He’s baaaaaack!
Josh Duggar made a rare appearance on the Duggar Family‘s social media pages yesterday, proving that the Counting On stars may be attempting to get their disgraced eldest son back into the public’s good graces.
A new photo of Josh and his wife Anna was posted to the family’s official Facebook page, in celebration of the couple’s eighth wedding anniversary.
This marked the first time a new photo has been posted of the couple since Josh’s numerous scandals of 2015–including when he admitted to being unfaithful to Anna, and stated that he was addicted to p0rn.
Josh was sent to rehab after admitting his sins. Upon his release, Anna announced that she was staying in the marriage, and working to forgive her husband.
In their anniversary post, the Duggar family acknowledged that all is well with the couple these days.
“Happy Anniversary, Josh and Anna,” the photo caption read. “We are so thankful for God’s redemptive love in your lives.”
“Throughout this ordeal, Anna remained faithful to her husband,” the family wrote in their blog post. “She continued to trust in God and be strong for her children.”
Josh and Anna are the parents of four children: six-year-old Mackynzie, four-year-old Michael, two-year-old Marcus and 14-month-old Meredith.
While Josh has managed to creep back onto the Duggar family’s social media accounts, he is not allowed back on the family’s reality show, ‘Counting On.’ TLC has stated that Josh will never appear on the program, due to his previous scandals.
(Photo: Duggar Family Facebook)
26 Responses
I don’t think it’s ONLY because we all know what a perv disgusting pos he is, but isn’t that just the creepiest, slimey, most smug smirk ever?!
He looks like one of those ‘Garbage Pail Kids‘. Jerkin’ Josh.
Omg! Absolutely priceless!
I truly feel for her she is being the brunt of everything. It’s not that easy for her to divorce him. She has 4 kids under the age of eight, barely an education, and not really any job history. Too she is raised in an environment where divorce isn’t in their vocabulary. So that’s not really an option. She was probably partially blamed for it (sick and sad I know). Cause according to Michelle you need to be willing to your husband whenever he wants it no matter what. People have said that since she got involved with this family she has completely changed to act more like them. How she dresses, her mannerisms, everything. They all said she used to be happy and perky and now she is mellow and more submissive. Sad but this women really has no way out.
Her family was furious and supported her before. Wonder what happened there.
But whether her family will have her back or not: finances should never be the reason to stay in a very bad relationship.
I’m sure there are people who can help her when she wants to leave cause she fears for the health or safety of her kids or herself.
It’s even easier for her cause she can sell her story to the highest bidder and sart a Go fund me so she is able to support herself and her kids for a while so she can find a job and house.
I would not like to do that as a woman and mother but I would do anything for my kids.
Good lord look at her face. She’s so unhappy and stuck. I can tell just from her forced smile. How sad.
Anna looks tired and forced in that photo. That said, she also looks like she has gained the weight she lost when she was stressed out by his actions, so I suppose that’s good.
She really does look like she could be one of his sister’s and considering what he did to them I wonder if that was some sick part of the reason he picked her to date/marry.
Yeah, she stayed faithful, he couldn’t do that. I hope Anna gets out of this horrible marriage.
You could land two commercial airplanes on that forehead of his…
Ugh! I hate the self satisfied smirk on his face. Like he’s taunting the public, “Y’all thought I was gone, defeated and shamed, but nope, I’m back”
I’ve always thought Anna strongly resembled the Duggar girls, but now, with her weight loss and maybe different makeup and clothes, she looks even more like them.
Sort of like the Stepford wives?
I cannot wait for the day that every single Duggar is out of the public eye.
These people became famous for massively procreating and then gained a following of religious nut jobs. These people then proved just how unChristianlike they are multiple times. I’m just so sick of hearing about them.
They both look bigger
Actually I was thinking Anna looked like she had lost weight. But the last time I saw a picture of her was shortly after she had the last baby so she was probably still carrying baby weight.
Anna looks like she’s going to hurl in this picture. I would.
I’m not happy with this. No amount of time passing will make the things he did ok. Their parents are creeping their way into the counting on show and its soon to simply be the old show which was cancelled. How about every one stop watching that crap and putting money in these psychos pockets.
She looks just like one of his sisters. I saw that pic and was like,”It’s really gross that he’s posed like that with his sister.”
Wasn’t she pregnant with baby no. 5? Imagine having 4/5 children in the same house as a molestor… girl, get yourself some tin foil so they can’t brainwash you any longer, take your kids and RUN!
Why does Anna always look like she’s chewing gum? Is it part of the Duggar compound brainwashing?
She needs to grow some balls and take care of herself and her kids. He should have his crushed between two rocks.
It seems she has even changed her appearance now to keep her husband with her. She never looked like this before. I’m sorry but all I thought when I saw this picture is ‘she is painting cheap ho on her face now to keep him interested’.
I really don’t want to know what this lady has been going through and is doing to herself.
How would she? How would she be able to afford housing, food, clothes, schooling, etc for her family? She has no income…how could she take care of herself and her family when it takes money to provide and she is not the source of the income? Anna was and is caught between a rock and a hard place.
Strenght, pushing on, hard work and help from family or total stangers.
Many women do it.
Did he get stung by a bee in the forehead right before this picture was taken? That face is about to pop!
Nope. Just a Doughy McDoughboy.
Tater Tot Casserole plus conditioning that women are supposed to do all work, ever, seems to lead to looking like an actual Tater Tot.