (season 1)
Jenelle (Season 2, may or may not had been pregnant but had a miscarriage [supposedly]
Nikkole (Season 2, read above)
Lori (Season 2)
Leah (season 2)
Kail (season 2)
Brooke (season 2B)
Felicia (season 2B)
Markai (Season 2B, had abortion, but I think she’s pregnant for the 3rd time?)
Aubrey (Season 2B)
Jordan (Season 3)
Jennifer (Season 3)
Danielle (Season 3)
Kianna (Season 3, had miscarriage I believe)
Mackenzie (Season 4)
Kristina (Season 4)
And I believe that’s all of them
You forgot Jaimie McKay season 3, she had an abortion last year
How many of these 47 girls have gotten pregnant again already?
Probably almost all haha, it seems like there is a new one pregnant every week.