Fans following the official Facebook fan page for 16 and Pregnant Season 5 star Jordan Cashmyer got a surprise this morning when they logged on to see photos of the reality TV mom dancing around a stripper pole in her underwear, and grinding on customers of the Chez Joey strip club in Baltimore. The photos, posted by her baby’s father, Derek Taylor, were also accompanied by what Derek says is the truth about Jordan’s mothering skills—or lack thereof.
“For those of yu who have no idea how Jordan spends her days and nights allow me to show yu…. This is the reality of it,” Derek wrote. “She doesn’t help with her child at all so anything yu see her say regarding [our daughter] Genevieve is more than likely a lie.”
Derek went on to reveal how little Jordan allegedly sees her daughter.
“She hasn’t seen Genevieve in over a month and I’d say about a total of 2 hours in the last 3-4 months and that’s being generous,” Derek wrote.
Followers of the fan page, which is run by several admins, Jordan and Derek, were quick to accuse Derek of lying about Jordan. However, Jordan’s own father, Dennis, stepped in (via comments) to confirm what Derek posted was, indeed, true.
“I am Jordan’s father I am so sad for my daughter and her choices,” Dennis wrote. “But the facts are my wife and I raise Evie 90% of the time the other time she is with her father. My wife and I 100% support Evie financially and have since July. We are trying to protect Evie and our other kids from all of this media s**t storm Jordan created. We are doing what is best for Evie on a daily basis.”
Needless to say, Jordan, who had previously said that she worked at the club but did not dance, was not happy about the post. She posted “Yall are so f**king ridiculous” to her Twitter account a few hours after the photos went up on Facebook. The fan page has been temporarily taken down for the time being.

Last month, Jordan spent time in a treatment institution after she attempted to kill herself via a drug overdose. Although she seemed to be making progress after she was released, it appears that she is now back to her old ways of stripping and allegedly using drugs and alcohol, according to a source close to the situation. She reportedly goes by the name “Raquellle” while working at ‘da club.’
In fact, sources tell The Ashley that Jordan’s father and his wife are preparing to get the paperwork together to allow them to take custody of Evie. (Derek is still involved in the baby’s life and would likely also have rights.) The source said that Jordan is not bothered by this situation; in fact she has said that she is willing to sign away her rights to her daughter.
The whole story is sad—the fact that Jordan has allegedly not seen her kid, the fact that this is all playing out on a Facebook fan page and, of course, the fact that girls that were on one episode of ’16 and Pregnant’ have Facebook fan pages with thousands of fans following them.
We may get to see some of this battle play out on our televisions! Jordan is one of the Season 5 girls that filmed an update segment for the upcoming “Where Are They Now?” show, so some of these issues may be addressed.
The Ashley will update this story when there is more news.
(Photos: Facebook)
23 Responses
As a parent and a teen parent to boot I could NEVER see not having my child in my arms. I’m sorry I worked 2 jobs and went to night school to get my degree so I could provide for my son. You do NOT have to turn to stripping and more so the money you make should go to her child and she isn’t giving SHIT to that child so pity party all she wants some of us HATE that people like her give single moms a BAD NAME!
I’m really praying for this girl…I can’t imagine how it is to not be able to see a baby U carried for 9 months & delivered…I believe the baby’s father is an a**hole! My heart goes out to her…
Just because she had a baby doesn’t mean she does not need her own parents love and understanding, especially since she has a history of depression. Shame on her father for being such a jerk and taking to social media to slam her. I am rooting for Jordan to get her life back together by going to the doctor and getting treatment. Please look at residential treatment facilities. Don’t give up!
Some women don’t want to be mothers. It’s sad they don’t figure it out till they have children but it’s great that someone is stepping up.
Jordan obviously has some problems and I hope she will clean up her life and be a better mother.
Dose Derek spend as much time with Genevieve as he can ? When he’s not at school
As far as I know, he does. He posts pictures of her all the time, and even said that he’s taken her to school with him a few times when he couldn’t find a sitter. I didn’t really like him on 16&P, but it seems like he has stepped up to the plate and is trying to be a good dad.
OK here’s a prime example of why people need to mind their own OK so she chose to not be a parent so why bash her who cares? her father is stepping up and the child’s father is obviously too young minded that he had to sit there and bash the mother of his child and risk his freedom over harrasing and technically cyber harassment to her by posting such pics its sad but not all us teen parents are perfect but how is this so bad if there are mothers out in this world that strip for money not all of them are whores and not all of them are drug addicts some are doing it for fast cash in order to support their families married woman strip too what’s the huge deal shows how us Americans have no life but to judge another’s she’s young and she was pregnant young so yes she is still a child herself if her parents raised their granddaughter 90% of the time why care what a neglectful mother does Genevieve is in great hands but before u judge the parent look at who raised her to be this kind of mother not everything will be told in media
*Facepalm*. I literally have zero idea what this post means. Stay in school, kids! Punctuation is good for you.
1. She posted these pictures up herself on twitter. She has her own page dedicated to herself as a stripper.
2. I agree that you will do what needs to done in order to support your child. SHE ISN’T DOING THAT! Derek posted pictures showing texts of him asking for money for formula.
3. You are reading this article, right? You chose to post, right? That isn’t minding your own business.
4. Why care if a child’s mother that is neglectful? Oh, she has her grandparents. Whatever. That is harmful to grow up believing your mother did not want you. That is HER child! This whole young and stupid shit means absolutely nothing. More like selfish and immature. You put your children’s life before your own.
5. She was on TV. She allowed her life to be broadcast. After 6 seasons, I would imagine these girls would realize that they will be followed and reported on for a while. Even the people who try and say “Oh mind your own business.” Especially if they screw up as majorly as this!
the child is being care for properly, that’s what is important, time to move on!
“so she chose to not be a parent so why bash her who cares?”
Because that’s kind of what you’re supposed to do when you have a child.
Oh Hi Jordan!
Was this a joke? She chose not to be a parent so why bash her? Ahhh duh id you didn’t want to parent she should have taken preventitive measures to avoid pregnancy. Also I agree that people need to do what they need to do to support their families and if that means dancing so be it. But there are way classier ways you can conduct yourself. Post I dirty selfies and abusing drugs just shows how messed up really is
Hi Jordan! Don’t you have a stripper pole to jump on or something to snort up your nose?
I don’t understand how she can be happy to not see her daughter. I adopted two guinea pigs this summer and I cried the first time I had to leave them because I felt neglectful even though I was only going to go visit a friend for the weekend and my flatmate was looking after them.
Some people just aren’t meant to be parents and don’t feel any kind of bond with their children. It’s very sad but it’s reality.
My heart cries for little Evie.
to quote Nathan: “it’s about me having fucking class”