Earlier this week, The Ashley told you about a new show that Teen Mom OG stars Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell will be part of. At the time, The Ashley didn’t have many details on the show, but since then more info has been released!
The show, which will basically focus on people who are looking to reunite with a loved one after a long absence, will be called ReUnited and will air on MTV starting December 5.
As The Ashley told you, MTV circulated a casting notice for the show months ago that gave some more info on what we can expect from Ty and Cate’s new venture.
“Are you looking to reunite with a loved one?” the casting notice reads. “Have you recently reconnected with someone from your past? Are you adopted? Is someone you love about to get out of jail and you haven’t seen them since they went away? Have you had a long estrangement from a family member and are looking to reconnect?”
It appears that Catelynn and Tyler will be appearing on-camera on the show and, judging from Tyler’s recent tweets, the show was his own idea.
“I just got lucky enough that one of the many crazy ideas in my head actually worked out,” he tweeted to a fan.
One episode of the upcoming series will feature an adopted Florida woman named Pheniquea, who sought Tyler and Catelynn’s help in finding her birth family. The episode was filmed this past summer. In a recent Facebook post, Pheniquea posted about her experience filming the show.
“As most of you know I was in Hawaii this summer to meet my birth mother and birth sister for the first time since I’ve been adopted,” she wrote. “I had the most wonderful opportunity to work with the lovely Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra during my journey. I am very excited to announce that me meeting them will be broadcast on MTV December 5th at 10 p.m. I thank everyone who was so supportive in my journey and a huge thank you to the amazing Cate and Ty, love you guys.”
‘ReUnited’ is produced by 11th Street Productions, the same production company that brings us the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise.
(Photo: Facebook)
73 Responses
No wonder why they canceled the show after one episode it’s a total rip off of long-lost family
This is a tragic debacle. Between Tyler’s ADHD and Catelynn’s nosepicjking and eating, biting nails and eating. Popping pimples and eating Who could focus on the hear of the show.
A terrible waste and f electricity. SAD! SADDER! SADDEST!
When is the new season?
Is the show going to come back on
Hi my name is cherakee Winkler I recently just found out November 2016 that my real father lives in Pa,I’ve tried reaching out to him and his sister and haven’t gotten a reply back.I really wanna meet with him becuz I’m 23 going on 24 and just knowing that my real dad is out that really upsets me that he left wen I was young,I don’t know 2 much about him,just the basic like his name,family’s names,were he lives.I really want to reconnect with him.
Hey , my names marissa an i was curious as to how to send an email to cate and ty directly im now 21 but qbout 6 or 7 years ago my father was sent to prison for raping my step sister and her mother felt the need to put my baby brother up for adoption seeing this show gave me a little bit of hope ! Id love to reconnect with my brother considering hes somewhere in the same city however he was put in a foster home an has been adopted into a closed adoption PLEASE HELP ME FIND MY BABY BROTHER !!!!!
Is this gonna be a weekly show??? Im excited!!! Loved the first episode.!
My husband as adopted at 3 days old, we know nothing about his family except that he has a full blood sister 2 years older than him and he is the product of an affair and has 2 half brothers and the last we heard his mom and sister were paid to leave Oklahoma and moved to California, if there is any way we could get any help on how to go about finding out his mom and sisters name it would be so appreciated, we don’t know where to start. He is 50 and has no adopted family left and feels all alone, thanks in advance for any help we can get.
Hi my name is Amber my mom gave me up thank God for my grandma and grandpa or I would never know any of my family but the bad part is because my mom didn’t want me my dad never got to see me I don’t know my dad iv look and looked hoping one day I could find him no help no one wants me to meet him at all I am 25 with 3 kids and a great husband I could ask for but I have a hole that needs to be filled I was lied to and told that the guy I knew as my dad wasn’t and wasn’t no way family when I was 12 it kills me inside to the point it hard for me to really care about anyone because I feel like it’s just going to be a lie in the end and I’m the that gets hurt please I would really love to talk to both of you are some help I have seen ever teen Mom to the end I look up to you and ty so much I really feel like you guys can help me I also fight with depression and have been told that this is a little why I hold it al on me where did I go wrong ,why didn’t they love me , why didn’t they want me ,I’m ugly that’s why ,noone will ever love me and that’s the big one it hurts my relationship with my kids with my husband I need help please all the hopes and dreams AMBER
Would love to watch it but can’t tell seem to find it,is it only in the US???
