This Week in ‘Teen Mom’ Rumors: What’s True & What’s False?

Find out which rumors are true and which are false!
Find out which rumors are true and which are false!

It’s time for another installment of The Ashley‘s rumor breakdown! Every once in a while, The Ashley wades through the muck of Teen Mom-related stories that are floating around the Internet and separates the true from the false. Obviously, The Ashley can’t tackle every rumor that’s circulating regarding the Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 casts, but she will comment on the ones she can verify confidently. 

As faithful readers know, The Ashley holds off on reporting on most stories until she can personally confirm or deny their legitimacy. (Otherwise, she will file it under “rumor.”) The Ashley is well aware of some of the major rumors circulating about the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise girls, but she is not commenting until she can get more info.

Let’s get started….

Rumor #1: Kail recently spent time with her ex-boyfriend Jordan Wenner while in LA for the ‘Teen Mom 2’ reunion. 

FALSE! Fans went crazy when Kail’s ex Jordan (whom she dated before meeting her current husband, Javi) tweeted to her stating how great it was seeing her and catching up with her. When a confused Kail responded that she wasn’t even at home and was actually in Los Angeles during that time, Jordan stated that he, too, was in LA and that’s where they hung out.

This never happened, guys. Jordan was not in Los Angeles, nor did he ever hang out with Kail. When The Ashley spoke with a friend of Jordan’s to get the details, the friend told The Ashley that Jordan was just saying that to be funny.

“He recently went through a breakup and I guess he wanted attention or something. I know that he even talked to some of Kail’s friends to see if he can get back on the show,” the source told The Ashley. “Kail was pissed and contacted Jordan to let him know that she was angry about what he did. Jordan thought the whole thing was funny.”

The Ashley can confirm that there was no meet-up.

Rumor #2: Leah is no longer with T.R. Dues.

FALSE! Despite Leah recently tweeting that she and T.R. have decided to “just be friends” (even though she had previously denied even having a boyfriend, during the time she was living with T.R.), The Ashley’s West Virginia source tells her that Leah and T.R. are still together.

“He may not be living with Leah full time but they are still together and is seen at the house all the time,” the source tells The Ashley. “Leah is actually about to move (again) but she hasn’t really talked about whether or not T.R. will live with her at the new place.”

Rumor #3: Amber is no longer with Matt.

FALSE! Fans began to question whether ‘Teen Mom OG’ star Amber was still engaged to Matt after they noticed that Amber had not mentioned him on social media for a while. The Ashley can confirm that Matt and Amber are still together. Amber recently confirmed to a fan on Twitter that she was still with Matt, but The Ashley has more proof. According to the open court cases Matt has filed against him, he is still living with Amber in Indianapolis. If he moved out of her home, he would be required to notify the county court so his court docs could be amended.

In addition, Amber recently posted photos of her trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, which is very close to Matt’s hometown, and only 30 minutes from where his teen daughter goes to college. Coincidence? Um…no.

Rumor #4: Kail is “obsessed” with plastic surgery and planning to get a nose job.

FALSE! Kail actually responded to this recent rumor, which was started by In Touch Weekly. She tweeted to the magazine that the story is “completely false.”

“Kailyn has told friends that she really wants to fix her nose,” the story claims. “She actually wants to have her whole face contoured, which would include the thinning of her nose and plumping of her lips.”

The magazine’s source added that Kail also underwent a “secret” tummy tuck and liposuction session.

Kail did undergo a tummy tuck and lipo session in January but it was hardly done in secret. In fact, Kail’s doctor, Dr. Miami, blasted the procedures on his Snapchat.

Rumor #5: Jeremy is planning to sell his wedding ring from his marriage to Leah on eBay.

TRUE! Jeremy has been listing items for sale on his Instagram account (which is currently the only social media site he uses). On Thursday night, he posted that he was planning to put the wedding band he received from Leah up on the auction site eBay on Friday. Jeremy stated that the starting bid for the ring would be $500.

Fans started to criticize Jeremy for selling the ring, and he ended up deleting the post, but not before defending his actions in the comment section.

“You all should know what she done with her wedding set so kiss my white ass!” Jeremy wrote, but did not go into detail and explain what Leah did with her ring set.

Jeremy has not, however, posted the ring to the auction site…yet.

Got a ‘Teen Mom ‘ rumor you want The Ashley to clear up? Leave a comment below!

(Photos: MTV)




97 Responses

  1. Jordan needs to crawl back into whatever hole he just tried to escape out of and take Nathan, Uncle Dave and Matt back with him.

  2. I thought Farrah looked weird in the after show. Her face looks big. I use to think she was pretty but I think she had to much plastic surgery done. Looks like she got cheek implants. I heard a rumor that Leah died yesterday.

