Yes, you read that headline correctly: Teen Mom OG star Debra Danielsen is officially a rapper with her own music video.
Although it looks like a joke headline written by The Ashley, this is actually happening. Debra, the mother and frequent verbal punching bag of Farrah Abraham, has taken to the mic to release her frustrations. Her new rap song, “Debz OG” (yes) and its accompanying music video, is now out.
According to Starcasm (the first site to post this musical nightmare), Debra collaborated with 5th Child, DJ Venom and Clouds & Crayons on the song, and recorded it at a studio in Jackson, Mississippi.
In the video, we see Deb wearing some fly sneakers and braids in her hair (but not feathers because…well, she’s not going to a Ke$ha concert or anything…)
In one part of the song, Deb sings about her life as a misunderstood ‘Teen Mom’ star.
“Hello I’m Debra/ You’ve seen my face on camera/ You’ve seen me on your TV/ You think you know whateva.”
Farrah does not appear in Deb’s music video (nor does her ‘Teen Mom’ co-star Butch Baltierra, who really should have been singing backup for this song, in The Ashley’s opinion.)
Debra has stated that the rap song will be a part of her upcoming ‘Teen Mom’ special “Being Debra,” which will air in April on MTV.
To read the complete song lyrics, click here! If you’d like to see other horrific musical offerings put out by other ‘Teen Mom’ cast members, click here to watch Farrah’s music video, or here to watch Teen Mom 3‘s Mackenzie McKee rap.
Watch the “Debz OG” video below:
UPDATE! Sadly it appears that “Debz OG” has deleted her video. The Ashley will be on the lookout for it, and will repost it if it reappears online.
22 Responses
That was seriously embarrassing! How can she not see how ridiculous she looks?!?
Oh dear god ???
she reminds me of dina lohan lol
That woman (Debra) doesn’t know her ass from a poke of peanuts!
Farrah never stood a chance with a mother like that.
This world has gone bat-sh*t crazy! What music executive on the planet would hand an aging, shop worn hag like Debra Danielson a microphone and allow her to “rap” into it???? For God sakes people…this woman is only famous for birthing and pretend-raising a daughter (and I use that term loosely) who couldn’t keep her legs closed at 16! These people are already collecting a salary for being rude and obnoxious…now this bimbo decides on cashing in on her 15 minutes of fame by making a RAP VIDEO? I’m going to buy a lottery ticket after typing this…it must be my lucky day since the video was taken down and I wasn’t tempted to click on it and then realize I could never UN-see it! Debra, accept the fact that some people just, for whatever reason, don’t know when to back away from the camera. You already embarrassed yourself enough by admitting to being Farrah’s mother…then you come back week after week and allow her to verbally pistol whip you in front of millions of people…now THIS! All I can say is that I hope MTV is paying you millions for all this humiliation! You’re going to need it for whatever facility you end up in!
I have a serious question: What happened to Debra? She was always arguing back with Farrah and calling her out on her crap. Now she seems terrified of her. Does anyone else think she’s heavily medicated?
Farrah has made comments of her mother owing her money for cosmetic procedures. She’s probably terrified of being sued.
Fuck that, I’d rather have bowling ball boobs and double eyelids than be indebted to that maniacal, delusional queef that she calls a daughter.
It’s pretty much because there was a big power shift between them. Farrah used to rely on her money for money and help with Sophia. Now Debra needs money from Farrah and Farrah will deny Debra access to Sophia if she doesn’t kiss her ass. Basically, the tables have turned. I wish the Debra would put her in her place though. I would just love to see someone knock Farrah right off her high horse.
I’m glad I didn’t get to see the video. I would’ve died of second hand embarrassment.
I cannot express how much I do not ever want to see or hear this.
I prefer to think of this debacle as a deliberate attempt to embarrass Farrah. That’s the only way I can support this.
I vote for a Joe Versus Debra rap battle!
I just can’t watch anyone from that family for more than one minute. Today I tried to watch Teen Mom, I got trough Caitlin’s segment and hairstrip, I managed to look at Ty and his mom with their attitudes.
Farrah’s segment starts, I see her going to lunch with side boobs and a 7 year old wearing make-up and I’m just like… no.
Wear it at work on the pole or the D, not in public. I don’t want to see your bare boobs and my kids should not.
So, when is Debra going to do porn? I mean, it cannot be too far along down the road, right?
Don’t even joke about that. Just imagining that woman having sex is disturbing enough.
But think about it! She’s so ridiculous with her desperate need for attention. Besides, she’s already got an ugly cheap wig she could wear.
That’s some major second hand embarrassment.
Was it just me or was her mouth not moving to the sound of the music? That was pretty brutal ?
She’s gotta be pretty fame hungry to degrade herself like that …
Hm. No. Just no.
Oh plz I will not waste my time on idiots
Why dont they all go back to the hole they crawled out from? Except for poor Sophia. She’s gonna grow up to be a troubled adult…