Whether you spend your weekends with your family, or loafing on your sofa watching reruns of ‘The Office’ while eating those creepy pink and white animal crackers, chances are you probably don’t spend much time on the Internet on Saturday and Sunday. Naturally, this means that you may be missing some Teen Mom-related news!
In an effort to bring you up-to-date on all the ‘Teen Mom’ happenings that you may have missed over the weekend, The Ashley brings you the “Monday Teen Mom News Pile!”
Here are all the major (and minor but interesting) Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 things that happened over the last weekend…
Jenelle Evans says she’s not angry that Chelsea Houska stole her baby thunder.
‘Teen Mom 2’ stars Chelsea and Jenelle gave birth to their babies just one day apart last week, and over the weekend the gals brought their new additions home from the hospital. Both Jenelle and Chelsea were busy posting pics of their new babies to social media, and Chelsea revealed on Twitter that her husband Cole DeBoer actually helped deliver their son, Watson.
On Twitter, Jenelle stated that she is not angry that Chelsea stole her baby thunder by having Watson a day after Jenelle had her daughter, Ensley.
“I really don’t understand why everyone would think we would be mad at each other for having our babies born so close…. lmao,” Jenelle tweeted about Chelsea. “I’m actually happy for her and glad she got the little boy she always wanted.
Jenelle’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-stars Leah Messer and Kail Lowry expressed their happiness about Chelsea’s son’s arrival. Neither publicly mentioned the birth of Jenelle’s daughter.
Jenelle & David’s trailer arrived.
Last summer, Jenelle and her booooyfriend, David Eason, purchased some land in North Carolina so that they could build their dream home on it. Over the weekend, Jenelle posted photos of a trailer home being delivered to the land.
“My excitement is through the roof!” she captioned a photo of the mobile home being placed on the land.
Details of Ryan Edwards’ fiance’s divorce were released.
Ryan Edwards’ fiancé, Mackenzie Standifer, was married before she met Ryan, and this weekend Radar Online made more details of Mackenize’s divorce known. The site released information obtained in the divorce documents. It was revealed that Mackenzie’s divorce from her first husband wasn’t even officially finalized until November 2016, which was about a month before Ryan proposed.
It was also revealed that Mackenzie accused her ex-husband of “inappropriate material conduct” toward her, which she says made it unsafe and improper for her to live with her ex.
Mackenzie’s three-year marriage resulted in one child, two-year-old Hudson, whom Mackenzie was given primary custody of.
Want more details? Click here!
A new ‘Teen Mom 2’ special was announced.
MTV announced that it will be airing a special that features flashback clips of the ‘Teen Mom 2’ dads. However, not all of the men from the show will be featured.
Want more details? Click here!
The whereabouts of Leah’s mother were revealed.
Leah spent the weekend at a cheering competition with her daughter, Aleeah. Corey Simms and his wife Miranda joined the festivities, as did Leah’s mother, Dawn Spears. Once a fixture on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Dawn has been noticeably absent from the most-recent episodes.
Leah posted a photo of her and her mother to let people know that Dawn is still in her life, but in the caption, Leah mentioned that she doesn’t get to see her mother very often these days. In the photo’s comment section, Dawn told a fan that she and Leah now live over an hour from each other, which explains why Dawn wasn’t around to film.
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
56 Responses
I know I’m going to get down-voted to hell for this. I can’t even believe I’m typing this myself and don’t know if I’ve gone crazy or just tired from a long day, but here it goes: I do not think it was fair for Jenelle to be chastised so much regarding her pregnancy while Chelsea is looked at like a saint and given all the privacy, space and kudos in the world. I really hated when the MTV crew tried to pull it out of Jenelle and David before they were ready to announce. I’m sure they were filming when Chelsea and Cole found out and saw some “suspicious” footage of those two talking, but didn’t call them out on it.
Let me just say, Chelsea is my fave out of all the girls, Jenelle makes my skin crawl; but this whole thing with their pregnancies has rubbed me the wrong way. I get it: Chelsea didn’t bring multiple men around Aubs, she waited, took her time, dated, got engaged and married and did things in somewhat the right order. That’s amazing, and Jenelle is the complete opposite, I get it. But just like this is Chelsea’s “son she’s always wanted.” Ensley is Jenelle’s first girl and the one she’s always wanted as well.
