It’s time to head back to the Brown family Cul De Sac (otherwise known as Castle de King Solomon) to check on The King, Kody, Robyn, and the newest Brown baby, “Baby Sister.” Oh…and all the rest of the people that live in the family whose names escape us for the moment…
On last week’s episode of Sister Wives, Robyn gave birth to Kody’s 18th child, and we viewers got to watch every huff, puff and loin push. The baby eventually freed itself from Robyn’s womb, and was named (by Kody, of course) Ariella.

This episode starts one month after the birth of Areola Ariella. Kody tells us how “intense” the labor was, trying to make it seem like he was the one birthing that baby. The baby is doing well, and is beloved by all of the family, even the older kids who used to groan any time another baby was brought into the already-crowded family.
After Kody “treats” us to a terrifying segment in which he imitates the faces that baby Ariella makes, we find out that the family is getting ready for their Spring Break vacation and, this year, there will be about 26 people going to Hawaii on TLC’s dime! (The network must have given the Browns a bonus or something for upping the scandal game over the last few seasons. Last year they went to Alaska and this year they’re heading to Hawaii! Looks like the only way to escape the RV From Hell is to have a wife pop out a baby and/or cyber sex a man/woman.

Before Kody & Crew hit the beaches of Hawaii, though, Meri and Janelle are heading to therapy to work on hating each other a little less. They make it seem like they haven’t had a therapy session since Thanksgiving, which, if true, is kind of ridiculous, considering this episode was filmed in February.
Anyway, Meri and Janelle talk about how they worked together to decorate tin cans for the Thanksgiving tables. Although they were determined to work together, they kind of fell back in to their old patterns of Meri leading and Janelle following. Janelle said this is very indicative of their relationship.
“Over all the years we misunderstood each other. I thought she was taking over and she thought I wasn’t doing anything,” Janelle said.

“I hate it when she shuts down and she hates it when I’m direct,” Meri said.
Janelle (aka the producers) gets the idea of her and Meri doing an activity together while the family is in Hawaii. Meri kind of mocks the idea but will likely go along with it because…well, paycheck…
Later, Kody and Meri discuss how awkward their marriage has become, thanks to Meri’s Great Catfishing Caper. They both obviously dislike each other but are doing their best to make it look like they at least tolerate one another.
“We are just trying to wade through a situation that is unknown to us,” Kody says.

Robyn jumps in to talk about how concerned she is about Meri and Kody’s marriage.
“I just constantly pray that the two of them will figure some things out,” she says.
Sure you do, Robyn. Sure you do.
Later that night, everyone is frantically packing for Hawaii and Meri decides she needs all of the adults at her house RIGHT NOW for a big announcement. She’s also invited her daughter, Mariah, to the announcement and Mariah has agreed to come. However, she spends most of the time texting, most likely talking crap on her mom to her sisters.

Anyway, as the adults gather you can see a mix of apprehension and aggravation on their faces. Christine, Robyn and Janelle are stressed, since they each have to pack for themselves and help their kids. They are clearly not amused that Meri has chosen to make a grand announcement during the time that they had planned to stuff their undershirts and muumuus and whatnot into suitcases.
Kody says he has no idea what’s going on. (I mean…isn’t that every episode though?)

The gang isn’t sure if Meri is going to announce that she is leaving to run away with the woman she believed to be her dreamboat man, or if she is planning to buy bunk beds and move into Mariah’s house in Utah against her daughter’s will. It’s Meri, so it really could be anything…
It turns out to be a happy surprise. Meri wants to present Kody and the wives with the paintings she’s made for them. The paintings follow the theme of 23 trees, which represent the 23 members of the family. All of the wives are touched by the paintings, but, as per usual, Kody is awkward and says he’s still in the process of appreciating it. Um…

Meri is disappointed that the paintings didn’t “move” Mariah. She’s busy hate-texting when Meri asks her what she thinks of the paintings.
“Oh yeah, real great, mom,” she utters, barely looking up from her phone.
Meri apparently thought Mariah would see the paintings, realize how wonderful her mom is and throw her arms around her, forgiving her for the Catfish Caper. That didn’t happen, of course, but maybe giving that brat a free trip to Hawaii will help move the forgiveness along.
Meri says she wants everyone to know that she really wants to be in the family…but neither the family nor the viewers at home are believing it. We all pretty much know it’s only because that’s essentially Meri’s only option at this point.

