Corey Simms Confronts Leah Calvert About Her Alleged Drug Problem in New ‘Teen Mom 2’ Sneak Peek

"I ain't doin' drugs!"
“I ain’t doin’ drugs!”

A sneak peek of the upcoming sixth season of Teen Mom 2 (directly addressed Leah Calvert’s (alleged) drug problem.

In the clip (which starts at about the 28:20 mark of the recent “Catch Up Special), Corey and Miranda Simms confront Leah about her alleged drug habit. Leah appears to have called the meeting, telling her ex and his wife that she wants to work on herself and will need extra help caring for her and Corey’s twin daughters, Ali and Aleeah.

Leah says that she has to go “do this therapy” at “a facility or something,” although she doesn’t mention that the facility is a rehabilitation center.

Corey asks her if she’s going to a rehab, but Leah denies it.

“It’s nothing, like, bad,” Leah explains. “I’m going to be able to be a better mom.”

Miranda, who had stayed silent during the conversation, finally speaks up, asking Leah if she’s admitting that she hasn’t been the best mom recently.

“I’m not going to say I was a bad mom,” Leah says. “I deal with more than you guys see. You guys don’t understand what I deal with at home.”

Corey takes the opportunity to straight-out ask Leah is she takes drugs to deal with her problems.

“We understand what you deal with,” he tells Leah. “What we don’t understand is, is there something that you take to deal with your problems? Can you look me and Miranda in the eyes and tell us there’s no drug problem?”

Leah denies having a drug problem, but Corey’s not buying it.

"I ain't stupid, Leah Dawn..."
“I ain’t stupid, Leah Dawn…”

“I think I know there’s a drug problem, but I think you’re afraid to tell me,” he tells her. “The first step is admitting that you have a problem, rather than beating around the bush about a problem you’re making up so that you can avoid your real problem.”

This, of course, angers Leah, causing her to yell, “Shame on you!” (She doesn’t call him “Corey Tyler,” unfortunately. That would have been an extra little slice of heaven for us. )

When Leah starts to get sassy with him, Corey tells her, “How about starting to be a mom? How about that?”

The Ashley broke the news that MTV basically forced Leah to seek treatment for her (alleged) drug problem, using portions of her show contract (particularly those dealing with payment) as a way of getting her to go. She was originally supposed to go to a treatment center in early May, and even made it as far as the airport to go, but refused to get on the plane. She eventually did go, and was recently released.

The new season of ‘Teen Mom 2’ premieres on July 9. Click here and here to watch other trailers and sneak peek clips.

(Photo: MTV)


17 Responses

  1. Thank goodness Corey and Miranda seem like good people. I still wish Leah the best. Addiction is terrible, and I hope she gets to a healthy place.

  2. I hope I end up with a guy as good as Corey. Leah is the biggest dumb ass for cheating on him. I’m glad he has Miranda though. She seems like a really good person and step mom to those girls.

  3. They’ve stayed silent and accepted looking bad so many times, I was so glad to finally see this clip! It doesn’t appear she’s going to get any better with this round of help though, which is just sad for her girlses and the people that can provide stability (but will never get the chance) during her denial phase.

    1. Agreed. She talked all kinds of crap last season when they tried to get more custody. They were nice enough to say it’s just that they wanted more time instead of calling out her drug problem. Enough is enough.

    2. Corey and Miranda are a class act and are good parents. Corey’s dad is amazing too. Those girls need to stay with them until Leah gets her s*it together.

  4. I love Leah.. she had twins and her ex was a jurk to her. What do you Dose he what from her. She ask him al the time for help with the hirls. And she went though all that stuff with the her daughter r hat he was in Denial…. then she got with the other guy and he was not always nice to her. THEY SHE Was A Mother Of 3 Little GIRLS AND BOTH Man We’re Being juek.i Fell Sorry For Her. I wish I was there to help her so she would not be in this part of her live… she is a sweet caring mother.. lv ya leah….. I hope all is well for you….

      1. I just got a sudden urge to start a Twitter account and tweet all of the ridiculous things they say and the ridiculous ways they say them. #thegirlses

    1. Awww guys, no reason to make fun of other people’s English. There are other countries than the US in the world, you know, where they don’t speak English?? At least I hope English is this person’s second language lol. Or she could be from WV 😀
      As for the content, go ahead and pick on that! It was utter nonsense! Sarah, please tell us, what terrible things did Corey do to Leah exactly? I’m curious.

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