Former Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee shared some devastating news with her fans over the weekend, revealing that her mother, Angie Douthit, recently found out that her cancer has spread.
Mackenzie took to social media to discuss what doctors told her mom on Friday. (As The Ashley previously reported, Angie has been battling Stage 4 lung and brain cancer since January.) Although Angie has been undergoing radiation therapy and chemotherapy to help shrink the hundreds of small and large tumors in her body, she was informed that the cancer has continued to spread into other parts of her body.
“You don’t deserve this, none of it. So happy, so healthy, and so faithful to God,” Mackenzie wrote in the caption of an Instagram post about her mom. “Stage four cancer in your lungs, in your brain, and now in your bones.”
A post shared by Mackenzie (Douthit) Mckee (@mackenzietaymckee) on
Angie, who was featured on Mackenzie’s 16 and Pregnant episode and on Teen Mom 3, explained her latest results in her own Instagram post.
“The new information from my PET scan was not what we wanted to hear,” Angie wrote on Saturday. “The tumor in my lung is bigger. And the cancer is now in my adrenal gland and is in my pelvic bone. I was trying to digest all of this and I asked, ‘In the bone? Isn’t that bad?’ She looked at me and said, ‘In the brain is bad! You’ve been bad since you came to us in January!'”
A post shared by Angie Douthit (@angiedouthit) on
Angie also informed her followers that she is scheduled to undergo testing this week and get a second opinion on her diagnosis.
Angie and Mackenzie have been updating their followers via social media on Angie’s cancer journey since she was initially diagnosed right after New Year’s. Several months ago, MTV headed down to Oklahoma to film Mackenzie’s family for an upcoming ‘Teen Mom’ special that will focus on Angie’s cancer. (The Ashley has not yet been able to confirm an air date for that special, although it will likely air this month.)
In March, Mackenzie went on Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast to discuss her mom’s diagnosis and ‘Teen Mom’ special.
“My mom got suddenly diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer,” Mackenzie said. “She has so many masses in her lungs that they stopped counting at 40. One of them is the size of an orange. Then the cancer went to her brain. It was kind of a shock because she doesn’t smoke, she doesn’t drink, she’s a marathon runner. She ran five miles in the morning, filmed three hours of cardio with me for my business and did a Crossfit workout that night. The next morning we find out she has Stage 4 lung cancer.
“As soon as that hit, she was an inspiration, she started to doing speaking and spoke out to people. So MTV decided to do a special about her story and her battle with cancer,” Mackenzie said. “It’s just a huge inspirational story. Have your tissues ready for this special.”
On Monday, Mackenzie asked her Instagram followers to pray for her family.
“Despite the not-so-good news, we are continuing to pray and know my mom is a fighter,” she wrote. “God is in control and our faith is in him. Prayer warriors are appreciated.”
Watch Angie deliver an inspiring speech just one day after finding out that her cancer had spread.
(Photos: Instagram)
21 Responses
I’m so lucky my mom is cancer-free for 3 years. That worry is always there. Cancer is so evil how it can spread and takes your loved ones in the seeming prime of their lives. No one deserves this.
I’m so sorry I know what you’re going through because I lost my mom and 5 aunts from cancer my prayers go out to you and your family
I hope you are doing your regular checks and screenings. Sorry about your losses. 🙁
I feel so sorry for Angie, she doesn’t deserve any of this. I’m not losing hope tho, Alaskan Bush People’s Ami was also diagnosed with a terrible cancer and she got better! So keep on fighting!
On the other hand, Mackenzie exploiting this terrible illness to her own profit makes me sick. Just because you got attention of the media now (which is nothing to be happy about btw), stop being so fame hungry, for real, your mom needs you, not your lengthy Instagram posts! It won’t help her one bit just writing about it online. Be with her, you don’t know how much you’ve got. Stop exploiting it for your own benefit. What kind of a person does that anyway?!
Whilst this is very very sad, and I’m sorry to hear that her condition had worsened, please please go away and deal with this in private, as someone who lost a mother to cancer, the last thing you need is to be on tv exploited by mtv, don’t use this terrible illness for attention, be with your mom and your family and do it privately.
And no offence I really can’t stand this girl.
So how long until she’s pregnant again and blame it on her moms cancer? -because every pregnancy of hers is blamed on something other than the fact that she had sex-
And yes, I know I’m an a-hole
Didn’t she get her tubes tied?
This makes me so sad. Shade and sarcasm aside, even though “internet prayers and wishes” don’t matter but I truly pray and wish she gets through this.
I pretty much ugly cried reading through this article. My mom passed away when I was a teenager and my dad passed away from cancer just a few years ago and like her mom, my dad was super healthy, a runner and took really good care of himself. I would never have wanted to be in the public eye and go through this.
This whole situation just breaks my heart for her and her entire family. She may not be my favorite girl from the Teen Mom series but no one deserves to have this happen in their families. All my thoughts and prayers to her mom, her, and her family.
I really hate cancer.
I’m so sorry you have had this loss in your life. Cancer is the worst.
I’m sorry to hear that Sc.
Huggs to you xx
mackenzie annoys me but im very sorry for her mom..
Aside from her using this God awful situation to hawk her own business venture, I am seriously saddened by this. Prayers to the family that her mom can stay comfortable throughout this journey as it doesn’t seem that it will end well.
This is really sad news. Not a fan of mackenzie. But prayers to her and her family during this difficult time.
I feel really awful for her family. This is something terrible that no one should go through.
Tacky side note: Did anyone see Mackenzie’s snapchat story with her daughter totally not buckled in properly? She wasn’t wearing the seat belt across her chest. I was horrified
Sending prayers god l can’t imagine what they are going through its just heartbreaking
Did this girl really use her mom’s cancer to make an instagram post promoting her workout program? Way to keep it classy Mack.
Seriously tactless.
Ugh…. she did!!! She really wants back on mtv. Please dont exploit your mother and what she is going through to weasel your way back on tv. Seriously gross. Cant this girl do anything privately.
my mom has cancer-buy my product..