A lot has happened since Danielle Cunningham appeared on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant. We first met the Ohio native in 2011 during the third season of the controversial reality show, which she was 16 and pregnant with her first child, Jamie Jr.
Her episode, which dealt with the drama between her and her baby’s father, Jamie Alderman, was one of the most intense to date.
Since we last saw her on our televisions, Danielle, now 19, has had her share of ups and downs. The young mom has dealt with drug addiction, conflict with both her mother, Casey, and her baby-daddy Jamie, and even been arrested for assault. In June, she welcomed her second child, a daughter named Jayleigh. While life with two young children has been very hard for Danielle, she says that she has finally managed to get her life back together.
“Having two children is very difficult,” Danielle told The Ashley in an exclusive interview. “You’re not just dressing yourself when you want to go somewhere, you’re dressing three people. Plus, you have to make bottles, change diapers– not easy if you’re in a hurry.”
Luckily, Danielle finally has some help. After years of going back and forth in their relationship (including a long breakup while Jamie was in jail), the couple has finally managed to make their relationship work.
“Jamie and I are together and have been for almost six months. It’s great!” Danielle said. “We’re sober, living well. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He is my hero. He helps tremendously with the kids.”
She said that they are both employed, and that she plans on going back to school very soon.
“I took some time off school just while we were moving into our new place, but I plan on going back next semester and [taking] radiology classes online.”
One thing she’s sure of is that there will not be any more reality TV in her future.
“MTV hates me!” she told The Ashley. “I will not be on the [upcoming] ‘Where Are They Now?’ special.”
In The Ashley’s book, Teen Mom Confidential, Danielle described the love/hate relationship she had with the show’s producers.
“The best part [of being on ’16 and Pregnant’] was that it was basically the chance of a lifetime,” Danielle said in the book. “The worst parts were that they controlled my life way too much. It was all about MTV.”
(Photo: Facebook)
9 Responses
he looks like hes been on a week binge im sorry but thats not the face nor body of a “sober” person.. he can batrly stand up so why is he holding that baby?? kids needs to realize when they become parents its not time to use drugs or alcohol.they made the adult choice to have sex and have babies well become adults and parent….. its gross
however the babies are very adorible and its not their fault therer daddy cant get sober for them…. it makes me sick that all these teens can have babies on a whim but couples who can support children in all the ways they need support cant have them
He definitely doesnt look sober…but maybe hes going to a methadone clinic. Which i did, for 9 months a few years ago….for HELP not an easy cheap high. Which sadly, most people do. Owell…congrats to them for reuniting and being sober, from illegal drugs
He looks really really sick, I doubt he is sober. Also, did Sarah Roberts have another kid?
I agree, he does not look sober. If he his sober, there’s something else going on, health wise.
I heard rumors that Sarah Roberts had another kid, but no one is reporting on it.
Well In stainarae ( good name, i guess?) Instagram, you can see a couple of pictures of her holding a newborn baby, and Tinleigh (Sarah Roberts first kid), is definetely in the back, plus the pictures is liked by Sarah Roberts and Emily Mackenzie ( season 2B chick). It’s captionned baby Tessly, (Tinleigh/Tessly, anyone ?). Also there is a couple of photo of the girl with Tinleigh and/or Sarah. And sarah’s friend have been tweeting congradulation for baby T. So I’m fairly sure she had another kid and decided to keep it on the down low
Has anybody ever noticed how far apart their son’s eyes are?
The chance of a lifetime ? God help us and especially Danielle the sick racist broad who use the N word and makes fun of “towel head“(sic) on twitter. But more importantly help her children, who have to grow up with her.