The negotiations between MTV and Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans continue!
The Ashley can reveal that the network is still actively trying to get Jenelle to sign on for Season 9, months after the negotiations began. Last month, The Ashley exclusively told you some of the things that Jenelle was demanding the network agree to in order for her to sign her Season 9 contract, many of which had to do with Jenelle’s banned-from-MTV-husband David Eason.
The Ashley can confirm that, as of late last week, MTV was still trying to come to an agreement with Jenelle, despite being handed a list of even more demands.
Jenelle confirmed on Twitter on August 5 that she was “still butting heads” with MTV over the Season 9 contract. This is, in fact, true.
“Have lots of offers from many different people, but you have to turn them down when you’re locked in a contract. #Annoying,” Jenelle tweeted.
The Ashley can clarify this a bit.
On a recent episode of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Jenelle stated that she had offers from Netflix and Amazon that she wanted to pursue, should MTV not allow David to work with her on ‘Teen Mom 2′ again. The Ashley can confirm that Jenelle and her lawyer did, in fact, recently meet with another network, although The Ashley is not sure if it was Netflix, Amazon or some other network.
In her tweet about being “locked in a contract,” Jenelle is most likely talking about having to turn down multiple offers in the past, due to MTV not allowing her to do the shows or appearances because of her existing contract. She has NOT signed the Season 9 contract.
However, even if she turns down the Season 9 contract, she is still not allowed to pursue other shows for nine months from the airing of the last Season 8 episode, per her Season 8 contract. (This is probably what she was referring to in that tweet.) This is because the girls’ contracts all have an Exclusivity Clause in them that prevents them from doing shows on competing networks for a certain amount of time after their contract for ‘Teen Mom 2’ ends. This clause also prevents them from doing appearances, online work and other stuff without approval from MTV, for at least nine months after their final episode airs.

One of the things that Jenelle and her lawyer listed in their new demands is for Jenelle to have the ability to do things with other networks.
“Jenelle wants to be allowed to do digital things, at her discretion,” a source tells The Ashley. “Also, Jenelle and her lawyer are still trying to get MTV to agree to work with David–despite what she says on Twitter.”
(Jenelle recently tweeted that David doesn’t care about being allowed to film and “hates being on camera.”)
Idk why everyone keeps saying David is “demanding MTV” to do anything…. I’m the only one talking in this situation. David can give a shit less and hates being on camera. ?
— Jenelle Eason (@PBandJenelley_1) August 3, 2018
“If he hated filming, Jenelle wouldn’t be trying so hard to find something that her and David could work together on,” The Ashley’s source tells her. “Because MTV has not budged on allowing David to film again, Jenelle now wants freedom to work with other networks who will allow her to work with and film with David,” the network source said.

In the new list of demands, Jenelle & Co. still want MTV to agree to pay for David to be able to travel wherever Jenelle goes. She has agreed, however, that David does not have to be allowed on set when she is working.
Jenelle also wants freedom to pursue other ventures, including a podcast (similar to what her ‘Teen Mom 2’ nemesis Kail Lowry has).
“Jenelle wants permission to have a podcast, if she decides to do one. She wants to be able to profit off of that and have the say on who her guests are, without MTV’s input,” the source said. “She does not think it’s fair that Kail is allowed to make money off of a podcast that has people from their show as guests. Jenelle is mad that the other ‘Teen Mom 2’ girls are able to go on Kail’s podcast and talk about her and David. That’s a real sore spot.”
Jenelle’s team is also hoping to improve Jenelle’s public image, the network source says.
“They have plans to show Jenelle working with various charities, should she sign on for Season 9,” the source said. “[Jenelle] feels that her poor image has cost her several appearance opportunities, and that it’s not fair that other ‘Teen Mom’ stars are allowed to do ventures with other networks and Jenelle is not.”
As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle was very adamant in her last set of demands that she be allowed to have a gun in her car, even while filming, and was hoping the network would agree to her having “other” weapons with her on set if she couldn’t have a gun.
The Ashley’s sources tell her that Jenelle plans to continue to promote her right to bear arms.
“She wants to be able to do things that relate to guns and the second amendment and doesn’t want the network to have a say in what she does [regarding that],” The Ashley’s source said. “They have been trying to get product deals and interviews with media outlets that cover guns.”