It’s unfair that it’s her first daughter, she didn’t even get to make that announcement on her own terms. As far as Leah and Kail congratulating Chels and not Jenelle, I found that to be rude as well(given they may have sent a text or something to Jenelle to congratulate her that we know nothing about, but I digress). They’re all cast mates and as far as I’ve seen, don’t have any recent issues with one another, why publicly congratulate one and not the other? Especially when Jenelle gave birth 24 hours before? So you don’t say anything to her, but damn near shit a brick when the other gives birth?
Again, I love Chels, but she’s no saint and she isn’t perfect. Sure, she’s got the tightest screws of them all, but she’s still human and so is Cole. I’m sure they argue about things and say and do questionable things just like the next person. She can hardly wipe her ass without her dad, but that’s often overlooked and not mentioned because of how well she’s handled herself over the years. All I’m saying is: if we can all call out Kail for being a bitch, Leah for being a tweaking pill popper, Jenelle for being a crap mom and Chelsea for being “so perfect she’s boring”, let’s call out the obvious. Little Ensley wasn’t celebrated to no fault of her own and that’s unfair. Her mother and father may be sketchy, but she deserves as many well wishes as a happy kid as baby Watson.
All I think about your comment is that you are so right on about it all and if you live in San Diego, I think I’d have a cocktail with you.
@OHMYGODDUDE @ OHMYGODDUDE haha! Thanks! I also wanted to add that since writing this comment, I see that MTVs official TM2 page on Facebook has made a whole entire “Congrats on Watson Cole” invitation with all of the tweets from Chelsea’s fans. But I don’t see one for baby Ensley. I expect better from MTV and the TM2 producers.
Wow! I guess mtv and their producers have been around catty teenage girls for too long. That’s just classless
While I get your point, the fact that Jenelle has had more pregnancies than she openly (or honestly) discusses might be a slight issue.
I mean, I’m all for choice, but lets face it.. she wasn’t 6 months out from an abortion before “planning” Kaiser with a guy she didn’t even know. More than 4 pregnancies.. I think it’s 5.
Then there is the fact that while Jenelle’s mother, who is a senior citizen and should be planning retirement and the occasional visit from her grandchildren is being forced to raise Jenelle’s first born because Jenelle is too busy breeding with her one true love.. scratch that.. second true love… wait, no, not that either.. third true love! Oh.. damn, never mind, lost count.. to take responsibility for her own son… instead of popping out more kids than she really cares for (hello? hotdogs in the dark for 2 undoubtedly coming up!)while Chelsea has been raising her own child and doing a great job from day one.
It’s apples and oranges.
I thought it was so sad that Jace started twitching and stuttering when he started talking to Barb about court and asking her what she wants and then saying “okay, that’s what I’ll do then,” as if it’s his decision to make. It sounded like he’s been worrying about the whole thing and thinks that he will have to make a decision that will greatly upset either his mom or his meme depending on what he decides. I literally started to cry seeing him so upset and twitchy and obviously stressed to death about it all. He’s so well informed about the whole custody thing and court and judges and what it’s all about, it was heart breaking!
Funny and sad how season 6 jenelle popped out accident #2 begging Nathan not to leave her. Season 7 different dude another baby. Why can’t these sluts just be single?
Ummm ya’ll need to go have a look at Jenell’s snap, that is most definitely not a double wide trailer it’s a pre-fab home an looks really nice! I want her fridge and her showers!!!!! Oh and the closet….. I’m not a Jenel lover but that is nice!
Kail is turning into her mother – puts (current) men before her babies.
I’m just going to leave that right there.
Instead of having Isaac leave to go to Jo’s why didn’t she make that guy leave? My child is upset (in part bc a random guy I have here has caused a huge fight between myself and my current husband) so I’m just going to send my son away rather than have the guy whose presence has caused so much drama leave so I can spend some quality one on one time with my hurting child? Really Kail?
It’s only going to be good for Leah to not have that mother of hers around as much. That mother is stunningly unwise and such an enabler. She NEVER encourages her daughter to take accountability for anything. I know they can still communicate just as much via text or phone, but i still hope she doesnt turn to her silly mother for real world advice as often now.
I cannot wait for The Ashley’s recap of Monday’s episode simply because Nathan said “eloop” instead of “elope” hahah
I was laughing so hard at that! It is like when he accused Jenelle of child neglection. Not the brightest star in the sky.
