Mackenzie McKee may be the latest Teen Mom franchise star to venture into the adult industry, but it appears that she wasn’t Vivid’s first (or only) choice to be the next ‘Teen Mom’ sex tape star.
Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans says representatives from the company approached her two weeks ago and offered her the chance to be the next ‘Teen Mom’ p0rn star.
“They contacted my lawyer and wanted to offer me $1.5 million [to do a sex tape],” Jenelle told The Ashley exclusively.
Farrah Abraham‘s p0rno with Vivid was a huge success, and the company seems to be hoping that another ‘Teen Mom’ sex tape will deliver similar results. Mackenzie has apparently signed on the dotted line to be the company’s next adult movie star, something Jenelle says she had no interest in doing.
“I told my lawyer to respond for me and say, ‘No thank you, not interested but flattered,'” she said.
Jenelle told The Ashley that the fame and money that would come from doing an adult movie aren’t worth it.
“My future and reputation is more important than gaining a quick buck,” she said. “And it’s against my morals as a person. That’s just so disrespectful to yourself.”
Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, is no doubt relieved that her daughter didn’t take the offer. Of course, that means we may never get to hear Babs utter the phrase, “Well Juh-nelle, I seen ya in the p0rno flick!”
While some fans may think Jenelle is fibbing about this, The Ashley can confirm that at least one other ‘Teen Mom’ franchise star was approached with a similar offer. (She does not know which adult film company was involved, however.) Also, Amber Portwood claims that, before she went to prison, she was approached by an adult entertainment company to film a naughty movie. (Her brother Shawn confirmed this in 2013.) She, too, turned the offer down.
Obviously, Mackenzie’s tape may have already been in the works by the time Jenelle was approached, as it is not yet known when Mackenzie’s tape was filmed.
UPDATE: Vivid has confirmed that it did make a sex tape offer to Jenelle. Click here to read what the company said.
To read what celebrity sex tape expert Kevin Blatt told The Ashley about what’s likely happening with Mackenzie’s tape, click here!
29 Responses
Am I the only one who sees a problem with this Mackenzie girl doing this? Its sad! She has 2 children. Geez I guessmoney will make a person do anything.
Am I the only who finds it hard to believe that there isn’t a tape of her already out there?
I love porn, all kinds but I would not watch a porno with Amber or Janelle..eww!
This isn’t true at all. Farrah didn’t even get million for hers.
Yes she did…
Hmmmm. I don’t buy it. She may have turned it down now but eventually when the Teen Mom money runs out she will be dying for some more attention. Also she really has no room to throw shade at anyone over their life choices, her 15 mug shots make any argument she has invalid when it comes to being a respectable, level headed, mature adult.
Isn’t she trying to make a quick buck by all the promoting of diff crappy products on her Instagram?
Since when does Jenelle have morals?
I can’t stand Jenelle, she’s a mess, but at least she doesn’t seem to think that she can become a legit Hollywood star and doesn’t do the shameless famewhoring that Farrah and now Mackenzie indulge in. Thank God, could you imagine seeing more Jenelle everywhere?
I don’t know how much I believe of this (the flunked STD test sounds way more realistic), but either way. It makes me really mad how Vivid is preying on these young women at their most vulnerable times. This article just proves that they are going for the easy targets! Believe me, I am not a fan of the girls involved, but this just goes against basic human morals/kindness. Farrah getting approached in the midst of her psychosis/mania. Amber during the worst of her drug addiction. Mack while her marriage is falling apart and she’s kinda dim anyway (her mom probably shouldn’t let her sign a cell phone contract by herself, forget the p0rn). Jenelle… well I guess she’s not on heroin anymore, but look at the recent arrests — clearly she still can’t be trusted to make decent decisions for herself. As a woman, this whole thing is just pissing me off, UGH!
preach!!! all of what you said- exactly!! disgusting and so morally wrong of the companies offering money to these girls at the lowest points in their lives!! if a woman makes the decision to do adult films on her own that’s fine, but in no way should it offered to someone who is mentally ill (Farrah) or on drugs (amber- was on drugs at the time) just awful..
Um….Jenelle….you ditched your kid, got arrested, became a heroin addict, stole your mom’s credit cards, abused your dogs, got knocked up by a dude after you just had an abortion from another dude that knocked you up…. I can keep going but I’d be typing all day. Anyways, I think it’s safe to say your reputation is already ruined. Doing a porno would not surprise anyone but congrats on making the first good decision since you had Jace.
Wow Jenelle that’s the wright decision you made.Money isn’t anything there’s more in life.
hey theashley- how would jenelle be legally allowed to do this? isnt she still under mtv contract?
ill wait to believe it when vivid confirms. jenelle is a pathological liar
Farrah was still under MTV’s contract too. So was Amber.
Jenelle couldn’t pass the Talent Test- STD testing. The company tests for HIV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Performers can opt to test for Syphilis, and Hep B and C. Performers can have Herpes and still work.
Jenelle failed one of those tests.
That’s interesting. chlamydia is supposedly treatable and herpes isn’t
Which we all know is the only reason she didn’t do this. Against her morals, puhleaze!
I eliminated the quicky “treatable” ones- clap, syph & gonorrhea; I don’t think its HIV, so that leaves the Heps.
She DID do intravenous drugs, has tattoos, has loose sex – all make Hep B and C transmission easier.
Its a theory.
The Talent Testing website has a whole section on Herpes, and it being so common in porn, apparently, and is so easily spread. Condoms don’t protect from Herpes.
Jenelle would need to use a condom, basically.
For some reason I imagined Babs saying it in a way that was like “Ya done good work, kid”.
i find this VERY hard to believe. there is no way she would turn down that money
I did at first too but than I remembered she thinks she has a bright career ahead of her with all those fancy certificates she’s about to receive lol I’m sure this offer will cross her mind when she’s working 40hrs a week getting paid barely above minimum wage.