Hi my name is sally i have 4 nieces that were put in the system cause of my brother and his gf were doin meth and they eventually got adopted cause my brother couldnt take care of them after the girls mom left him with the girls and woth no money no food so he called his case worker jill and told her what happened i then fpund put by goin up to see my dad for surgery and tried to get my nieces for adopted and bring the girls to colorado but the state would not pick up the case to help me and i went thru all the classes i needed to get tbe girls i really need to know how or what i need to do in how i can get to see about knowin or finding my nieces im very ill and my last wish is to get tp see them if something was to happen to me if theres any advice or help you cpuld give me id apreciate it. Ive watched u all grow since u macie amber farrah started and proud of u all
Sally peters
How do we get you to help us?
I have five kids two are adopted.. I was adopted as well. My mom died in 1987 i have two sisters one i havent met. I would love to find her. Can it be done
Im on catelynn and Tyler’s side. I’m assuming everyone with the negative thoughts are just young and dumb which means apparently none of y’all are mature enough to understand everything that was pointed out. I loved the first episode it was defently a tear breaker and am so proud of C&T reasons for this show and how it is to help them out in the long run. You guys are very mature and great people even with the way you wanna dress or have your hair Catelynn your amazing. Love you two so much and keep up your hard work. Xoxox p.s don’t listen to none of these judgemental assholes. This show and what C&T are doing is showing us the love and value of life. 🙂
These two and a half have no qualifications, no educational background, and no skills to reunite people.
This is a very sensitive undertaking lose it will end in disaster as the first one did.
Catelynn and Tyler were giddy thinking they had pulled off a GOD experience – NOT!
Their silliness, immaturity, and lack of an educated background created a horrible experience for all.
Is their anymore shows of reunited?? Or was it only a one time thing ??
Hello catelyn and tyler my name is mihaela cook im am 30 was adopted from romania when i was born came here whem i was 3. i had gotten the chance to meet my birth mom qhen i was 14 but was never told anythi h about my father and as i habe gotten older i cant seem to get over how i wish i knew something about this man as i habe mo clue at all ….thank u so much for doing this for those thay are seekinh help….
Hi I’m Julia, I was adopted as a baby, my adopted parents came to get me at the hospital. My birth mom was in jail. Grew up as an only child wanted to have kids of my own (have 2 now) because I don’t have any blood relation and feel like apart of me is missing. It has been easy and hard growing up, I want to be able to meet them in my lifetime but then again I don’t know if that would be the best idea because of the good life I have been given. Apart of me is still missing and it is always going to hurt. It has always put an emotional block on my life. My Mom gave me the information to try and find them through the the agency but haven’t done it yet. I was 7 years old when I found out I was adopted. I don’t know if you can help me with little information but there should be a record of her in jail. I can’t ever let it go without knowing where I came from. Your story is common with adoption they may say it’s open but in the end it’s all up the the parents.
I don’t know any of my birth family.
Just watched the first episode of ReUnited, great show! I love it. I’m a 43 year old mother of 2 who has watched the cast members of Teen Mom OG grow up! This series with Ty and Catelynn is going to be another great hit by MTV especially considering the family loving, decision to star this amazing young couple. I can’t wait to watch more!
Does anyone know the theme song for this show? Great show, trying to find out the song, loved it!