I also notied Leah didn’t want to “inconvenient” Corey about the girlses school.
I think it’s a bit unprofessional for the girls to not congratulate Jennelle regardless of the circumstances surrounding her birth. I would never publicly congratulate one colleague and not another. But I live in the real world where that would be a huge no no
I disagree. These women are not colleagues or co-workers. They’re a group of girls that had their particular story aired individually and then got offered the opportunity to air more of their separate lives in a show that presents those three stories together in a 1 hour show once a week. They see each other at the reunions a few times a year, and that’s it.
Jenelle has been very public in the way she slings shit and talks heaps of madness about the others. Fuck that, I’d not congratulate someone telling me, “monkey see, monkey do!” like she did to Chelsea.. or posting Kail’s phone number online. Jenelle Evans wrote: “Well here is a joke… Everyone call Kail…”
Jenelle has no manners and zero respect for anyone, even her own mother who is raising her son while she continues on with her breeding program for the state of South Carolina.
She’s a wretched person and a terrible mother and I have zero empathy for her. Ask me how many fucks I give for Jenelle. The answer would be not one and I bet the ladies on the show agree.
Congratulating jenelle is basically condoning her irrisponsibility yet again. Chelsea is in a very stable point in her life and can bring a child into a healthy environment. Jenelle is (again) bringing another child into her dysfunctional life of chaos! I give props to Leah and kail for congratulating Chelsea and not jenelle
I see that MTVs official TM2 page on Facebook has made a whole entire “Congrats on Watson Cole” invitation with all of the tweets from Chelsea’s fans. But I don’t see one for baby Ensley. I expect better from MTV and the TM2 producers. The point of congratulating Jenelle isn’t for her, it’s for the baby. Every baby deserves to be celebrated regardless of who their parents are. Ensley didn’t get a choice in the matter. So she shouldn’t be celebrated like baby Watson because her parents are crappy? That’s unfair all around. That’s the issue I have with it. I love Chels as I’ve said many times before, but she’s no saint and she’s got a “not so nice” past as well. Albeit nowhere near Jenelle’s, but a past nonetheless.
Don’t forget that she admitted to sleeping with Adam’s best friend while pregnant with Aubree, slept with Adam over the course of 6 years multiple times, even behind Taylor’s back while she was pregnant with Paislee. Everyone gives her props on “not bringing and dating different men around Aubree”, but that’s because she was still stuck on Adam and screwing him often still holding onto the hope they’d be back together. Oh, how quickly we all forget. Again, I’m a Chels fan all the way, but let’s be real here. Baby Ensley is just as important as Watson and any other kid.
Jenelle is as unstable and crappy as they come, but so are all the girls. The only reason our girl Chels came out half way decent is because she already came from money and stability. Her dad was a HUGE support system and is the reason she came out okay. Think about it: most of everyone else in this franchise came from homes broken badly or the parents were total nut jobs themselves except for Chelsea. Call Randy what you want, but by her being able to be so dependent on him financially and literally for everything and having him be at her beckon call, she’s had that advantage. I remember when she stupidly allowed Adam to move into her first place and have all his crap in her garage when Aubree was about 3 or so. He even gave her some crappy engagement/promise ring that she cherished. Until PaPa Randy found out and was like “fuck that”. Lol. He went over, made Adam move all his stuff and made him hand over the key. Now imagine if Chels had parents like MaMa Dawn or absent like Kail’s mom…. that would’ve went on and on and Chelsea would still be stuck in a vicious cycle with Adam and likely had another kid from him. (I guess everyone forgot that one episode when her IUD slipped out and she thought she might’ve been pregnant by Adam again, but I digress). All kids deserve to be celebrated….. period.
I don’t think Jenelle is doing better. I just think this guy has a different control over her. Remember after kaiser was born, fast forward to her tossing him in his crib screaming while he was sick so she could sit outside and smoke with tori. He’s fighting his sleep, NO you moron! A drunken chimp at the zoo knows how a sick baby acts. Maybe it’s just me but David has this terrifying I’m watching you women belong barefoot and pregnant way about him. Jace flat out told her he wanted to go to day care and home to his grandmother and Jenelle and David kept rephrasing it. He’s a child. Don’t they have enough kids between them to understand how to speak to one. Ugh those two I give it three weeks. Nathan (at least for the cameras) helped with the baby. David seems more like the type to say it’s a woman’s job so jenelle will be done pretty soon with this
Jessa’s husband Ben and Jenelle’s X Nathan are both tied for 1st place in the “Whose dumber than sh×t contest.
