It’s official: Josh Duggar has been sprung from rehab!
The Duggar Family posted a statement to their official website today to let 19 Kids and Counting fans know that Josh is back in Arkansas after spending nearly seven months shuttered up in an Illinois faith-based rehab facility.
Josh had been staying there since August, in an attempt to recover from a self-described p0rn addiction. He checked himself in after it was discovered that he had been using dating websites such as Ashley Madison.com to be “unfaithful” to his wife, Anna Duggar.
According to the Duggars, Josh has finished his stay in rehab but will continue to get treatment.
“Josh has completed his residential rehabilitation program,” the Duggars’ statement reads. “We are so thankful for everyone who worked with Josh in this program. It was a crucial first step in recovery and healing for Josh. Josh has now returned to Arkansas, where he will continue professional counseling and focus on rebuilding relationships with his family.”
Josh’s wife Anna has pledged to stand by her disgraced husband, and even paid him a few visits while he was in rehab. She had been living with Josh’s parents during Josh’s stay in rehab, but the Duggars did not indicate whether Anna (and the couple’s four children) will remain in the Duggar household, or if she and the kids will move back in with Josh.
They did, however, thank their fans for their prayers.
“We look to God for help and guidance and place all of our trust in Him,” the statement read. “We are forever grateful for the love and prayers offered by so many and hope you will continue to pray in the days ahead.”
Jessa Duggar, who has confirmed that she was one of the five girls that Josh admitted to molesting during his teen years, recently spoke with People magazine regarding her feelings toward her brother.
“I definitely have forgiven Josh. It is a process, though, that you have to work through in your heart,” she told the magazine. “And trust is not quickly rebuilt. It is something that takes a while. We love him very much, though, and we are very hopeful for the future.”
Jessa, Anna and the rest of the older Duggar siblings will soon be coming back to our television screens via a full season of the ’19 Kids and Counting’ spin-off, Jill & Jessa: Counting On. (Click here to watch the latest ‘Jill & Jessa’ trailer!)
TLC has confirmed, however, that Josh will not be making any appearances on the new series.
“Josh is not appearing in ‘Jill & Jessa: Counting On,'” the network said in a statement to People. “We wish the family continued healing.”
None of the Duggars kids (who are allowed to have social media) have mentioned Josh’s release rehab…yet.
(Photo: TLC)
14 Responses
Setting aside the cheating issue….Anna is as idiotic and messed up as Josh is. She knew he was a pedophile and enjoys molesting little girls before they even got married. Now, she’s going to continue to let him be in her children’s lives….Sick and twisted isn’t even the half of it. I really wish there wasn’t a statue of limitations, and I wish people like her would be forced to send their children to a better home-one without a deviant pedophile. Once a molester, always a molester…He will *never* change. That’s a lovely example she’s sending to her kids “it’s ok to molest little children, as long as you say sorry”. Ugh!!!
At least the Duggars announced (WARNED) the public Josh is out so they need to lock up their daughters and their livestock.
Get a grip he told on him self to get help so it’s not like he was caught in the act and I feel terrible for anna and the rest of the family but when u take vows it’s for better or worse some people actually take their vows seriously and anna should work on her marriage but she shouldn’t live with him for awhile she needs to heal before she can forgive and he needs to repent and make himself transparent with no social media accounts and I wish they would have josh on the show it is TLC the learning channel so we should learn how they are handling it and see how josh is repenting g
I agree with all who predict her being preggers soon. Everyone knows a baby fixes everything, God said so!! Kudos for her giving her marriage an other shot, but please don’t subject an other baby to this. Babies are gifts from God, not a method to fix a broken marriage.
Go getem tiger.
Anna is a moron. Stupid JimBob and freakshow Michelle probably brainwashed her some more, and told her she needs to submit to Josh. She will be pregnant within the next month………and the cult continues to breed future members
I guarantee he’s the same person he was seven months ago. Poor Anna and their kids, I give it until this fall before she’s pregnant again.
So he’s on the loose? Countdown to the next scandal in 3, 2, 1…
If Anna isn’t pregnant now, she will be soon.
That is terrible…but so true.
I still don’t know how Anna can ever forgive Josh. I cannot imagine how she can allow him back in her bed, or be alone with their kids.
Because Jesus.