Hello catelynn and tyler my name is ashlei Hatwig I hope this finds you guys. I have a little brother that was adopted really young whose name was Dwayne and I don’t know his name now and I would like help finding him so I can reconnect with him and get to know him and have that sibling contact with him so if you guys can help me out I would appreciate it
Hello I hope this reaches u. I have never meant my dad I don’t even remember him I know is name an where is is from but I would love to meet him my mom can’t help because she is in an out of jail an she left her kids for drugs so my grandma help I have dealt with abuse an rape an I need closer from my dad to see why he never cared when me an my sisters needed. Pls help me I feel like you can an well understand
Tyler and Cate have no training , no educational background, no ability, and no qualifications to ressponsibiliy and knowlwdgely “broker” these runins.
This is so way out of their experiences.
They could not follow the mandates of the adoption contract.
I saw the clip and there was Catelynn chewing her nails and Tyler throwing his legs askance as if he knows what he is doing,
I predict disaster will only ensue from this ill conceived and dangerous idea.
Two very sick people leading the unwary. NO! JUST NO!
No good will come of this frsud?
Hello Catelynn, I hope this finds its way to you. I would love to tell you about my wife’s situation. She was adopted 56 years ago and was never told until last year. She cried for a week. I would love to see her reunite with her family, her mother and father and sister were her only family and they all passed away. Her biological mother passed away, but I believe she has brothers and sisters, I know she would love to see them. I hope your show is a big hit and you can put on more prospects in the future, I think this one would be very interesting. Thank you, Scott
Hello, my name is Melissa and I have a long lost sister whom I was told of a few years ago. I do not know to much information about her but have wanted to meet her since I found out about her. Can you guys help me out?
This show has been done. It’s called The Locator.
I love how Cate is sitting there with her hooves on the couch like she’s at home, putting her stinch into these peoples couch lol. Also, she could have at least done her hair and put on a decent outfit. That’s so tacky to be a tv personality and have your bra/tank top straps showing like that. You aren’t walking around your trailer park Catelynn, have some class.
I was just going to write that!
I wonder if they were going to use this show as another way to meet and film with Carly.
Yea right lol. Like the parents were gonna go for that lol. I bet any amount of money they mention Carly on the show lol.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed at one point both Tyler and Gary never did much for their kids to the point where all you saw was Cate and Amber doing the majority of the work. Then one day the roles changed. Both have mental health issues and both were seriously verbally messed with by their significant other.
Ong I can’t wait to see this & hopefully it’ll help @catelynnlowel feel that she has a purpose in life to help others as she (like me) has been over loaded with the empathy drug (as I call it) that it helps with these kind of shows & as always @tyerbaltierra is there with the ♥️ Of a ?& the voice of wisdom good luck guys ♥️ Yi ???
I bet Carly will look back on this show and thank god she was adopted out of that hot mess but I wonder if she will feel guilty that Novalee was bought up by C&T and always compared to her.
It breaks my heart watching them slug Nova off to April just so they can lay around doing nothing, the cycle of neglect just continues.
I love your name its awsome ?
Let’s also not forget about how Butch approached Carly at the wedding even when her parents said not to. The three of them have not realized STILL that Carly is not theres. That wasn’t cool what Butch did. Another point on the list of reasons why Brandon and Theresa are done with them.
Exactly. And Catelynn and Tyler almost seemed happy that he went against Brandon and Teresa’s wishes.
so they should, they’ve explained to Brandon & Teresa that if they cant talk or post pics of their 2 girls on social media then that’s a problem & if you watched that episode recently they (b&m)got what Tyler was saying & they will ALWAYS have the connection because it doesn’t matter from whatever side your watching the 2 girls will ALWAYS been full blood sisters &that just something you cant ignore so big hugs & xxxxxx for Catelynn & Tyler you are an amazing couple 🙂 xx
Calm down crazy! Take a deep breath and try punctuation next time.
Cate, eat more pimple pus.
Hi Cate!
your username is the best. The strip of hair that is always greased across her forehead angers me so much!
