‘Teen Mom OG’ Cast Films Season 5B Reunion in LA: See Photos & Get Behind-the-Scenes Details!

The gang (was) all here!
The gang (was) all here!

The entire cast of Teen Mom OG took Los Angeles by storm this weekend! The moms, their current and former beaus, kids and other assorted family members who were mooching a free trip, all headed to California to film the Season 5B reunion special.

This reunion marked the first time that Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood and Maci Bookout were face-to-face with Farrah Abraham since their epic online feud (which will be now be known as “SnapchatGate”) last month. While the reunions are usually a time for the girls to catfight, this particular reunion taping was different, according to The Ashley‘s on-set source.

“Farrah was pretty mellow behind the scenes,” the source tells The Ashley. “She actually was talking to Gary Shirley [whom she has feuded with in the past] and his wife Kristina. They were getting along well. Farrah and Amber were hanging out too. They used to hate each other but at this point Amber just doesn’t care what Farrah does. She just wants to avoid drama.”

This reunion was the first for several cast members, including Gary and Kristina’s baby daughter Emilee (who, like all of the show’s kids, got a whole bunch of toys and treats from MTV). It was also the first time Kristina went on-set. Unfortunately, Tyler Baltierra‘s father, Butch, was not able to attend the festivities, due to his being unable to leave the state for legal reasons. Fingers crossed that Butch was Skyped in to give his thoughts on the season, though!

According to one audience member, who spoke with Real Mr. Housewife, Farrah’s segment was full of drama, and revolved around her infamous sex tape.

“It was a big topic,” the audience member told the site. “In one segment Dr. Drew specifically asked Michael [Abraham], ‘One parent to another how do you cope with your daughter’s involvement in the adult industry?”

“Michael… was hesitant and almost brought to tears as he discussed the way people continue to take shots at his daughter and family,” the source stated. “This includes people on social media, Farrah’s ‘Teen Mom: OG’ costars and MTV personnel.”

Obviously, the big news out of the ‘Teen Mom’ trip to Los Angeles was that Maci’s longtime boyfriend, Taylor McKinney, proposed to her on Venice Beach. The proposal took place during off-time from filming and, according to Farrah, Maci’s co-stars were thrilled when she announced her big news.

“After her new fiancé proposed, they came to the studios to finish our reunion taping,” Farrah told Us Weekly. “I stopped by their green room to congratulate them. We all hugged and embraced and congratulated Maci!”

Check out the photo gallery to see snaps of the three-day filming weekend! (Click the thumbnail to enlarge the photos).

Sophia and Leah Teen Mom OG amber farrah  Catelynn driving the cart Debra and Sophia farrah abraham Gary Amber and Leah Farrah and family Leah and Emilee Shirley kristina shirley Mike and Producer Heather leah shirley saddle ranch sophia abraham tyler baltierra teen mom og reunion teen mom reunion mike and matt taylor jayde

Debra and Morgan Teen Mom maci reunion


32 Responses

  1. Wtf do Farrah her mom and kid look like???? All 3 are so fooking ugly inside and out the dad is a bit of a jerk off too

  2. How can Gary talk so much about addiction and worry over Amber and her addiction but do absolutely nothing about the Food addiction that is killing him as we speak? Do you have any idea the amount of calories he has to consume per day to be that huge? He won’t be there to watch his daughter graduation High School. It just never changes with him and Dr. Drew says nothing.
    I’m sorry to say and of course it’s not her fault but Farrah’s daughter is the most obnoxious kid I’ve ever witnessed. She still can NOT speak properly. She baby talks. She is a complete brat.
    Her two front teeth are not the ones she got paid big bucks for losing on the show, her two front teeth rotted and had to be removed because Farrah constantly shoved a bottle or pacifier that she STILL uses in her face. When that happens their breath is so so bad. So this child walks around, face full of makeup, hair never brushed, screeching at everyone with dragon breath.
    She also does not use a proper car seat or even use one at all. Great job Farrah!

    1. He looks more excited about being there than Leah does about her cotton candy. Not to mention, he looks like Michael’s long lost brother. He is just so damn creepy

  3. One picture looks as if Sophia has lipstick on.
    I just cannot understand how Farrah’s parents can justify her behavior. How could any sane person take Farrah’s side no matter what she’s done? Mykol and Debra have got to be the most delusional people on the planet. Either that or they’re either on her payroll or know Farrah would keep Sophia from them if they dared cross her. At this point a sane nanny or babysitter would be better than being with any one of these three on a continual basis.