I love us. ?? @easondavid88 #RideOrDie #ForeverAndAlways
A post shared by Jenelle Eason (@j_evans1219) on
As of last week, The Ashley hears that Jenelle and MTV had yet to come to an official agreement. Although filming for Season 9 has been underway for some time, The Ashley’s sources tell her that the network really wants five girls’ stories on the show.
“That’s why they have recently begun filming with Mackenzie McKee,” another source tells The Ashley. “Right now, even the crew doesn’t know what exactly is going on. However, from what [they’ve] heard, MTV is gathering footage in case Jenelle doesn’t sign on. They can add Mackenzie’s story into ‘Teen Mom 2.’ If [Jenelle] does sign on, they will probably use the new footage in Mackenzie’s mom’s special.”
The Ashley can NOT totally confirm this last part, though, so please file it as a “report” until further notice. Things are still very much up in the air on this issue.
The Ashley will update this story when she has more info! Click the link below to read about some of Jenelle’s other contract demands!
RELATED STORY: Inside Jenelle Evans’ ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 9 Contract Demands: Weapons, Court Case Omissions & More!
(Photos: MTV, Instagram, Twitter)
71 Responses
The only reason I don’t want to see Jenelle get canned, is because I think Barbara and Jace deserve and could use the money. Is there any way they could fire Jenelle and keep Barb and Jace on the show?
McKee keeps getting thisclose to being a TM2 cast member – they dangle carrot and then it ends up not working out the last minute. She must be fuming. Honestly at this point I’d rather they cast her just to spite Jenelle, and tell JE to get F’d. And could you imagine JE trying to host a podcast?! Dude! Babe! OMG dude! At least Kail has a degree in communications so it kinda makes sense her having one.
I don’t understand why MTV jumps through so many hoops for this trash. From what I read here nobody watches her segments as they are unbearable. As much as I dislike Mackenzie they should really bring her on. Sad as her storyline is it doesn’t involve drug addiction or child abuse or violence. She could probably use the money also for her mother’s medical Bill’s. I really hope she doesn’t come back. I hate her and her good for nothing husband. 1 down 1 to go. Sick of there dumpster fire lives. I hope that there house sinks into the swamp. Without the kids
Get rid of her!
When will they let her go!?
When she pulls her gun on the wrong person or her kid has an accident with the gun she keeps unlocked and accessible!?
She and her situation are totally unstable and there are loaded weapons involved, is MTV that hard up for raitings!?
Sadly, Jace or Kaiser could easily grab that gun from her truck! MTV needs to dump her ass!
You would think MTV could look and see no drop off in viewers with the boot of Farrah, as well as the boot of David, and…just wave bye bye to Jenelle, keep, as several have mentioned, us up to date on Kaiser and Jace with barb and Nathan…does anyone really care about seeing that poor baby, and David’s sad little girl? Nope. And do us all a favor and dump Kail while they are at it, I’m so over these women and their “star” mentalities. Just cut them loose into the real world, have a nice life, “ladies,” doing podcasts where you interview one another, but no one cares. Bring on any number of the other girls from the series, give each aONE year slot, then toss them out as well.
Let her go already!! Ugh she’s horrible. I say get rid of the show altogether and just move Chelsea to OG. She’s the best one.
I want a Barb podcast…
Why don’t they just replace Jenelle with Barabra? She has custody of Jace, so he could still film, and I imagine Nathan would also agree to film with Kaiser. It would really burn Jenelle is 2/3 of her kids and her mama and ex took her spot.
That’s what all of us have been saying for a while now. I would much rather watch Barbara.
Jenelle is a certified medical assistant and she was on the deans list why can’t she put that into good use instead of trying to still be on tv and be relevant? nobody likes the bitch or her husband. i swear mckenzie wants to remain in the spotlight so bad
Because she’s not state certified. She failed the state exam, so all she has is a useless certificate. She also can’t get a job with her criminal record and “past” drug use. She has no skills and no real education.
And this, kids, is how drugs could ruin your life.
Medical assistants don’t make even close to what she is making. She would not be able to continue the lifestyle she has become accustomed to. However, with her record, no doctor or hospital would hire her. They do background checks, I know I work for a hospital system.