Seriously!!!!!! If Brandon & Theresa didn’t want butch near Carly then maybe it would’ve been wiser not to attend their wedding & it was B&T that said Catelynn & Tyler will always be Carlys “birth” parents so I would ✋ Butch for saying hello to Carly but I suppose you can’t please everybody all of the time ?
So again, what makes them experts or the authority on reuniting people. This is so random, even for them. That would be like Leah hosting an Unsolved Mysteries type show or Chelsea hosting Ghost Hunters lol. Random!
“Leah hosting an Unsolved Mysteries type show”
Uh…. Make this happen. Now. Because that would be hilarious. Don’t lie, you all would watch.
Lmao yea Id watch but do you understand how random that would be. Turning on Syfy channel and seeing Leah and her scarecrow Sean Penn 1983 hair talking about Area 51 and the Kennedy assassination lol.
These two are terrible examples for open or semi open adoption. They’ve made a living on giving Carly up for adoption. They’ve done nothing with their lives since doing so. If not for MTV money they’d probably be Butch and April redux. I think it’s terrible that they’re involved in a show about reuniting people. To me this is suggesting that, in their minds, Brandon and Theresa are selfishly denying them Carly until she’s 18 and they’ll be one big, happy family. Brandon and Theresa are so right in denying visits and bet they wish they had chosen closed adoption.
Tyler needs to stop acting like Carly’s parents are just babysitting her till they go and pick her up later. He does not respect their boundaries. Chip off the old block because Butch doesn’t either. It is sad to me that both Carly and Nova have on record how selfish he is.
Exactly …. life advice from two people who thanks to MTV could have had college dregrees by now …. instead they’ve both got a degree in couch sitting and animal hoarding and Tyler has decided ‘ why bother going putting in hard work and going thru college when MTV will give me $$$$$$ to ‘counsel ‘ other people ‘
Exactly …. life advice from two people who thanks to MTV could have had college dregrees by now …. instead they’ve both got a degree in couch sitting and animal hoarding and Tyler has decided ‘ why bother going putting in hard work and going thru college when MTV will give me $$$$$$ to ‘counsel ‘ other people ‘
Catelynn is blowing it with Tyler big-time. Not that I am on his side. He will easily find a new chick tho. Nothing, not her daughter, rehab, or this show, is motivating her to change her life. If this show fails, it will only speed up the demise of this relationship.
With a husband like Tyler, she doesn’t need this relationship, the dude has turned into a total tool.
I feel bad for saying this but couldn’t they find a better outfit for Catelyn? And maybe do her hair? She’s supposed to be hosting this show with Tyler – the least she she do is dress up a little. I really do like her & I know she’s going through some mental health stuff right now but she looks like she rolled out of bed to do this show.
I am sorry but she is a slob.
She only looks good at reunions where she can be very pretty but she comes across as sluggish on Tv.
Why does it matter what she looks like?
What matters is Catelynn is there to help people! What does it matter what she looks like?
Must be hard for them since they help people reunite with their loved ones, but cannot reunite with Carly at this time.
They have never really lost contact with Carley. There has been communication all along with her adoptive parents, pictures shared and even a few visits. It’s not quite the same as when many years go by with no information at all. Still, it does give Caitlin and Tyler some empathy and insight to how other estranged people may feel.
I think what the person above referred to is the fact they admitted today that they lost visitation with Carly. Brandon and Teresa are no longer allowing it because of how they have behaved and breeched trust.
As they should have. They’ve done nothing but push the boundaries that Brandon and Theresa set. Carly is their child, and they need to do what they feel is best for her wellbeing. Tyler and Caitlyn act like they are just loaning Carly out and can go scoop her up at any time. I’m sure it’s stressful for Brandon and Theresa having them in the back of their minds all the time, they probably feel like they are being slightly stalked.
I agree. They act as if Brand and his wife are babysitting. For all we know they probably call and text Brandon and Theresa constantly about Carly. They never showed boundaries and respect for the process. They have to do what’s best for their daughter. Here they spend day and night obsessing over Carly, because they are definitely obsessed with this kid and here she is living her life and not giving them much thought. Carly probably only thinks about them briefly when someone mentions them, otherwise they aren’t a pssing thought to her.