The next day the Browns load up into two shuttle vans and leave for Hawaii. Logan (who is one of the only normal people in this family) is bringing his girlfriend Michelle on the trip. They say they want to relax and drink Mai Tais on the beach, but we know Kody will be making them do some annoying family activities. We expect to see him standing on one of those long Hawaiian canoes, “supervising” as his family rows like the slaves in “Ben Hur.”

Once the family arrives in Hawaii, the older “couples” are eager to ditch the Brady Bunch and head out for a double date. Logan and Michelle, along with Maddie and Caleb, head out drinks. While out, Michelle and Logan talk about how they want to move in together and get engaged. We spend a few minutes listening to everyone talk about how great Logan and Michelle are together. It’s so obvious that TLC is gearing up for another wedding special.
Maddie and Caleb start talking about their upcoming wedding. Caleb says it’s a tradition in his family that all of the men have to wear one piece of camo in their wedding. As you do. He will be donning camo socks.

Maddie also says that she plans to ask Kody to officiate the ceremony. She says she’s not sure if Kody will agree to do it.
Seriously? You lived with this man for like 19 years! You should know that he’s a great big ol’ ham and will LOVE doing this. Any chance to be in the spotlight, he will take it! Hell, he even tried to shove Robyn over and take credit for the delivery of “Baby Sister!”
Next week, we see Kody boss everyone around on the vacation, and Mykelti and Christine come to blows over Mykelti’s pawn shop future.
To read our recap of the previous episode of ‘Sister Wives,’ click here!
(Photos: TLC)
28 Responses
He has a face you’d never be tired of punching.
He’s such a slime ball and a multiple adulterer.
He’s just a sick in the head fuck Witt
Can’t wait for the new wife no 5 to be the real Mrs brown
That will knock Robyn off her high horse
Off rol
Kody Brown dropped a bombshell on his polygamous family – he wants to make another woman his FIFTH wife!
The Sister Wives star, has been embroiled in turmoil since wife #1 Meri Brown was caught in a catfishing scandal.
But instead of focusing on the problems within his family, he has decided to bring another woman into the fold.
Kody has “set his sights” on Mindy Jessop, a pretty blonde who works as the nanny of his youngest son Solomon, Life & Style magazine reported.
Not only is Mindy the nanny, but she is also wife #4 Robyn‘s step niece!
Robyn “can’t believe he would betray her like that,” a source told the magazine.
Poor nanny lol
Did anyone catch that he was STILL calling the baby Baby Sister? Nails on a chalkboard!
She has a name, Kodouche!
Kody is such a slime ball ????
When are we going to have brother husbands???
Or is it only men who can oppress the opposite sex?
I agree 100%
As if a man would allow that to happen !!!!
Men think they hold All the power! I’d like to see a dude give birth??? Men are so far from being superior to a woman.
Women are by far more superior, without women there would be no babies ( men may impregnate! But it’s the female that do the hard work )
The top picture of Robyn and Kody – she looks like grumpy cat.
Last episode when Kody said her Name was Ariella and they were going to call her Aria, my first thought was that the LV life was getting to him. I wondered if he was naming her after the Aria hotel.
Or maybe he’s obsessed with Pretty Little Liars.
These women are nuts.
I’d rather douche with bleach than ever sleep with this guy.
Great comment, I agree with you
Where are the rest of the comments ???
This “show” has run it’s course. All of the wives are miserable, except for Sobbin Robyn. Kody doesn’t pay attention to any of the kids and thinks he needs to be revered. No…just no! Kody you are an idiot and no one in your family respects you.
I just love your picture captions, they are too funny!! I wish Meri and Kody would just end it, their relationship has struggled through the entire show. It happens to a lot of people. I also say good for Mariah for giving Meri a hard time. She’s the only one saying what the family real feels and just because Meri is putting on a smile and painting trees doesn’t fix the fact she was leaving.
Can you blame her? Hey Meri, I want to divorce you so I can adopt some other bitches kids. Do you mind being a doormat just one more time???
This guy gives me the creeps
Misfit family of munsters
“The network must have given the Browns a bonus or something for upping the scandal game over the last few seasons. Last year they went to Alaska and this year they’re heading to Hawaii!”
I’m telling myself they’re trying to do us a favor and let nature take care of things. Bears? No luck. Sharks? No dice. Perhaps next season they’ll take a family trip to Australia where there are any number of deadly things to help reduce the Brown population!
Australia wouldn’t want this fucked io freak show in their country
And they wouldn’t stand for kodys idiocy, he’d be red flagged
The dingo ate Baby Sister!
OMG that is hilarious! Well done.
Australia would not allow this idiot in its fab country
He and his shaggy old man hair are on the no entry list lol
Australia are very fussy on who they let in to the country