  3. $500 for a ring of a cheating skanky lousy drugged up mess of a mom

    I’d not give $$ 50cents

    1. Okay, what is up with people stealing my username? You’re the second person I’ve seen with ‘Lieah’ and/or ‘Dawnial’ in their username

      1. Oh, c’mon now. Referring to them as “LIEah” and/or “Dawnial” has been going on for YEARS. I’ve seen almost every Teen Mom website/forum/discussion group use those monikers in articles and recaps. Heck, search those terms on Twitter— the first time people called them that was in 2011. No one is “stealing” your username because all of two people used nicknames common in the TM communities. Your username is “Lieah and Dawnial” — hers is “Dawnial Enables Lieah”– they’re not the same to begin with, and for goodness sake it’s just a username on a (fabulous) gossip site. No one is stealing you social security number,

        1. I’ve been frequenting teen mom forums for years and I have yet to see anyone else with that username that came before Lieah and Dawnial. It’s actually quite clever and it’s perfectly understandable for someone to be annoyed that their clever username is being used by people who can’t think of their own.

  4. Wow Corey and Miranda are getting such a bashing on ROL

    Their all standing by a drugged up dirty POS Leah

    I’m assuming their all idiots, Leah’s family or both

  5. Jordan, what a f*ckboy. I couldn’t remember who he was at first. What is he up to now? Education, career? Something tells me no.

  6. I’d like to know:

    1. Is TR actually a drug dealer? Has this been confirmed? Does he use, too? That whole hiding and lying about him thing is so strange/suspicious, I’d love ANY clarification about what’s going on in that mess.
    2. What Leah “done” with her ring set. It sounds hilarious.
    3. I assume Jeremy left Leah because she was using and refused to get help/clean (which i assume is why she went into rehab after he did leave, and why she was so devastated when he said he wanted her to go, but it wasn’t changing his decision – she assumed if she did it now, it would “fix” everything). Any proof that’s the truth? If, so, I don’t understand why Jeremy and Corey don’t threaten to “out” her to get her into a real rehab and actually clean and in required post-rehab counseling. It’s like she’s in a hole, and i know she doesn’t want to lose her girls. So why don’t they use that as leverage to take the first step? I’d love for that to be clarified.

  7. Taking drugs, teen pregnancys, erratic vile behaviour, lies, affairs, MTV rewards it all

  8. Hope Leah cleans her rat trap before moving again.

    These children have no stable home life with this idiot.

    Please let Corey be the full time dad until the *Girlses*turn18

  9. Pretty much I take what Jeremy said as Leah sold her ring for drugs…. I’m sorry but if you can’t tell that girls on drugs you are a moron!

    1. The fact this wasn’t addressed honestly has me a little worried. I’m sure Ashley has heard the rumor….and I’m also sure that if she could get confirmation she wasn’t she would post that. PLEASE, Ash, can you let us know if there are any rumblings among your TM sources about this in any way? Any suspicions one way or another? I know it’s only a matter of time, and will be SHOCKED if she’s not pregnant within the next three months. I mean, ever the victim, she even has a good person to blame, since when she went on ‘The Doctors’ they told her to stop taking the birth control she was on since hormones could be the cause of her ‘mystery illness’. I seriously cringed when she said that, and thought “Oh no…baby in 3–2—1…”!

  10. The only reason Leah is moving again is because her nasty local city dump looking garage was put on social media for the world to see and she wants to continue to hide TR

    Also, there are tons of rumors going around about Kailyn and javi getting a divorce, are separated or in the process of divorcing, can you look into these rumors and clear them up?

    1. But, that garage was the PERFECT place to hide TR! No one will see him under the ding dang piles of clotheses!

  11. Smh at every decision these girls make. At this point I think they are trying to ruin their lives!

  12. Please find out exactly what Leah did with her wedding bands and report back, The Ashley. I would love to know and see what her idiotic fangirls will say about it.

    1. I think he just means she banged Robbie with them on (while they were still married)

  13. Rumor #1 I knew that Jordan was fos I don’t think he even believed his own bs about Kail. You would have thought he would have moved on from the immature imbiclie he was/is
    Rumor #2 where else is the infamous drug dealer TR Dues going to be hanging out other then Leah’s house of filth? With the new season and salary increase of course she needs a new house, why clean when you can move into a new house to get condemned?
    Rumor #3 this is going to be Amber’s biggest mistake ever not getting rid of that baby making skeevy pervball of a leech. What the flock is she thinking?
    Rumor #4 I know I’ll get disparaging comments on this one but I think Kail’s face is fine and matches her body frame.
    Rumor #5 Jeremy bought the rings he can do what his what he wants. Leah’s proceeds went to drugs his can go a ring for Brooke and btw good for him….

    1. Agreed! I don’t know why she even got lip fillers because her lips have always been naturally full. I’ve always been envious of her lips, I don’t know why she blew em up.

    1. She just needs an Rv then she can move without packing up get home, there is no stability or structure for her kids, she’s screwing up get poor kids lives, she really shouldn’t have any custody at all.

      1. That means she will have to clean the rv, instead of leaving all that mess behind and creating a new one at her next home.

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