‘Counting On’ Stars Jill & Derick Dillard Announce Gender of Their Second Baby

“I hope he’s born with plenty of hair like his daddy!”

Jill and Derick Dillard are expecting their second child in July, and today the Counting On stars revealed the gender of their unborn child in an anti-climatic video posted to their family website.

Jill and Derick (who was for some reason all dressed up like he was going to a rodeo) announced that they will be adding another son to their forever-growing brood.

“The next Dillard baby is a…BOY!” Derick and Jill say in the video. “We’re so excited.”

In a gender announcement story on People.com, Jill and Derick are shown holding up a weird, mismatched outfit of presumably boy’s clothing to show that the baby is a boy. (Naturally, Jill is shown barefoot and pregnant because…well…Duggars…)

The baby boy will join his big brother, Israel, who turns two in April.

“Israel didn’t really understand what was happening, but he’s just excited because other people are excited,” Derick said in the video. “He’s excited about his new little baby brother.”

“Children really are a wonderful blessing from God,” the Dillards told People.  “Having Israel has been such a delight to us that we know a second sweet baby will only continue to add joy to our family.”

In the announcement video, Jill also gave fans an update on her pregnancy.

“I had morning sickness in the first trimester and now I’m feeling a lot better in my second trimester,” she said.

Jill’s sister, Jessa Seewald, is also currently pregnant with her second baby. Unlike Jill and Derick, though, Jessa and her husband Ben have yet to announce the gender of their unborn baby, who is due next month.

To read our ‘Counting On’ recaps, click here! Watch Jill and Derick’s gender reveal video below:

15 Responses

  1. Well, I love them. What’s creepy about looking at your husband like you love him? There are some hateful people in this world, but Jill and Derick are not among them.

    Congrats, Jill & Derick!

    1. The creepy part is that women/girls in their cult are taught, from a very young age, to *always look at the males in their lives(fathers, brothers, spouses) as if they adore every single word coming out of their mouths, and as though they walk on water(they are to look upon males as saints, always, because males do no wrong). But the men/boys are NOT to do the same, ever, because women are NOT equal to men in any way, shape or form. If you are not looking to the males in an endearing fashion, you are being disrespectful and it is one more way to get yourself damned to hell for all eternity.
      No, I’m not exaggerating either, sadly…I wish I was, it would be funny, instead of creepy/disturbing/sick/twisted/any other word you wan to use…

  2. What’s wrong w him? Seriously.

    I don’t see how she can gaze at him so lovingly when he looks like death walking. It’s scary. Should they really be breeding right now? Smdh.

    And what’s w the cowboy hat? I can’t.

  3. She’d better get cookin’ on some girl babies. You know she’s going to need daughters to raise her brood, cook her meals, clean her house and homeschool everyone. She has to remain joyfully available at all times to continue breeding.

  4. That Jesus hair ain’t working dude. Some guys can totally rock long hair (don’t care) but Derrick is NOT one of them. Yikes. Too bad Jill has to be submissive and can’t tell her husband how God awful he looks. I’m surprised the Duggars allow it. Seems like it would be one of their absolute sexist beliefs that ~men have short hair, and the womenz have long hair.

    1. Yeah but since he is her husband and he makes the rules, he can wear his hair as long as he wants. JB can’t meddle here (It would be different if i.e. Jill cut her hair I believe)

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