It’s been a big week for Chelsea Houska! The Teen Mom 2 star recently announced that her boyfriend, Cole DeBoer, had proposed to her and she had accepted. (Click here to read all about the adorable proposal and see photos of Chelsea’s ring!)
Today, Chelsea took to the official ‘Teen Mom 2’ Facebook page to do a Q & A session with her fans. Many of the show’s fans simply sent their best wishes to Chelsea, Cole and Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree, but others asked questions about Chelsea’s upcoming wedding and other things we are dying to know!
Back in September, Chelsea did another Facebook Q & A session, revealing her hopes that she would one day marry Cole. A lot has changed in her life since that session, obviously, so she decided to do another one to give her fans an update.
While many fans seemed eager to find out when Chelsea would have another child (she is currently the only ‘Teen Mom 2’ star who hasn’t had a second baby), Chelsea made it clear that a pregnancy is not in her short-term plans.
“I would love to have more kids…someday,” she wrote.
Here’s what else Chelsea revealed during the Q & A session:
On what kind of wedding she wants to have:
Although the happy couple hasn’t set a date yet, they seem to have an idea of what kind of wedding they want.
“I don’t want anything too big,” Chelsea wrote. “We both love fall so we were thinking sometime around then.”
On her engagement:
“I’m glad I waited for someone so great and didn’t settle before!” Chelsea told a fan, obviously shruddering at the thought that she could have been Mrs. Adam Lind.
Chelsea also told fans that Aubree gave her stamp of approval on Cole’s proposal.
“She was so excited,” Chelsea wrote. “And she told Cole he did a good job!”
On Cole:
‘Teen Mom 2’ fans watched Chelsea tell her friend (Other) Chelsey that she was going to marry Cole, even though at the time she had only just met him. Chelsea said it was love at first sight.
“It’s crazy!” she wrote. “I knew from the first time I saw him! Definitely know it’s the real deal.”
She added that while Cole loves being with her and Aubree, he’s still not keen on having MTV cameras follow him around.
“He’s still shy when it comes to filming and I respect the fact that it’s not really his thing,” she told a fan.

On What Aubree Calls Cole:
During an episode of ‘Teen Mom 2’ last season, Chelsea claimed that Aubree wanted to call Cole “Daddy.” In the Facebook Q & A session, she confirmed that Aubree calls her future stepdad that.
“[Aubree calls him] Coley or Coley Daddy,” Chelsea wrote.
It’s worth noting that Aubrey’s father, Adam Lind, recently addressed this topic in a comment on his Instagram account.
“BTW everyone, Aubree does NOT call Cole dad,” Adam wrote last week. “Nor she’s even wanted to. I asked Aubree about it cuz she seemed confused…So I helped my six-year-old from being corrupted thinking another man will step in and take my place. Aubree is smart and she knew right away who her real daddy is. Chelsea only asked Aubree that for drama of the stupid worthless TV show y’all are glued to.”
On Her Future Plans:
Chelsea stated that her life with Cole will probably include many more animals! She currently already has two dogs and a pig. (As you do).
“I would LOVE to live on a little farm one day and have goats and chickens.”
(Photos: Instagram, MTV)
17 Responses
Adam is so mad that Chelsea upgraded times 40917489713401890830 with Cole and is finally happy. Plus he’s pissed that Cole is more of a dad to his own kid than he is. Anyone can be a father….it takes someone special to be a dad.
if Aubree did tell Adumb that she doesn’t call Cole dad, it’s probably cause she’s too scared to tell him. And I realized that everything that happens in Chelseas life, Adumb always has to make it sound like she’s selfish, rude, disrespectful, etc. Adumb, just face it… YOU’RE the ugly, rude, selfish one.
It’s been that way since 16 and Pregnant. When Randy convinced Chelsea to go to homecoming, which she already felt guilty about, Adam, who was nowhere to be seen for like a month, found out about it, and called her a horrible mother for it, which led to the infamous ‘sign over the papers for that mistake’ conversation.
Ugh, I remember that scene! He was such an abusive a**hole.
The happiest and most relieved person in all this has to be Randy. He is wiping the sweat off his brow, going “Whew! That was a close one.” Congratulations!
Why is it that dads piss off for most of the child’s life, then get mad when the kid starts calling someone else Daddy?! Adam only has himself to blame for that one.
Exactly! Adumb, will never get it!
it was funny when everyone THOUGHT Adam was actually changing into a good guy when he was asked at the reunion show what he thought about Aubree calling Cole dad; “he is a good guy why would I take that away from her”
haha looks like the nice guy routine fades fast
I thought the same thing!
Seriously! One day Aubree will know that her oh so loving father called her a mistake. He’s such a piece of crap
Every time I see Adam pretending to be this great dad, I always think back to when he told Chelsea to tell him when and where to sign the papers over for that mistake. I always wonder how Aubree is going to feel when she sees that, because it’s inevitable, and how Adam is even going to respond. What’s he gonna say? “I was young”. He can pretend to be father of the year all he wants….I dunno if anything would ever make up for him saying that about his kid. If my dad said that about me I would always harbor some sort of resentment towards him.
I second that! Poor Aubree.
So happy for her!