Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Boyfriend Kieffer Delp Is About to Face the Judge Over Meth Lab Charges

“I’d ask Barb to be a character witness for me, but she would tell the judge I’m a ‘lyin’ hustla!'”

Kieffer Delp is about to head to court for (allegedly) helping people to get HIGH! HIGH! on meth!

The former soulmate of Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans will finally get his day in court next week, seven months after he was thrown in jail for allegedly running a meth lab out of his home (as you do). As The Ashley previously told you back in January, Kieffa was arrested after Pennsylvania police discovered a “fully functioning meth lab” in Kieffer’s apartment.

“Police say they found lithium, lighters, propane and empty pseudo-ephedrine packaging inside the home they busted,” CBS Pittsburgh reporter Meghan Schiller wrote on Twitter after Kieffer’s arrest.

Kieffer has been sitting in the Allegheny County Jail since January. In June he participated in a pre-trial conference regarding his case, but on August 22, Kieffer will get his day in court during his non-jury trial.

While Kieffer was often able to smooth-talk Jenelle’s mother Barbara Evans during the years he appeared on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ he may have a much-harder time winning over the judge in his case. The former green-hoodied one is facing four felony charges and well as three misdemeanor charges.

According to court records, “Kieffa” is facing a felony charge of “Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver,” a second-degree felony charge of “Operating a Methamphetamine Lab,” a third-degree felony charge of “Risking Catastrophe” and a third-degree felony charge of “Depositing, Storing or Deposing of Chemical Waste.”

(We can assume the court is not talking about his infamous green hoodie when they refer to “chemical waste,” but we’re not sure.)

Meanwhile, somewhere in North Carolina right now…

Kieffer also faces three misdemeanor charges of “Using or Possessing Drug Paraphernalia,” “Knowingly Possess Ephedrine” and “Intentional Possession of a Controlled Substance.”

‘Teen Mom 2’ fans recently caught up with Kieffer (and the rest of Jenelle’s former soulmates) during a special that aired in December 2017. During the special, Kieffer told us that, while he and Jenelle were heroin buddies, he was no longer doing “hard” drugs and was just “smokin’ the weed” these days. He left out the part about (allegedly) running the meth lab. However, the interviews he did for the ‘Teen Mom 2′ special were shot in an apartment that looked suspiciously similar to the apartment Kieffer was accused of running a meth lab out of.

Luckily for Kieffer, “Bein’ a felon ain’t illegal!”

Watch the video below to see the best Kieffer-related ‘Teen Mom 2’ commercial ever to air!

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom 2’ “Jenelle Evans: The Ex Files” Special Recap: A Stroll Down Soulmate Street

(Photos: MTV)

27 Responses

  1. I have to be at the courthouse tomorrow for work and I’m definitely gonna try to see if I can catch a glimpse or a pic of keiffah!

  2. And yet somehow, he’s the best guy Jenelle’s been with. At least the most entertaining.

    Ah the good old days, back when we could hope Jenelle wouldn’t procreate again and the only child she was neglecting was baby Jace.

  3. Oh, Kieffa, imagine you being married to her and on THE LAND…….and I’m sure he wouldn’t have been fired either. Jenelle did always come back to him when she broke up with someone so there’s still hope……#trueloveawaitsevenifbehindbars

    1. Or maybe while in jail he can talk about how much he loves Jenelle & her money, then his cellmate can hook up with her when he is released. (Like Courtland did with his cellmate David, how does she not find that suspicious)

    1. Right – before she discovered guns. At least with heroin she was only hurting herself and her family. With guns she’s dangerous to both her family and the general public.

  4. The Kieffa days – simpler times in Jenelle’s life…

    I have watched that remix clip on YouTube many times when I need a quick pick-me-up. So many good Babs quotes in 30 seconds.

    1. That actually might have been good for him. If he had a kid with her, lived on the land, and mooched off her money he would not have had any reason to make meth. The kids would probably be treated better too. Kieffer was much more laid back than David. He did not have that anger in him. David only has a business, a nice house, and isn’t committing crimes anymore because he got lucky, ended up in jail with Jenelle’s ex that told him all about her, he saw dollar signs, made sure he set it up to meet her in person, and now he is financially set. Jenelle is a complete idiot if that does not seem as suspicious to her as it does to everyone else.

  5. Well,

    Everyone knows you don’t get high on your own stash man..
    I hope keiffer gets the help he needs. He seems like a lost puppy.

  6. I have a soft spot for kieffa he is a lost soul… downvote me but I still think he’s better then David….. I think if he were to be sober he could be a decent guy. Just my opinion. I hope he gets the help he needs.

  7. It’s been a long week, thank you so much for the Kieffa-related remix, that is truly the best commercial of all time. If I’m not mistaken, isn’t Kieffa the first soulmate Jace ever called “daddy”? Great choices Jenelle.

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