Let’s just say that it’s been a stressful few months for the Messer family.
Yesterday, Jeremy Calvert, the husband of Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer-Calvert dropped a bombshell on his wife, blasting her on Twitter after claiming to have caught her cheating with her old flame, Robbie Kidd. Leah’s sister Victoria Messer and mother Dawn Spears were quick to jump to Leah’s defense and attack Jeremy. (Of course they ended up just making things worse. Click here to read the entire story! It’s juicy!)
While creeping around the Messer family’s social media accounts, The Ashley discovered that Leah’s brother, Isaac Messer, who is currently a senior in high school, is apparently about to become a teenage dad!
Isaac, who is the youngest child of Dawn, is following in his sister Leah’s footsteps and has allegedly gotten his high school girlfriend, Maddy, pregnant!
Isaac clearly didn’t visit itsyoursexlife.org, as his older sister’s TV show constantly suggests he and other teens do. His girlfriend, who he’s been with since about December of last year, is currently around 29 weeks pregnant with a baby girl that they plan to name Baily.
Isaac is rumored to be actually living with Robbie Kidd, the man his sister allegedly cheated on her husband with, making this even more scandalous! Neither Isaac nor Robbie have mentioned the cheating scandal on their social media accounts.
Maddy, the pregnant girlfriend, has been documenting her pregnancy on her Twitter account, posting photos of her growing baby bump and excitedly talking to Isaac about their baby and its birth. On Saturday, she posted a tweet with a link to her Instagram account, where there was a photo of her baby belly.
Isaac will have to “work” hard if he wants to have as many children and marriages as his oldest sister. Leah ,currently 22, is the mother of three children and is about to get her second divorce.
(Photo: Facebook, Twitter)
32 Responses
You call this news The Ashley…? I’ve known this for months, just by following Isaac and his girlfriend on Instagram…
Honestly there is NOTHiNG wrong wit being a teen mom or having 3 kids at 22. No one has any room to judge Leah or their family cuz y’all haven’t walked in their shoes so stop judging people!! I love leah and her family!! she doesn’t deserve her kids taken or anything else!! Jeremy n Leah will work stuff out hopefully just bc u cheat once don’t mean you will always do it or ever do it again!! You can not believe everything you hear and that’s a proven fact!!
“NOTHING wrong” with having 3 kids at 22?? Hello – she doesn’t have a job or a higher education to get a job that pays enough to support 3 kids by 2 ‘baby daddies’. So, she’ll end up supporting 3 children based solely on child support from said baby daddies?? Sure, I guess there is “NOTHING wrong” with that. On top of that, she hasn’t even learned how to keep her pants on.
Sheesh – how many kids do you have? How many baby daddies? How old are you? How do you support your children? If you have no children then you have no basis to determine how “wrong” her situation is.
If they want to be on a teen mom show it should be for NO pay. They should have to struggle and be in the same shoes as the real teens that aren’t paid…aren’t getting child support. they drive nicer vehicles then most teen mom’s because they were paid. I had my first at 19. I have been married to the same man for 23 years and counting , dont pay them to be teen moms.
I think they are like any other family. They have issues and they have stress, regret, differences, good and bad days. Most American families have these things and not a one of us is perfect so who the he’ll are we to judge what is going on with the Messer and Calvert families. Things will work out for good or bad but let’s let the good Lord do the judging people.
No not like every other family! Where do you live? You live in a sick reality.
Child Services needs to be called. Leah sneaking men and drugs into her home with 3 little girls!!!
Are you the chick at Teenmomjunkies who is obsessed with Child Services taking away Leah’s girlses, “especially the sick girl” because Leah cheated on her two husbands? I don’t think she’s a great mother by any means, but believe me there are FAR WORSE situations out there where Child Services is needed. In this case, it seems Goggles and Non-Goggles would be readily taken in by Corey and Miranda, and Adderall can go to Jurrmy’s Mom, or all of them can go to Momma Dawn’s. There is plenty of help and support available to those “3 little girls” without Child Services getting involved, thankfully.
Victoria deserves a prize!
Holy Hillbilly Hollers, what is up with these people? Do they just EXPECT their kids to start reproducing at 16? Get a grip & get birth control! Stop draining the system with all these babies you can’t support!
Hey I think that is not cool being a teen mom but it is fun but it hard if u have school still because u can’t work on school work because your baby is crying so go to it’s your sex life.com it helps lots. If u don’t believe ask a teen mom off of teen mom 2 and 16 and Pregnant. Hope you guys reads this because it important.
Oh lord Lexi, stay in school..you really need it.
Haha! My thoughts exactly!
I don’t think I have seen one episode where Mama Dawn looks ‘stressed’. By now my momma would have sat us down and told us to GYST.
Mamma Dawn must be so proud!
She had all 3 of her children before she was 21.
I’m seeing a honey boo boo like spinoff in the near future. Custody battles, coupon clipping, bad hair and Mama Dawn
LOL I was thinking the same thing!
Come on, REALY, What a slut.Why did you even cheat on him when you said you love him and why cheat on him with the same person ( not cool dude why fucken cheat anyways) what a slut you are Lea.Why do follow your slut of a sister anyways (did you ever seen how fuck up her life is) do you ever thing.Why fuck your life up and your Girlfriends, like come on REALY, and why do you want everyone to know your hole life, and the problem you have.Not the way to go.
Omg! Hey Messer Family,ever heard of BIRTH CONTROL!!!! smh
This whole family has way too many issues to even comprehend.