From showing off their new boyfriend to showing everyone how awful they are, the stars (and former stars) of the Teen Mom franchise have been busy this week! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on all of the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened so far this week…
Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason reached a new low of awfulness…if that’s even possible.

David was booted from ‘Teen Mom 2’ in February after posting homophobic tweets, and, since then, he has used his verified Instagram account to “speak his mind” on a variety of topics. However, a post David made to Instagram Live on Monday took the prize for most-offensive thing he has ever posted, in The Ashley’s opinion.
Mr. Jenelle Evans, who recently posted that he is proud to be straight and white, posted meme with a historical photo showing people being loaded into boxcars to be taken to concentration camps during World War II. A disgusting caption accompanied the photo.
“Why gun control? Because armed people will NOT willingly load themselves into railroad boxcars,” the caption read.
Luckily, MTV has actually stood firm and refused to allow David to come back to ‘Teen Mom 2,’ despite Jenelle’s extensive efforts to get him back on the show.
‘Teen Mom OG’ got a nomination…for once.
The birth-control-challenged crew from ‘Teen Mom’ has been bringing their drama to our TVs for over nine years, but this week the show earned its first official nomination for a category of a “real” awards show.
View this post on InstagramGo and vote for #TeenMomOG link is in my bio!!! #muchlove #thankful
A post shared by Catelynn Baltierra (@catelynnmtv) on
‘Teen Mom’ was nominated in the “Best Reality Show” category for the 2018 E! People’s Choice Awards. The reality show has some stiff competition, though. In order to snag the win, ‘Teen Mom’ will have to beat out ‘Basketball Wives,’ ‘Chrisley Knows Best,’ ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation,’ ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians,’ ‘Vanderpump Rules,’ ‘Queer Eye,’ ‘Gold Rush,’ two ‘Love and Hip Hop’ shows and two ‘Real Housewives’ shows.
Some of the ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars took to social media to ask their followers to vote for ‘OG.’
“Guys!!! GO VOTE for #TeenMomOG link is in my bio! We are nominated for a people’s choice award after being on air for 9 years!!” Catelynn Lowell wrote on Instagram.
“GO VOTE! @TeenMom is nominated for a #PCA after 9 YEARS on the air!” Tyler Baltierra tweeted.
If you’d like to vote for ‘Teen Mom,’ click here!
Kayla Sessler Introduced Us To Her New Boo
It looks like ‘Young and Pregnant’ star Kayla has finally given her baby daddy Stephan the ol’ heave-ho…and replaced him with a familiar face from her past!
Kayla, whose battles with Stephan played out during the first season of ‘Young and Pregnant,’ posted a photo of her snuggling up to her high school friend, Luke Davis III, to Instagram earlier this week. In the comment section of the photo, Kayla revealed that she and Luke are now dating.
“Is this ur new boyfriend?” one of her followers asked, to which Kayla replied, “Yes ma’am.”
Luke also appeared in photos taken last week in New York City, where Kayla was off filming the ‘Young and Pregnant’ Season 2 Reunion.
Fans of the show first “met” Luke during Season 1, when Kayla ran into him while she was registering for college classes.
“We did go to high school together, but we never really talked too much because I was dating Stephan my whole high school,” Kayla said. “Stephan does know him too, but they’re not really friends.”
She explained that, “right now me and him we are just basically getting to know each other better and seeing if we have a connection, or if something could be there.”
Chelsea Houska explained the significance of the unique middle name she gave her newborn daughter.
Chelsea and her husband Cole DeBoer welcomed a baby girl last week. The ‘Teen Mom 2’ couple named their daughter Layne Ettie, and the baby’s unique middle name had fans wondering about the significance of it.
View this post on InstagramHappy birthday to YOU, sweet baby Layne ?
A post shared by Chelsea DeBoer (@chelseahouska) on
On Twitter, Chelsea explained that “Ettie” has a special meaning to her and her family.
“I had a grandma named Nettie and my other grandma was Edna and they called her Eddie…so we thought Ettie was perfect,” Chelsea wrote.
(By the way, The Ashley has updated her “Teen Mom Babies: By the Numbers” post to include Layne. Click here to check that post out!)
42 Responses
You are basically blaming holocaust victims for not “saving” themselves. You are as bad as David. And if you are going to insult what is taught in schools, learn the difference between they’re, their and there.
MTV, Please, pleae fire Jenelle. Keep Barb, though. but Davids post is beyond repulsive. her complacency is her agreeing. Please and thank you.
Holy mother of God. Those poor kids with David as a father. He is lower than low. Using that photo and caption is absolutely disgusting. I literally feel sick.