I’m a certified medical assistant. You can pass the courses with a certificate but she needed to put in extra work to pass the board exam and it’s a hard test. She’d never pass. The job isn’t about “saving lives” like she thinks. It’s about patient comfort and assisting. I’d say the majority of the job is customer service. Can anybody imagine her making patients feel secure? Nobody would hire her. She’d snap on a patient on a whim. It’s sad she ruined people perception of that profession. It’s a busy job and I can’t see her putting others before herself.
Jenelle made the Deans list at a 6 month vocational for profit “school”? Who gives a flying fuck that she even would consider that an accomplishment in her life. I would almost guarantee she attended 90% of the classes high. The reason I used only “90%” is because she probably missed the other 10% after meeting up with Kiefer and having Nathan break in through the window scare Kiefer all the way to PA to hide in a hill billy meth lab that he made in a basement of a rent controlled apartment building. Then Nathan choked her. His biggest mistake was letting go. He could of spared Ensley and Kaiser a life of hell in a house that was built on marsh land. Marisa would of been screwed either way since David’s ex was more fucked up then him. Anyway my point is as long as you pay an attend 70% of the classes you will get a diploma. The state board does not give a shit if you pay so you actually need to be sober and to have studied. I think she scored in the 30’s on that test. Does that sound like a Deans list student? That sounds like a pay for diploma school so if you live in NC and want a vocational diploma attend that “medical” assistant school. MTV fire her we need people for our graduate vocational medical assistant program.
Although I would love to see Mackenzie’s story, because I feel like a lot of people would be able to relate to her family’s struggle with her mothers cancer, and I think she would be really easy to work with because she’s wanted to be on Teen Mom since TM3 ended…I’d rather see that Nikkole girl….she’s the conductor of the Hot Mess Express, and I would be all here for it. Plus she’s got that crazy ass baby daddy? MTV wants ratings? Bring her on….
Then again Mackenzie and Briana had a falling out, so maybe there could be some tension and drama there too. We all saw how Briana was flailing and screaming (empty threats) like a banshee from hell during her “fight” with Kail.
Nikkole faked a stillbirth. I don’t want her on my tv again.
Her team wants to “improve her image”??…The damage is already done!…As many chances as she’s been given, she’s never coming back from ALL of that…No matter how hard this girl tries…SHE WILL NEVER BE CHELSEA!
Don’t too much care for Mackenzie but I actually hope they drop Jenelle and move forward with Mackenzie
Or drop all of them
Other networks want to hire Jenelle and David. Really?
Well, after looking at that outrageous STANK photo David posted of her on Instagram, with one the stupidest captions I’ve ever seen submitted by ANY man who calls himself a husband (and father) — let’s just hope one of those networks isn’t “The
Family Channel.”
MTV cant have David on camera after all the crazy stuff he said on social media, why not have him behind the scenes.
Yes i think David should direct & produce all of Jenelles scenes.
You have to admit it would be the best & biggest trainwreck, he will probably get so mad that she will need sexurity from him
Now that they have put Cheyanne and Bristol on Teen Mom OG they could bring David back if they really wanted to. Both the new teen mom girls have made racist and/or homophobic comments just like David. I hope they get rid of Jenelle, but I am not happy about the two new girls. They are no better than David in the racist/homophobic aspect.
I’d far rather watch Mackenzie McKee. Cut Jenelle loose. I’d like to see MTV keep Jace and Babs, Nathan and the Roll.
The Ashley, didn’t Jenelle and Nathan have court yesterday? Any chance you have the scoop?
The teflon mom will keep custody. She will never lose custody, she has AMAZING lawyers that will take care of it.
She has over a dozen mugshots but never spent more than 24 hours in jail. She assaults people, admits to it & still gets away with it.
She cost MTV more time, money & aggravation than any other mom but they still cater to her demands (they dont let you smoke weed in hotels so they had to get her a house rental).
I would be pissed if I were the other moms. They bring kids and friends so they should get a house rental too. I wish they would get rid of her!
This show needs to just end. As much as The Ashley’s recaps brighten my boring week days I gotta say that none of these girls should be paid anymore and need to actually live in reality. As a working single mother I cannot deal with how they all live so entitled and show no real work ethic for their kids. Jenelle knows at this point she grasping at straws. Nothing with change how we think of her after everything she’s done and allows to happen. Be real. Should it even be called “teen mom” when they reach 30? They will wind up being those VH1 “remember them” specials wishing they had used the money they had to build something for themselves. In the age that technology is everywhere can you imagine in a few years these kids classmates are gonna pick at these kids for their parents antics.
