The most recent episode of 16 and Pregnant focused on Millina Kacmar, a Michigan girl who dropped out of high school to get her “rave on.” However, the partying stopped once she got pregnant by her boyfriend, Trevor. Millina’s episode dealt with a lot of heavy issues. In addition to being 16 and pregnant, Millina had little support from the adults in her life: her own mother was in jail during her pregnancy, her father was unstable and flaky and Trevor’s mother, Tina, suffers from a medical condition that causes her to have unexpected seizures.
Anyway, after the episode aired, viewers questioned some of the decisions that Millina made. To help the show’s fans understand why she did the things that she did, she took to her YouTube channel, uploading a video in which she answered viewers’ frequently asked questions.
The Ashley spoke with Millina to get an update on her life since the episode taped. Her mother is now clean, in rehab and recently met baby Kayden for the first time.
Millina said her life has also changed a great deal since the cameras left.
“Me and Trevor broke up but we’re working on things,” she told The Ashley, adding that she is pleased that she did the show.
“It was a wonderful experience, it definitely brought my grandma and I closer,” she said. “I don’t regret doing it. I am getting a lot of messages [from] people who I helped.”
Below, The Ashley breaks down what Millina talks about in the video (for those of you who can’t watch it because, you know, you’re supposed to be working instead of reading this stuff!)
Why did Millina tell Trevor’s mom she couldn’t be around Kayden?
“I was not telling her she could not be around Kayden,” Millina says in the video. “I was telling her that she was not allowed to babysit Kayden alone. If somebody was there supervising it, I had absolutely no problem with it. But she was in the hospital once a week when I was pregnant, so I didn’t want to risk anything happening to Kayden…I also told her after Kayden was born that she was more than welcome to come over to my house and she refused.”
What’s going to happen to Millina’s mom?
“She had the opportunity to get out [of rehab] on May 14 but she decided that no, she wanted to stay and finish the program so she will be coming out on June 23,” Millina said.
She added that her mom isn’t the drug-addicted junkie that was shown in the episode.
“My mom hasn’t always done drugs,” Millina said. “She hasn’t always been the way that people are making her out to be. She actually was a really good mom. She got involved in an abusive relationship and that’s actually when her drug use started. But she’s taking precautions to not mess up again.”
Are Millina and Tina getting along better now?
Unfortunately, there is still a rift between Millina and Trevor’s mother.
“Me and Tina are currently fighting right now,” Millina said. “She feels that I was the one that made her look bad on the show.”
Why did she sign up for ’16 and Pregnant’?
“I wanted to show girls how hard it was,” she said. “I wanted to make a difference. Even if I made a difference in one girl’s life, I still helped. ”
Stay tuned for The Ashley’s recap of Millina’s episode, coming tomorrow!
(To read Maddy Godsey‘s answers to frequently asked questions about her episode of ’16 and Pregnant,’ click here!)
(Photo: MTV)
6 Responses
Millina was smart to get out of that madhouse. Trevor’s mom sounds a-lot like my ex’s mother. Manipulative, controlling and demented. Girl you dodged a bullet leaving Trevor and moving on. Mamas boys are poison. Deff keep boundaries with him and his family. Hope things are better with your mom.
I just watched your episode and I am going through similar things with family and I think you are doing an amazing job handling things, I found that reading some info on narcissistic mother in laws helped me a bit to manage to at least be in the same room as mine so you might find it helpful too
I hope everything works out well for you and your precious baby boy 🙂
Keep him away from that crazy bitch tina. I would not leave me child with her lol. She was trying to make that young mother hate her own mom. Then made her son who is that sweet babys daddy stay away fron him because tina the cunt was not getting her way. I know its been a year but I just went though all of that! My lil girls sperm doners mom is just as baf and she has not seen them in 7 months. Keep doing what your doing girl. I take care of my daughter by myself. Any mother can do it. All we need is our babies 🙂
“Kit” appears to be commenting the same thing on all these websites, and seems like she might be Tina. All I can say is Tina shrieking at the top of her lungs that no one in the world would worry about leaving their baby with her, isn’t convincing anyone of anything except that she is unstable. I sure wouldn’t leave my child with someone whose seizure disorder is as out of control as hers. Why can’t Tina be nice, she will regret it, no matter what she thinks of Millina, Millina is mom and she’s a good one, Tina can keep trying to strong arm her way past her, I doubt she can.
Millina is an idiot. Tina and Trevor were the only sane ones on that entire episode. I don’t blame Tina for snapping one bit because of Millina’s completely selfish decisions. Millina is the only one causing trouble for herself and everyone around her.
Oh please Tina, you made yourself look bad. No one forced you to flip out screaming at her, and no one forced you to play petty games after Kaydens birth.. and no one forced you to basically emotionally blackmail your son to stay away from his son