Introducing the newest Teen Mom 2 cast member!
Kail Lowry gave birth to her second child yesterday afternoon, a boy she and her husband Javi Marroquin named Lincoln Marshall, Us Weekly confirms. (And for those that are asking– yes, Kail is required to do these types of interviews per her contract with MTV. She does not get paid for it.)
Anyway, Baby Lincoln weighed in at 8 lbs., 6 ounces and both he and Kail are said to be doing great.
“I am exhausted, but we are so excited and surprised by our new baby boy,” Kail told the magazine. She and Javi did not find out the sex of the baby until Kail gave birth, but she recently tweeted that she was hoping for a boy.
Everything I know about babies is BOY. I have everything I would need. Even the PERFECT boy name picked out. I wouldn’t mind another boy!
— Kailyn Lowry (@KailLowry) November 13, 2013
Kail did not find out the sex of her first baby, Isaac, until his birth. Viewers watched as Isaac made his way into the world during Kail’s episode of 16 and Pregnant in 2010.
While it’s not guaranteed that we will get to watch this baby’s delivery play out on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Kail is still currently filming Season 5 of ‘Teen Mom 2’ so it’s very likely Lincoln’s birth will be featured on the series. (No way is MTV going to miss out on that–it’s ratings gold!)
Congrats to Kail, Javi and Isaac on their newest addition!
UPDATE: InTouch Weekly has obtained the first photo of Kail and Javi’s son! Check it out at right.
(Photos: Facebook, InTouch Weekly)
14 Responses
I wouldn’t say its ratings gold but its still pretty neat.
I thought they were going to go with a spanish name so I am really confused. I think Lincoln Marroquin is not a good choice for both cultural/racial issues and because of they both end in an “n” sound and do not flow well at all.
Aside from the name, good for them. I like that she didn’t find out the gender before hand, it makes the first meeting so much more special!
So… Culturally a half-hispanic half-white baby should have a Spanish name for “cultural/racial issues?” That’s a pretty crazy/ignorant thought there Jennifer R.!
I do like the name, but damn, that comment just rubbed me the wrong way.
No, its perfectly cool with me to name your kid whatever you want to no matter what race. But a name is a lot more important than just how it sounds. Kailyn posted something a while back asking for name advice because she wanted something with both spanish and english significance. Javi is hispanic and has a traditional hispanic name. Lincoln Marshall seems so out of left field.
Lincoln is a great name. It is not so great with Marroquin as a surname.
you must have a lot of free time on your hands, it’s fine name, there are other more pressing issues!
haha this is funny, you took the time to comment that I must have a lot of free time. Likewise, I’m sure.
And my, Isaac is looking so grown up
Isaac is correctly spelt too? Except for the few times mtv f***ed it up lol
It was more of a dig to her co-star that gave birth to babies named like Tessly, Rylynn, Adalynn,Jayleigh, Za’Karia, Aleeah, Aliannah,Kay’den, Gannon, Aniyah,Tinleigh, Aydenn to name the finest.(Some of them are not that bad but still uhm)
For some reason I read your comment as all hail the first correctly spelt one, sorry! I should read things more closely. Christ the made up names annoy me too
Classic, NORMAL, real, not made up name.. Nice job Kailyn!
That name is spelled correctly !! Hallelujah, all hail the correctly spelled one.