  4. You people are so sensitive. Gary and Catelynn are FAT…no ifs, and or buts.

    Stop downvoting a FACT.

    unless…you’re fat yourself

    1. Lol youre still butthurt over that? Not everybody cares about other people weight, move on. The way you’re still bitching over the weight of someone you don’t even know makes me think you’re the one who has an issue with her/his weight and the way you perceive it.

    2. Yep. All five feet ten inches and one hundred and forty lardy pounds of me think that you’re strangely fixated on this.
      Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some scrub bottoms I need to add a drawstring to.

      1. I realise that’s the consensus opinion here but I don’t really get it.

        She has stayed clean and out of trouble – that is huge progress. I know she still drinks and addicts typically can’t handle that, but she seems to be doing fine with it. I see no evidence she is becoming an alcoholic or sliding back towards drugs so I don’t think it’s anybody’s business. She has lost weight and her skin and eyes look bright. She looks like she is taking care of herself and staying healthy.

        Her temper seems a lot better, even in the previews of her arguing with Gary she seems much calmer and more reasonable than in previous years.

        She is trying to be a good Mom – ok, so she sleeps in and isn’t perfect but she is making an effort to see Leah and be involved in her life, and coparenting reasonably well with Gary. Remember she actually doesn’t have that much experience with Leah now so she is learning and I think she’s doing fine.

        Everyone goes on about her being on the couch all the time but I think she has been shown playing outside with Leah in all the new episodes. Most people spend a lot of time at home and if you are going to be at home why shouldn’t you be under a blanket? Maybe her house is cold? I don’t think she could have lost so much weight if she was as inactive as people make out.

        Finally people make noise about her not having a job. Well neither do most of the other girls and they haven’t been dealing with addiction and jail. Loads of addicts probably don’t have jobs their first year out of prison. Let her take one step at a time. She wrote a book and she is still on the show so she has money coming in, why not take time to get settled into life and rebuild her relationship with Leah before getting a job. If I had enough money to live on without a job then I wouldn’t work either.

        Compared to the angry, crazy addict she used to be I think she has made huge progress. If she carries on improving I see no reason why she can’t go on to be successful. That’s a big achievement when many people who go down the road she was on never come back, even with the same opportunities and support that she had.

        1. Boy, didn’t realise I was writing such an essay. Guess I should go and do some work, since unfortunately I actually do still need my job.

  5. Is Gary trying to eat his way to getting on My 600 Pound Life? Leah looks like her dad, but somehow manages to be a very pretty little girl. Loved the pic of her with baby Emilee.

    Sophia looks like someone actually brushed her hair for once.

    1. I’m not sure how, but Gary seems to make good looking kids. Leah is gorgeous and Emilee is adorable!

    2. Nah. Gary is keeping himself studly hot to be the next Jabba the Hutt for more Star Wars movies. This CGI animation and puppet use doesn’t have to a thing when they’ve got Gary the Hutt to the rescue!


  6. So basically nothing happened. Just Farrah’s parents yet again making excuses for her daughter’s behavior and Maci’s BIG engagement news? Great…totally looking forward to it *rolls eyes*.

    1. Yes and that is so sad.Come on Gary you’re young and you should exércise and follow a diet.Life is short and with all that overweight you’re life can be a lot shorter,because this will affect your health on the long term.You have childeren and a loveley wife,do it for them!Healty food can also be tasty.
      Go for it!

  7. Wow Gary’s genes are strong – his second daughter looks just like Leah. I think it’s nice that there are a number of pictures of Amber with Leah, Gary, and Kristina; I hope that means that they’re making efforts at effectively co-parenting.

    Also glad to see that Ryan is keeping up his ability to look tremendously unhappy at anything MTV-related haha

    1. LOL I thought the same thing! Everyone is being silly and then Debbie Downer Ryan. Ryan’s segments are by far my favorite.

      Leah and Emilee are cute kids and I never thought I’d say it but Amber looks so good! Her make-up and outfits were on point!

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