Oh they did? I saw the preview for this weeks episode and they were attempting to reach out for a visit but I didn’t know it was confirmed. They don’t deserve contact anymore. Tyler needs to realize that he is not Carly’s dad. Brandon and Theresa have been more than patient with them both. They know them better than we know them. They have had enough of the bs. When Dawn showed them the conditions they signed saying that they agreed to not have face to face eventually, they looked like deer in headlights, like that was the first time hearing that. Dawn didn’t seem to explain that tidbit very well over the years. If the reality didn’t set in before, it certainly is now. I know B&T were gonna reduce the visitations eventually, it was inevitable. How can you want an open adoption with an asshole who posts pictures of your daughter online when you’ve ask him over and over not to before?
Think you missed the latest news: Brandon and Theresa are denying visits to Carly.
Dawn even showed them that they agreed and signed for that in the adoption contract.
Ty has been reunited with Butch multiple times.
They don’t have an full open adoption. The have a semi open and Brandon and Teresa almost didn’t adopt her cause they didn’t want an open adoption. So they agreed on a semi open which means one visit a year, presents on Christmas and Birthday, and pictures every few months through the agency. That through Brandon and Teresas descretion nothing their visitation isn’t legalized sit a verbal agreement under the agreement that they don’t know their last name.That’s why they don’t see her very often.
Yea I remember in the early days Cate was offended that Theresa wouldn’t tell them Carly’s last name. But I imagine it wouldn’t be difficult to find out.
Their last name is everywhere on the internet – Brandon and Teresa were featured on a magazine cover years ago…the article gave their last name and the city and state they reside in…I think it mentioned their church’s name, also. That being said, regardless, I think what Brandon and Teresa are doing is right for Carly: Tyler’s arrogant statement about risking his relationship with Carly so he can continue to tell his story to his public — WHAT A POMPOUS FOOL! If we see all of this bad behavior from Tyler and Caitlyn in front of the camera, what the heck do they think they should hide when the cameras aren’t around???
It’s their own doing. They need to learn to respect Carly’s parents.
Plus, Carly is also seven know. She knows things, she will ask things.
Ty and Cate gave her up cause they didn’t have the money, circumstances or education to parent.
They are rich now, still didn’t finish that education and they are the bad circumstances themselves now. On top of that, they don’t respect the two people she is and should be looking up to, her parents.
I think they are very, very right to protect Carly from confusement and sorrow.
Exactly. They are terrible role models and they certainly weren’t ready to have Novalee.
Tyler actually seems a lot more responsible than Cate w regards to Nova. Cate was NOT ready, in any shape or form, to be a mother. And she never will be if she keeps up whatever it is she’s actually doing with her life.
I don’t think Carly will ever feel like she is missing something by no longer having contact with them. They aren’t that huge in her life that she would cry and wonder what happened to them and demand her parents let her see them. I think when she gets older she will be curious about her adoptive parents but I can assure you she won’t be impressed. She may thank them for giving her a life they couldn’t give her but I doubt if she will be running into their arms on her 18th birthday. I wouldn’t be surprised if these two obsessed nutcases are counting down her 18th birthday and wait for her outside her house to try and invade her life.
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the fuck do u need to try & be little this amazing couple????????????? they have over come sssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooo much in their lives & as I see it they’re doing amazingly & yes Tyler does seem to be with it more than Catelynn but have you ever suffered ethat ven a teaspoon of what they have been through & i’m not talking about their adoption but their childhood? that shit stays with you forever & there isn’t anybody that can understand it if you haven’t experienced it so wise the fuck up & if you cant support that then don’t hate coz its an ugly trait :@
Are these two going to be dispensing life advice to other humans? Because that is a terrible idea.
It’s cute Tyler thinks his idea is original. Troy Dunn has been doing this (The Locator and Last Hope with Troy Dunn).