Jersey Shore Family Vacation star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his baby mama Jen Harley are publicly feuding yet again and this time, Ronnie is claiming that his infant daughter, Ariana, may not be his.
According to Celebrity Insider, Ronnie made the bold claim in a now-deleted Instagram story featuring a text conversation between himself and Jen, his frequent sparring partner. Ronnie’s texts accused Jen of cheating on him with an ex… or four.
“That’s u Jen, u denied for 4 months that U spoke with him, i let it go bc I believe in my heart that u knew how much that whole things fked me up and that the one thing u would never do again.
“The fact u brought him back into our lives again after we had a kid just proves u can’t let go.”
Ronnie then went on to run down a list of Jen’s exes—one of whom is named Nitro. (We’re assuming he’s some sort of aspiring pro wrestler or something?)
“U had bret, Nitro, Jeff, Moe,” Ronnie wrote.

Ronnie accompanied the text convo with a caption questioning the paternity of Ariana.
“When you find out you’ve been getting played and the child you have given the world and only thing brings u happiness might not be yours #IPrayNobodyEverHasToFeelThisPainOrConfusion.”
This week’s social media squabble is just the latest in a seemingly never-ending tale of altercations between these two, the most recent being a month ago, which ended in the cops being called.
As The Ashley previously reported, that incident took place just days after Ronnie accused Jen of giving him a black eye, to which she responded by publicly accusing him of being a drug addict.
In June of this year, Jen was arrested on charges of domestic abuse after allegedly dragging Ronnie with her car while he was exiting her vehicle during—yet another fight.
Later that month, Jen showed up unannounced during the filming of ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ and allegedly got physical with Ronnie… and as The Ashley told you in April, the couple chose to broadcast their tumultuous breakup-turned-throw down over Instagram Live.

To (undoubtedly) be continued…
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
41 Responses
Wow. He’s now playing “the baby’s not mine” card. What a piece of sh*t.
Did she also have Larry and Curly?
Maury or Jerry Springer? LOL
The baby does look exactly like him, but he should get a paternity test regardless.
I feel horrible for that baby getting these two clowns as parents.
Neither him or the baby has a neck…it’s his.
In the words of Maury, “Rawn, you ARE the father.” That baby looks exactly like him. You could see that from outer space. He knows she’s his. Just soooo much stupid drama with these two. I feel terrible for Ariana and Jen’s son. So sad.
He would be better off if he wasn’t her father. I know he adores her, but the baby is the only thing keeping him with Jen. If she’s not his he can cut ties completely and get away from her evil ass. Poor baby though.
He should go on Maury and that whole outfit is trash.
Seriously. Who dresses a baby like that?
Fgs, why don’t they both stop and focus on the kid? Even the cast members are fed up wit this constant bs.
Why has he NOT had a DNA test yet?! He’s just not smart at all.
To quietly go and get a DNA test would not be NEARLY enough drama for him.
Exactly! I have never seen someone who thrives on drama like him.
Gross. Fucking gross. This whole situation is fucking gross.
Accidentally thumbs down!
But I agree!!
There is just nothing more to say.
They are disgusting people, that baby has no chance for a healthy home and is only going to grow up in a dysfunctional environment with these dumb f**** as parents. She is obviously his and for him to deny her is so sick and wrong. They’ll be in love again before the weekend is over… smh.
Banish these nitwits to Outer Stupidstan. Baby looks like his clone but a DNA test should settle that. And WTF with that baby outfit?
I’m not a parent and don’t want to be, but ripped jeans on a little baby like that, isn’t that dangerous? She could get her little foot stuck or something….
I just noticed the outfit…….hopefully it was just for a picture, she’s way too young to be wearing such jeans.
Outer Stupidstan might reject them.
Time for them to go on Maury to confirm that Ron IS the father – she sure looks like him though. I hope he isn’t because he’s an unstable mess but probably Nitro, Moe and the others are no prize as dads either. Poor kid – and ripped jeans on a baby?!
I hope they do go on Maury, I want to see what people named Nitro and Moe look like lol! I hope the grandparents get custody of the baby sooner rather than later. Ron obviously hasn’t hit rock bottom yet to going to rehab and getting counseling.
He’s truly getting a taste of karma for how he treated Sammi all of those years. She would try to make amends and be the bigger person; Jenn will just drag you with her car and spit in your face.
That baby is definitely his. That poor kid is going to be so fucked up with those two as parents.
Nitro ahahahaha. Sounds like a character from Crash Bandicoot to me. At least his name isn’t N.Gin.
They need to stay off social media. At least their relationship. Train wreck…. ?
Their relationship reminds me of what going on between Sam and Ron on Jersey Shore aka the worst part of the show. Ron is an alcoholic/binge drinker who acts crazy when he gets drunk.
Now as far as denying paternity, don’t do that on social media, bro. Have some respect for that child and handle that stuff in private sensitivity.
I would put money on it one of these two will end up in jail one day (and not just a drunk tank visit down at the shore.)
So…….same old, same old? DUDE, just LEAVE her, I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to just go. And sorry but that’s 100% your kid so you’re gonna have to take care of her even when you inevitably break up.
Ron suffers from Perpetual Victim Status. He stays in toxic situations, contributes to those toxic situations, and then cries about it in an attempt to garner sympathy. Good thing Sam wisened up in their relationship, because he was never going to.
First of all, that’s his kid…and he’s gonna feel like a real asshole when he sobers up on day and realizes what he publicly said about her not being his. Secondly, not wishing away the baby because she’s absolutely precious, but he should have had his first kid with someone else because Jen is nutz…and now he’s stuck with her FOREVER….Honestly, they’re both nutz. He murdered her dog.
He did not murder her dog. He found the dog dead in the pool after he had been away filming. Both are terrible people, but Jen seems more like the pet killing type.
I know that drugs fry brain cells, but with as often as you are in front of a mirror..how can you not recognize the same damn reflection looking at that little girl? These two are way too much. Take that child now.
This relationship is a train wreck. I feel bad for the kid.
Doesn’t feel so good huh ronnie. Karma’s a b**ch
Sorry Ronnie, that munchkin looks just like you. She is a product of Ron Ron juice.
They both need to be sterilized.
I’m pretty sure that’s what Jenny was wearing in season 1 of Jersey Shore.
I’m judging them for how that baby is dressed. Hard.
Yeeesss! Those jeans, wtf? Lol!!!!!!!!!
The baby looked just like him didn’t she?
That’s his baby. Jen is a psycho, but that is his baby.
Da faq