Look out ladies– Butch Baltierra is a free man!
Butch, who is the habitually imprisoned father of Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra, has been locked up in Michigan for the past few years, but according to Tyler, is about to be paroled.
In the caption of an Instagram photo posted today, Tyler let his fans know that his dad, who had been locked up due to violating his parole a few years back, would be released today. He expressed his joy that Butch would be able to attend his wedding to Catelynn Lowell, which will take place later this month.
“At the parole office waiting for my pops to get out,” Tyler wrote. “It’s been 4 years since I have seen him & words can’t describe how happy I am that he will make it to my wedding! He has missed way too many important days of my life…I’m happy to say that my wedding will NOT be one of those days!#ButchIsFree #PopsIsOut #HappySon”
Butch, whose real name is Darl Baltierra, is now 53 years old. He was once married to Catelynn’s mother, April. After Butch and April got into an altercation (she reported that Butch beat her up while he was high on drugs) Butch was arrested and sent back to prison, where he’s remained ever since. April later divorced Butch and is now married to another man.
Butch was not featured on the most recent season of ‘Teen Mom OG.’
The Ashley’s 2013 book, Teen Mom Confidential, features an entire chapter on Butch, as well as a full interview done with Butch while he was behind bars. It explains Butch’s horrific childhood, his relationship with Tyler’s mother, Kim, and his spiral into addiction. In the interview, he said that he was high and drunk the whole time he was filming the previous seasons of ‘Teen Mom’ with his son.

“I was drinkin’ and doin’ crack the whole time of the filming,” he said. “Nobody really knew. Well, I’m sure they knew, but…99% of the time I had beer in me. Or marijuana. That is what I did. I was an alcoholic drug addict.”
In the book, Butch also explained how his appearing on ‘Teen Mom’ has made him quite the prison celebrity.
“I’m like a big star in here!” he said of Macomb Correctional Facility. “I’m very well-known.”
Tyler and Catelynn have reportedly never been to visit Butch while he was locked up, and Butch has yet to meet his infant granddaughter, Nova.
The Ashley will keep you posted on the latest Butch news! Now that he has been sprung from the clink, we may get to see him on ‘Teen Mom OG,’ since the cast is currently filming the next season!
To read The Ashley’s book (and the entire Butch interview), click the Amazon link below!
(Photo: MDOC, MTV)
8 Responses
The Ashley – You need to check out Tyler’s instagram – there\s a video of butch using a self scanner.
I hope he is making something on his life now he’s 53 years old and have a whole life in front of him.Drugs are destroying people,i hope he can stays far away from the drugs and the alcohol.
It cracked me up every time he would do a hairflip with his mullet. I hope he didn’t cut it! lol
I’m curious about April’s current husband. Hopefully she’s making better decisions now that she’s sober.
I’m also enjoying a mental image of April and Kim having a standing coffee date to discuss the many ways Butch was terrible.
Watch out farrah! Butch is comin for ya! 😉
Time for that porn career!!!!!
She only wishes…