Also, I think Ryan is marrying his latest girlfriend just to please his parents. They pressured him in to settling down. His dad is an a×× hole. I always had the feeling that he wanted Maci
Leah looks old as heck in red glossy lipstick. Because her lips are so thin they make them look like 50 year old lady lips. Also, I totally read Chinelle’s comment in her voice lol. Id love to see how she’s gonna maintain that property as well as the bills when the show is finally over.
lol well that’s what drugs will do to you….you age pretty bad
I will give credit where credit is due. Janelle seems to be doing a lot better. She seems healthier and is focusing on positive things. Much better than I have seen her on a long time so I can’t complain. Positive changes are always good to see.
I’m pretty sure Leah living away from her mom is by choice. She’s also doing a lot better lately so props to her, and I think keeping away from her mom is helping that.
Jenelle has her faults but busting her balls because she bought a pre-fabricated home for the property she OWNS is pretty damn petty.
nathan tries so hard to sound intelligent but he screws up words that aren’t even big. like elope. on the dad’s special, he said jenelle’s name wasn’t to be said in his ‘present’. not presence, present. i’ve wondered if he did that sort of thing before the supposed brain injury in the army. it’s why i keep my teasing to a minimum there, just in case lol. i did see the report jenelle had published and it did say he had a significant percentage of brain damage, causing him to be short tempered, easily angered, to have ‘difficulty maintaining relationships, both personal and in a workplace’, among other things i forget. he must have Some since he does get a check for disability, but he was supposedly working as a vacation rental agent when he and jenelle first met, so who knows. those two both lie 24/7, but that report coupled with his obvious use of steroids is why i wasn’t gung ho on him having full custody. i think he was so happy with what he got because he knows he really can’t handle kai full time. neither can jenelle, so hopefully the arrangement will work out. i’m full on convinced now though that kail cheated, had been for some time, and thus settled so quickly for 50/50 of lincoln. she’s always fought for every second with isaac, so javi must have really had some dirt. he let some of it come out in a deleted scene, check it out on mtv’s site (don’t want to spoil for anyone).
Ryan, dude, you aged. A LOT. Wow and he’s just 2 years older than me.
Drugs are bad for more than just brains lol. Look how fast his and Leah’s appearances changed. I just went to my reunion and everyone that was big into drugs looks old and haggard now. And all the girls that tanned 24/7 have skin like a baggy elephant already. Listen to your mamas, kids!
After last night’s episode…Ugh. It’s a good thing I’m not a friend of Kail’s, because I would have said words I couldn’t take back. I am so pleased to see how much maturing Joe has done, and that he was happy to swoop into the situation and take that hurting child for a week. Love, love Isaac’s heart. And I realize that Kail has her own baggage and that she has done a great job raising Isaac until now, but this is painful to watch. I also felt for Javi – and he’s right, he was disrespected. I also don’t take well to liars (“At Walmart” – really??!). Let the ink dry on your divorce, first? Or even, I don’t know, let it be inked at all, first, Kail??
Can Corey and Leah look at one another at all?
I wouldn’t pay Adam for this season (part B, whatever), if I was MTV. Surely there is something in their contracts about being hostile to filming. He is a piece of work. No wonder the girl he was with wanted her face blurred out.
Sorry..sorry. “Jo,” -no -e. 🙂
I hate that he spells it Jo. That’s the female version of Joe.
Yes, it is.
Javi and Kail were out of control last night…BOTH of them acted like some psychotic teenagers….there are kids around, you cannot act like that in front of children! It’s clear as day that was traumatic for Isaac. Javi shouldn’t have gone busting into Kails house like that demanding to take Lincoln because he was in his feelings, and Kail shouldn’t have been flipping out like a lunatic in front of Isaac. Do that crap when the kids aren’t around. Jo has done a complete 180, and I’m happy for it. This just goes to show, that it’s not the “editing” MTV is doing…the people that get portrayed in a “positive” light are doing positive things, so Adam, Jenelle and Leah can stop with the pointing fingers at everyone but themselves.