And as long as Jenelle doesn’t say anything against all that crap coming out of his mouth, she clearly agrees with it. She just doesn’t say it online. Birds of a feather.
I’m absolutely shocked that MTV would even continue to work with Jenelle after what her husband is saying. Guilty by association. Clearly this doesn’t bother MTV. That speaks volumes to me. It’s all about money. No one cares anymore.
I’m going to agree, I tried to give this asshole the benefit of doubt thinking possibly this isn’t coming across right because, who says such demeaning disgusting shit??? This is the ultimate, most offensive, down right COLD post ever!
After this, I’m appalled that MTV would keep Jenelle , she goes out of her way to let the world know that they are of one therefore, she is in compliance with his sick filth.
Block the MTV channel on your TV. I have blocked all Viacom’s channels months ago.
I don’t want to support them and I don’t want my kids to see what they have to offer. They learn from TV and think that is reality and normal to some point.
David Eason, the perfect representation of a Trump supporter!:-(
Don’t be an asshole.
I get where David is coming from. I’m a firm believer in the second amendment and am against gun control. I will say the way they have behaved at times ie: Janelle following the guy who cut her off, and David’s abusive behavior makes me think they shouldn’t have guns readily available to them . I thought he had a DV on his record ? If so how is he able to own a gun ?
I get the second amendment right, but when you use it to be offensive, despicable, and disgusting, David needs to shut the fuck up.
K- You’re against gun control but you aren’t sure that guns should be readily available to David and Jenelle?
I don’t think you’re as against gun control as you think you are.
K, there are apparently a lot of dumb people on this site. You are not one of them. I think people just react in a knee-jerk manner with no thought given, as their taught to do in today’s schools. David (a true dirtbag) uses an extreme example but it does in fact show exactly what the second Amendment is intended to protect against.
Actually, no, you are wrong. It is not they’re. That would not make sense. They’re is a contraction for they are. It would be wrong if it said, “K, they are apparently…” It should be, “okay, there is…” Before you go correcting someone’s grammar, make sure you are right. You made yourself look really stupid.
I just barely got trough a documentary about Auschwitz yesterday, David makes me really sick.
For your information David, my grandfather did have a gun in his hands when the nazi’s approached the object he was defending. However, they were with so many, they had bigger and better weapons and after they killed a couple people as an example, all the rest could do was surrender. He went on that train to a concentration camp.
A couple of days of forced hard labor in (road) construction under very harsh conditions might humble you a bit. My grandfather survived years of hard labor while severely malnourished.
I hear you were too scared to let your toes touch the floor in jail, little whimp.
Show some respect to the millions of people that lost their lives and the billions whose lives were affected.
Bless your sweet, strong grandpa. I cannot imagine the sheer determination it took to stay alive in those conditions, and to think they went on to live full lives, have families and find happiness again. They’re truly heroes.
My grandparents met in while grandma was foraging for edible weeds with I think her brother.
Grandpa had escaped. She told him she was collecting weeds for their rabbits when he asked what she was doing.
Of course he knew they didn’t have rabbits. He helped her and asked her questions about edible weeds to survive. He joked that he was hungry too but she saw he really needed a meal and took him home. He got soup with edible weeds and whatever was available.
I don’t think it’s fair to say they didn’t live a full life and never found real happiness.They have been very happy and they both had a lust and appreciation for life and a great sense of humor but they were also very traumatized.
Both their children well, did not care for them a lot, both abandoned their children when they were teens. Serious attachment issues. Not surprisingly, I mean, many people have broken their trust and broke them, during the war.
That war had a huge impact on them, their children and grandchildren.
I showed it to my husband and he was shocked too. Told me to report it but I don’t think Twitter cares.
I support you and your grandparents but this is grammatically and editorially hard to follow. :/ sorry. Grandma and grandpa both foraging and met in the woods? Which one had a house to make the soup? Their kids, being your parents, abandoned you? I want to understand. But I get that they had hard lives that none of us here and now can even imagine. The important thing is their story lives on. That’s the only reason I would want it clarified, but it’s not necessary.
Oops, I’m sorry. Tired, editing in a tiny screen and not my first language.
Grandma was German and foraging near their house (they needed extra food for the people they were hiding in the house by the way). Grandpa had escaped with some men while they were working on a road and was walking back to the Netherlands.
Grandma and her brother took grandpa and his friends to their house to help them.
They fell in love, married and became pregnant. After the war, grandpa took grandma to the Netherlands. She wasn’t very welcome of course.
Both my mother as my aunt have abandoned their children. I was 17 and I have no idea were she is now. The law protects her privacy and choice not to treat her mental illnesses.
