It’s (another) boy for former 16 and Pregnant star Jordan Ward.
Jordan, whose episode during the series’ third season was one of the highest-rated of all time, gave birth to her third child on Monday. According to Instagram posts made by Jordan, as well as her twin sister Jessica, the baby was named Leo Grey.
He was born at 9:27 p.m. and weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz.
“Baby Leo Grey,” Jordan captioned a photo of the newborn. “Absolutely perfect. We are so in love with him!”
Baby Leo Grey ? absolutely perfect! We are so in love with him! 9:27pm 7lbs 6oz ? @mannyhinkson
A post shared by Jordan (@jordantward) on
Leo’s father is Jordan’s boyfriend Manny Hinkson. Her other two children– seven-year-old Noah and five-year-old Arri–were fathered by Jordan’s ex-husband, Brian Finder. (As The Ashley previously told you, the couple split in 2016.) Jordan and Brian got married shortly after Jordan’s “16 and Pregnant” episode aired in April 2011.
Jordan’s twin sister Jessica, who also starred on Jordan’s episode, gushed about her new nephew. (She was in the delivery room to witness Leo’s birth.)
“Like omg! He’s so perfect! I’m gonna take him home with me,” Jessica captioned a photo of the baby.
“What an amazing thing to witness! Beautiful little Leo Grey is here!” she wrote in the caption of another photo. “My sister was a champ during delivery! I’m in love…So proud of you JoJo! Witnessing you have another sweet little baby was so amazing! Can’t wait to see Noah and Arri meet their baby brother!”
Jordan announced her third pregnancy back in April.
To see what the other girls from “16 and Pregnant” have been up to lately, click here!
See more photos of Baby Leo and Jordan below:
A post shared by Jess Turnquist (@jesstaytay) on
(Photos: Instagram)
21 Responses
Her boyfriend looks like Zach Galifinakous. (sp?)
Yes. The eyebrows are BAD. What about the guy?? Total lowlife loser.
I admit he’s not much to look at, but there must be something that attracted her to him. Who knows, maybe he’s hung like a donkey and sweats fine cognac.
It looks like jessica is the one who got her stuff together, her twin should look up to her, only complaint is that she got married and had a baby a little to young, but I believe she was/in nursing school, and she got pretty far, if not already graduated.
Three kids by the age of 23-24?! Nightmare! And I liked Brian a lot. It’s too bad they didn’t work out.
These girls never learn….one baby is never enough for them, they’ve always gotta bring in multiples into an already unstable situation.
So you break up with your husband of 7 years, immediately date someone new, immediately get pregnant… What about your kids? They hardly got any time to get accustomed to living without their father, let alone a new step dad and a new sibling… These people crap out kids like rabbits. Every 2-3 years a new boyfriend, new baby… Thought it was only a Jenelle thing, but man, it’s Kail, Briana, and almost all former 16&pregnant girls… Jesus God (Leah).
Getting pregnant is the new “Facebook Official”.
Hahaha this made me laugh so hard ?
They treat their kids like an accessory that they can just pack up and take with them when they movie in with their next boyfriend. Chelsea waited I believe she said a few months which is perfect. It’s probably the only decent thing about Farrah. Her daughter has only met one man so far. Amber to me is the worst though. She had that creepy guy Chris in after like two dates.
Have to say, she went way down in baby daddy attractiveness. The first one wasn’t an adonis by a long shot, but he was good looking enough – this guy looks like a total creep.
I came here to say this exact thing! Wow, she took a drastic step in the opposite direction from Brian. (Sorry Manny, I’m sure you’re a lovely person…on the inside!)
patiently waiting for the caps. please… I’m so desperate to read your hilarity. honestly, on Tuesday I check your website every 30 minutes like I’m waiting for a fix of crack. ((scratching my skin))
((nervously looking around))
did both the girls have work done on their faces?they look different..
I think they’ve just been going to Jenelle’s brow “artist”.
These girls never learn….one baby is never enough for them, they’ve always gotta bring in multiples into an already unstable situation.
Sorry the baby daddy looks creepy.
Oh of course, EVERYONE has a baby a year after a divorce because why not?!
Lol, those girls don’t know anything about protection they are supposed to be promoting.
Whyyyy did they make their eyebrows look like that? It’s all I can focus on
Big eye brows are in and I hate them.