Oh my…if girl was Interested in cleaning her image up she wouldn’t be sitting all spread eagle and having that photo on the Internet. And I don’t think I could handle a half hour podcast where the “dude” count would probably be in excess of at least 350 times used.
Speaking of which did anyone see the nasty pic and even nastier caption David posted on Instagram recently. I read and article and went to look. So gross and he took off all comments lol.
Yup ?. Some things should remain private, but UBT clearly has no respect for his wife.
MTV needs to be like Elsa and let it go already.
To the supposed networks interested in this lunatic, don’t waste your time! No one wants to watch her and David abuse their children and be edited in a manner that will make them falsely look like wonderful parents and productive members of society.
They would have to do some serious editing. We could watch them on their cursing screaming gun filled ride to day care drop off. Then home to the land to Pull and amber and move from
Couch to bed lol
Yeah Janelle.
MTV makes you look bad. *eyeroll* it can’t be the countless court cases, child abuse allegations, insane hostile behaviour, pulling a loaded gun on some guy. Nope. It’s alllll MTV dense moth***ucker.
I say let her go and watch all her “projects” flop. The only people that care about Jenelle are equally as insane as she is.
MTV fire Jenelle! No more Easons allowed on Mtv!
I can’t believe they are still trying to negotiate something with her. If it were any other girl (even Leah or Kail), they would have already fired her ass! Stop making her feel important and the “star” of the show, just pull the plug MTV! If you fired Farrah for less (yes, I know she is a horrible being but doing porn doesn’t equate child and drug abuse imo), you can fire Jenelle.
We are all to blame.
Its a train wreck. No one likes it or wants to see it but if its there you will stare at it.
MTV knows no matter how much she is hated people will watch just to see what is her next crazy stunt.
If Chelsea asked for a cup of coffee she would be history because she is drama free, nothing to see.
The more crazy stuff she does the more MTV wants her.
Note to Jenelle’s lawyers, no amount of charity work will do anything for Jenelle’s image because we all know it will never EVER be sincere.
The only actions that might get her anywhere are to 1. Stop doing drugs 2. Stop neglecting your children (although these are habits 10 years in the making so they will be tough) and 3. Most important-lose 200 lbs of dumber than rocks abusive husband.
He is probably only 190lbs. Remember Bleeched Blotty skin doesn’t weigh as much even if you are a homophobic shithead full of shit. Also the damaged is done she would have to be Mother Teresa the next 10 years for people to look past these past 10 years.
Well US Magazine reaches out to Netflix to ask if they had made any offers to working with Jenelle like she claimed and their representative gave a flat out no as a response so Netflix isn’t interested!!!
Thank god, because when I was reading this I thought I’m canceling my Netflix subscription if Jenelle ever appeares on Netflix.
A know druggie and her ex-con husband whats to promote a right for carrying a weapon?!?!?! And I thought that my country has problems.
Does she think she is going to be the next corresondent on Fox with all her NRA talk? Think she forgets that NRA members are also big fans of long prison terms for drug users. Meetings mean nothing. None of the girls have a future in TV. Farrah will likely find a wealthy 80 year old to marry and hopefully disappear.
I bet Jenelle thinks she can start a make-up empire like Kylie Jenner. Think teeth whitenning and diet shakes are more likely.
The Kylie Jenner of guns
Jenelle will build an empire on ladies firearms & accessories.
I will discontinue my membership if the NRA ever hired her to do anything. No law abiding gun owner in their right mind could agree with Jenelle.
A gun to scare people it is to defend yourself, like if the guy had a weapon & was approaching her.
Please just let her go, Mtv! The Eason’s are not people that viewers want to see enriched with more money. At this point I’m ready to tune out MTV if you sign her. I cam get by with various alternative recaps of the show until I lose interest in the show altogether. One thing I WON’T do is give you increased viewer rating numbers by clicking on your channel. Just let her go….