When my mom was still around, she found information that women that suffered trauma and severe anxiety (as they feared for their lives inn bomb free cellars) during the pregnancy,had more chance of giving birth to children with severe mental ilnesses. Multiple personality disorder was specifically mention in that research.
My mom knew she was mentally ill but she was raised in a society that judged people in treatment so she didn’t seek treatment. Said she wasn’t crazy.
Who the fuck would down vote this?????. Let me guess a jobless, speckled,abusive, ugly pos who lives in a swamp. Who thinks hes a real tough guy. But we all know he isn’t he picks on woman and children
Your grandfather sounds like a true hero. Someone who has a story that deserves the spotlight. Not this maniac. God bless that man and everyone else who suffered
My grandparents weren’t heroes. They were like billions of others and they were lucky to survive with mostly luck and a dash of determination, like everyone that survived.
Grandpa almost became a hero but some people chickened out and they didn’t manage to kill Hitler while he was visiting their camp. Something with bomb parts. But that is also not special. Many framed, tried and failed unfortunately.
They didn’t chose to be heroes, or set out to be. But they were strong and brave and we admire them.
Anyone who takes the Horror so lightly has never given it any serious thought, or known someone affected by it. No one should have to go through what your grandfather did. Human beings are just awful. And these spoiled, entitled assholes have no idea.
Hi Jenelle
I just want people to know it was not just Jewish people that were affected. In honor of my grandmother’s wishes.
When you let a racist rule, at some point, you or yours are next.
Poem, M Nieman
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I took Hebrew in high school. On one of our field trips, we went to the local Jewish Community Center. We also went to a local Holocaust Museum. David is an idiot. That is nothing to joke about. My class and I all set and one of those cattle cars with our teacher. it was a very humbling experience, and I will never forget it. David needs to wake up and realize he’s being hurtful. you don’t even think about joking about the millions of men women and children who died.
I have only visited two non-destruction camps and felt horrible. I can’t handle Auschwitz or another camp with the gaschambers and crematoria I think.
The camp we visited still had a piece rail, rail that used to go all the way to the destruction camps. Standing there, knowing thousands of people were carried to death camps over that rail, that’s my limit I think.
In another museum we went inside one of the cattle carriages that was used to transport prisoners. Horribly, stomach in a tie.
On all the sites, some people were happily chatting like they were in an amusement park or something. Maybe nervous, I would hope so.
Who the F would downvote this? Is Hitler on here?
No it’s just david. But u were close
The way Jenelle acted during the interview for the reunion was actually scary. Now knowing they are homeschooling maryssa… this picture has me terrified these two will be telling her the holocaust wasn’t real. They shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near children or guns.
I really enjoyed, “Unseen Moments” with Barbara on the couch. We love you, Barbara!
Until Kail crashed it lol even barb didn’t look too happy to see her
@ David – gotta appreciate that you’re trying to stay relevant and that even bad press is still press …but you’re a total douche
When you think David can’t possibly get any lower. No words.
Shame on you David!! Don’t use the genocide of a group of innocent people for your propaganda. Gun control had nothing to do with the mass killing of Jewish people. I can’t even believe some people live in such ignorant, narrow (perhaps simple) minded bubbles.
On another note, I’m very happy to see Kayla is hopefully moving of from Stephan. That guy has no respect for anyone.
Mostly Jewish of course but also Sinti, Roma, gay, resistance, militairy, falsely accused by others, hiding a radio or whatever the nazi’s didn’t allow and many people that just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong moment.
Nobody was safe, unless you were with them. Many of those ***( were never found, escaped to Brazil and such.
David is as vile as they come, and Jenelle is turning into a female version of him. I really hope they don’t bring anymore kids into this world….they have no business raising anyone, if those are their beliefs. Those 2 spread nothing but ignorance and hate.
On a quick happy note, I love Chelsea’s pick for a middle name for baby Layne, super cute and clever!
On another note, let’s start my rant ?…
David… evil swamp monster… too undeniably and incredibly ignorant that it’s almost sad. That picture is beyond words. I am a pro gun person and in NO way would I EVER look at a picture of that and think, “hey, this would be great!”. For your information David, Jewish people didn’t have any weapons, but most did go without a fight because they would have been killed. They also were not aware of the destination ahead, being as nobody came out of the camps alive to tell their story until the camps were liberated, and then, only very few survived. They were told they were going to another location to work, or most of the time, they were told nothing at all about where they were headed. Don’t base your petty opinions on the greatest genocide of an entire race. Your ignorance cuts deep. Take some of that teen mom money, and go use it to hear a survivor speak. It may help you in your “decision” making afterwards in life.
I agree w/ you 100 % Take your teen mom $ and take a basic college class. Good Grief…. I guess dumb really is forever
Two thumbs down… must be one from David and one from Jenelle.