Shoot, I wouldn’t mind living in a double wide AT ALL! Those things are just a as nice as expensive houses these days and if you put it on a permanent foundation they keep their value. I am not a jenelle fan by far but honestly seeing all these comments about her “dream home” being a trailer it makes me sad because I actually want to get a nice double wide when we can afford one.
I was thinking last night…Maybe Jenelle keeps having these babies to make Jace feel left out, so that he will tell Babs that he doesn’t want to live with her anymore…that he wants to live with his mother and siblings? She seems conniving enough to do that…and how about when she was going off about Chelsea last night?? Somebody is JEALOUS, and too dumb to realize that Chelsea is married and doesn’t have 3 kids by 3 different fathers….actually 4 kids, because Jenelle was pregnant with that Courtland’s baby and had an abortion. I will say though, I am shocked that no cops have been called over to her and David’s house yet.
I’m pretty sure it’s a double wide. I’d say that’s what she’s got and what she’s sticking with. They are very popular where she is. It’s probably one of the nicer houses on Money Hole Rd.
I’m thinking they may just live in the trailer while the house is being built. That’s what my aunt and uncle did when they bought their land and built their cabin. I could be wrong though!
As much as it would be great to see jenelle turn her life around, having another guy in your life that seems to make zero money does not help at all.
Nathan just used “eloope” instead of “elope”. Please please promise you will use this in your recap!!
The stuff that was coming out of his mouth would’ve made more sense coming out of baby Watson’s mouth…I know what he was trying to say, but this dummy cannot execute an argument to save his life. Could you imagine reading something that he wrote?? Nathan is hands down the biggest idiot on national television…and his friends were equally as slow. In all seriousness….did Nathan have a traumatic head injury at some point?
I was all set to dispute that claim, because, well…Come on. Surely in all of national television, there are other ginormous idiots that must be worse, right? I mean, it’s the same media setting that gave us Jessica Simpson, Sugar Bear, and Chumlee. But you are right – I can’t think of a bigger idiot. It’s an utterly dramastic difference. 😉 lol
LOL..Jessica was up there but at least she said things out of pure confusion…the can says “chicken of the sea” so she thought it was actual chicken LOL…then they asked her if she wanted buffalo wings, and she said she didn’t eat buffalo LOL ok I can get that too…but Nathan…eloop, dramastic, that whole license thing at the reunion, screaming from the back of cop cars, climbing in Jenelle’s window and assaulting Kieffer, getting Jenelle PREGNANT in the first place?? The list goes on and on…He is just so stupid! He’s like the village idiot.
I agree! lol. At least Jess was likable.
He did. That said, my husband has a TBI and doesn’t speak like that. Nathan is just certified stupid.
and the thing that gets me, is when he talks, he is so matter of fact about what he says….he acts like everything that comes out of his mouth makes complete and total sense, and in actuality it makes NO sense…at all. The Ashley should do a post on the craziest stuff to come out of Nathan’s mouth, there’s so much each season I seriously can’t keep up. Every single time he opens his mouth, stupid comes out.
Sorry. I must challenge the comment by LEXII that Nathan the biggest idiot on national tv. Have you watch Counting On? Jessa’s husband. The man-child. Seriously. Man-child has it hands down. Nathan is bad but not THAT bad!!
How could you watch the Duggar’s? They are even worse than this crap!
Thea! I’ve missed you and have been thinking of you! I hope all is well! *hugs*
Sorry for the hijack, folks! 😉
I would love to see Nathan and Farrah try to argue with one another! Byoth of them have this weird inability to form words into sentences that make sense!
Jenelles “dream house”…a trailer!? It’s a nice trailer…but it’s a trailer! And I seen David signed his name to the deed to land also.Are you stupid girl!? Didn’t you learn Anything from your other two baby daddies?? Smh
That was my first thought too! The way those two were oogling over building a “dream house”, and to see it’s just a trailer?! Why did I expect anything more from Jenelle?!!
There’s nothing wrong with a trailer in my opinion but these two dumbasses were acting like they were building a house like Chelsea’s.
I think it’s pre fab not a trailer based on other pictures
Could it just be where they’re going to live while building the actual dream home? Not defending Jenelle at all, but it make more sense than it being a trailer… I hope.
Is her dream home really a trailer?
Ryan looks the most sober he has ever looked on this show; it’s nice to see him looking happy.
I think that picture of Ryan and MacKenzie is really cute. He looks awake,sober and happy:)