Jordan Ward remains one of the most-popular girls ever to star on 16 and Pregnant. Her episode, which kicked off the show’s third season back in 2011, garnered some of the show’s highest ratings to date (2.39 million viewers, compared to the season’s average viewership of 1.9 million). There has not been an episode of ’16 and Pregnant’ since that has done as well as Jordan’s. She also has a staggering amount of Twitter followers– over 58,000!
Because of this, fans are always curious as to what’s become of Jordan since her episode aired. She married her baby’s father, Brian Finder, and together they had another baby.
Recently rumors have been flying that Jordan and Brian are getting divorced. After Jordan revealed that she was moving from Texas back to her hometown in Missouri, fans assumed that Jordan and Brian’s four-and-a-half-year marriage was over. To find out the truth, The Ashley contacted Jordan’s twin sister, Jessica, who was happy to set the record straight on the state of her sister’s marriage.
“It’s not true,” Jessica told The Ashley of the divorce rumors. “Jordan and Brian are still together.”
Jessica, who recently got married and is expected her first child, admitted that Jordan and Brian have had struggles in their relationship.
“They are still happily in love,” he said. “It’s marriage. They have problems but work through them!”
Brian joined the Air Force shortly after Jordan’s ’16 and Pregnant’ episode was filmed, which resulted in the family moving from Missouri to Texas. Jessica said that it was always in the couple’s plan to eventually move home again.

“They have always talked about buying a house in [Missouri] to be closer to Brian’s family and me,” she said. “Jordan specially wanted to be here now that I’m pregnant.”
The twins are thrilled to once again be living in the same state.
While Brian and Jordan’s marriage is still intact, the same can’t be said for most of the couples from ’16 and Pregnant’ who ended up getting married. Nearly all of the marriages that got their start on the show have ended in divorce. Currently only five ’16 and Pregnant’ marriages are still intact. In addition to Brian and Jordan, Season 4′s Mackenzie and Josh McKee are still together (although they are having trouble in their marriage), as are Season 4′s Myranda and Eric Kennemer, Season 5′s Karley and Tony Shipley (who split last year but got back together), and Season 5′s Summer and DJ Rewis (who also split but have since reconciled).
7 Responses
Sorry Jenna, thumb down by accident. I agree with you.
The sister was an interfering overbearing spoiled bitch
hey I’m pregnant to I’m 17 now
Brooke and Cody are still married, aren’t they?
They may not be married but Caitlynn and Tyler are still together as well, can’t leave them out!
So glad this isn’t true! Brian seemed like such a great father and partner. They made such a beautiful family. Wishing them the best!!
Glad that isn’t true. I thought they were a cute couple so I’m happy they’re still together. Brian was also one of the few baby daddies on this show that I really liked.