Lizzie Sickles has kept a low profile since appearing on the second season of 16 and Pregnant. (Unlike some of the girls from that season…)
However, Lizzie has joined Instagram to make several big announcements– she is getting married and is pregnant with her second child.
Lizzie, who is best remembered for marrying her daughter Summer’s dad, Skylar Sickles, during her “16 and Pregnant” episode in hopes of having a “perfect” life, was divorced for years before meeting her current fiance, Dave Mortensen. The couple became engaged earlier this year.
Lizzie revealed on Halloween that she is due to give birth to Baby No. 2 in June 2018.
Baby Mortensen. Coming June 2018. Happy Halloween ??
A post shared by Lizzie Sickles (@lizzieanne13010) on
This will be the couple’s fifth child overall, because, in addition to Lizzy’s seven-year-old daughter Summer, Dave has three sons from another relationship.
(Summer’s father, Skylar, is still in her life. He has welcomed another daughter since he and Lizzie divorced.)
Lizzie is one of the last girls from her season of “16 and Pregnant” to have another child. Of the 16 girls from Season 2, only Samantha Hernandez has not had any more children. (This is not counting Valerie Fairman, though, who starred on Season 2 but passed away in December 2016. She did not have any additional children.)
To read The Ashley’s “16 and Pregnant Season 2 in Review” post from 2010, click here!
To see what the other girls from “16 and Pregnant” are up to, click here!
18 Responses
Jaysus H. Christ, these women need hobbies other than having children. Might I suggest scrapbooking, or perhaps Zumba?
Who cares?
Samantha doesn’t want another child, I know from those teen mom specials she said she just wants to focus on school and the child she already has, and Emily from season two doesn’t have a second child and I know there is another like one or two other girls from season two that doesn’t have a second child yet
That’s all of the girls who haven’t had a second child (third for Karley).
Savannah can be included or not- she had a second son, but chose adoption.
Fun Fact: The girl Skylar cheated on her with, was the girl who went for a pedicure with her during her episode. Not only did he cheat on her with Krista, when they divorced, had a daughter with her and married her. So much for “Perfect husband, perfect marriage, perfect family, perfect life.”. She was unrealistically annoying, I kind of don’t blame the guy for leaving her. I’m happy she’s happy now, but I couldn’t bring myself to feel bad for her when everything fell apart for her in her episode.
I think most 16 year old girls would feel the same way she did if they were in that same position. 16 year olds are known for being rather unrealistic.
When I was 16, I was in love with my boyfriend at the time as well and had been with him longer than Lizzie had been with Skylar, but I was under no illusion that we would be together forever. Nobody I knew expected to be with their significant others for the rest of their lives. She seemed like a smart girl, so auditioning for the show, and knowing the obvious statistics about her situation, I couldn’t believe how naive she was. It seemed like bringing up her “perfect” everything, every five minutes was almost a jab at all of the other girls in her situation, if not to try convincing herself that she was above those issues. I remember thinking that she was the most delusional girl on the show from season 2A, and I was only 16 when her episode aired.
Well that’s why I used the word “most” and not “all”. Obviously not all 16 year olds are unrealistic.
The older you get the more you realize how stupid you were when you were 16. I can personally attest to this.
Not gonna lie….it was nice seeing her getting a much needed dose of reality…hopefully this new guy is better than failed glass blower Skylar, everyone deserves to be happy.
Maybe her life is “perfect now that Skylar is out of it “
I remember her….she was SOOOO annoying with that I’m going to have the perfect family, with the perfect husband, the perfect baby and the perfect life….she suffered from some severe delusions when she was 16….hopefully she’s matured…a lot…
She was the most annoying episode ever. I remember having a laugh when it all crashed down
Honestly, I think Mackenzie D was much worse. The way she whined and let Josh walk all over her. Really bad
And yet, Mackenzie is still married to him and has three children.
She also does anything she possibly can to keep herself relevant, and in the spot light. She’s no prize either.
I remember her bragging about having the “perfect life, perfect boyfriend and perfect daughter” and then her “perfect boyfriend” cheated on her. Then, to boot, they divorced. The irony is rich. I’ll chalk it up to her being young and very naive.
The only other thing I wish for her is eyebrows. Other than that good for her and congrats on the lil bundle!
Lovely girl. glad to see r and her daughter look so happy. Best wishes to the family