Lets be honest it I always fun to watch a living breathing train wreck like a great white eating a seal, or the trash on LIVE PD that makes the best segments, but nothing is as fun as watching two, pot smoking gun toting, homophobic idiots, that happen to be living on 30 marsh filled acres where modular homes brought on Craigslist will sink no matter how much dirt, sod, and rocks, one of the homophobic shitheads says they need to put there in order to keep them from falling in their humble abode straight to hell. MTV as much as we love watching them fuck up every season no matter their new found wealth. For me I find it fucked up I need to wake up at 1:30am in order to drive to work just to live on a wage comparable to those shitheads. I don’t spend my money on 30acres of marsh land in NC which has made it funny to watch their house sink and now worry that the roast beef can no longer get top dollar to be able to afford to keep them in drugs, money, guns, and enough money to keep CPS off their backs for beating and starving Kaiser on a daily basis. MTV just quit negotiating with these assholes and watch them crawl back on their knees in no time. Pleas MTV this is better then you making Jenelle look like a somewhat decent Mom. Please!!!
“Jenelle’s team is also hoping to improve Jenelle’s public image,”
???? Pretending to do charity work can’t fix what’s wrong with Jenelle’s public image. It’s clear that she doesn’t do charity work or give a shit about anyone, so I can see why no one wants to film her trying to act like she cares. She can’t even fake cry believably (despite years of practice), so there’s no way she pull this off.
And as long as she’s still pulling guns on people, neglecting her kids, allowing them to be abused, and just sucking as a person, her public image isn’t going anywhere. She and UBT are so delusional. We all still know what she is and trying to get MTV to hide her custody battles and chaos so she can play “happy family” on Instagram won’t change that.
I have stopped recording Teen Mom because of Jenelle. Don’t want to register the clicks and be supporting her time on Teen Mom, in even the smallest way. FIRE HER MTV!!!!! You will still have viewers! It is too painful to watch anyways.
I try to DVR so I can forward thru her BS!
I hear you! I’ll be locking the MTV channel after the reunion episode.
I almost hope she does resign. For Kaiser’s sake. If they treat him so badly when there are witnesses, I can’t imagine what they will do when the cameras aren’t there and they’re stressed because the gravy train is gone.
I’m speechless!!! Can’t believe what I just read. WTF
Ashley, I have a difficult time believing some of this.
MTV’s lawyer’s should know that all they have to do to sidestep Jenelle’s demands on her “guns” is report her to the state for drugs and the state will swoop in and take her and David’s guns, if she even possesses any of them legally which is a hot debate online. North Carolina is so incompetent it wouldn’t be hard to believe they didn’t check to see if she had a gun license.
I don’t see anyone offering Jenelle Evans Eason a damn thing. Calling BS.
Various charities like neglected and abused children… does this mean she’ll help her own? Charities that deal with addiction…. will she share her stash? If MTV gives in to her I’m done with the show. I’m praying they get kaiser out soon!
I heard Jenelle got an offer from busted vagina.com for a photo shoot.
DUMP JENELLE ALREADY!!!! She is TOXIC to the show!
Jenelle’s going to be broke in those 9 months if she doesn’t sign on. Her house is sinking, plus drugs are expensive from what I hear. It would be nice to have a story like McKenzie’s on the show. It will balance out Demon Briana’s scenes (she sounded like a demon when she rushed the stage screaming).
If I don’t have to see Juh-nelle’s scary eyebrows anymore… I’ll be more than happy.
Could you even imagine Jenelle doing a podcast? Take a shot every time she says dude or babe. Or maybe just call it “Dude: Jenelle’s Podcast with Babe”.
Just cut your losses MTV.
She will be signed up with Vivid to make a sextape within six months.
I imagine she would be just as monotonous and lackluster on her podcast as she is trying to hawk stuff on IG.
Ugh please not McKee. She’s as dumb as rocks and spreads false medical information. Don’t give her a platform.
fire her
I’m excited they’re starting to film MacKenzie! I get it. Fame hungry. Whatnot. But her family really could use the money what with her moms cancer. And she may be fame hungry but so is Kail
… and Jenelle … and Brianna … and aside from Chelsea and I’m even thinking Leah they are all fame hungry! Leah has been doing a good job of staying in her own business and out of the media and selling her soul.
Jenelle needs to be dropped. Shes been too much for too long and needs a reality check.
Just film Babs and get rid of Jenelle seriously.
☝?This. Yes.
Holy Shit MTV.. fire her!