Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant is coming back for a second season, but MTV has decided that one of the show’s star will not return.
The Ashley can exclusively confirm that Lexi Tatman, who has starred on the show since it launched last year, has been booted from the ‘Young and Pregnant’ cast! In addition, The Ashley’s sources tell her that the show’s producers have already found another girl to fill Lexi’s spot!
As The Ashley previously told you, the network renewed the show in late 2018, and most of the girls began filming in December. (The Ashley is not sure if Lexi filmed any footage for Season 2 before MTV decided to discontinue her story.) The Ashley’s sources told her that all of the girls received significant pay raises to appear in Season 2.
“MTV basically felt that her story wasn’t interesting enough to continue with,” a behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley. “Lexi was not the one who discontinued filming. Lexi really had no idea that she was not going to be part of Season 2.”
The Ashley’s sources did not have all the specifics behind why the network chose to let Lexi go; however, from what The Ashley has heard, it was not due to any sort of bad behavior on Lexi or her boyfriend Kyler Lopez‘ part.
“Nothing big happened or anything,” one source said. “She wasn’t being punished.”
The show’s producers decided to keep the show focusing on five girls, so they sought out another young mom to replace Lexi on Season 2.
From what The Ashley has heard, the new girl, Kaya, hails from Virginia has been filming for just a week or two.
Lexi has remained silent about getting cut from the show. (It’s possible that she is keeping quiet due to terms in her contract, though.)
The Ashley will update this story when she has more information.
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Officially Renewed For Another Season:
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
64 Responses
Good job Lexi. He is for sure going to stay and love you forever now. Just like you wanted.
Congrats on your #2 trap baby.
I love Ashley and her Pastor mother! Her and Bar sure bring the drama especially with Bar’s lovely mother always appearing!!
She works at a physical therapy place now she was very clearly drooling about my husband while he was there….gross.
Lexi was the reason I even continue to watch the show , thank Jesus I don’t have any reason to watch anymore those other girls are dumb as the f word but Lexi was real and people don’t like real they like drama I’m upset yes but it is what it is.
If MTV’s logic is to kick the “boring regular” girls to the curb, why are grown-a** WOMEN like Chelsea and Maci still getting paid millions to get knocked up and buy mansions? Their only drama comes from their first baby daddies and those spawn are 10 years old now! Lexi was literally the only girl cast whom I would be comfortable calling an actual “good teen mother.” MTV should really consider a show called “Deadbeat Daddies” if the girls don’t provide enough drama for them.
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This pisses me so much. Lexi was my favorite. Doubt I’ll watch it now
Im Soooooo Happy, She is Obsessed with that Sorry Ass controlling Dry Ass boyfriend of hers…Ughhhh ?
MTV only wants trash. That’s why they’re keeping the rest of the garbageboats like Ashley, Jade, Sean, Kayla, Stephan, and Ashley and Bar’s god awful mothers. I hate they they do nothing but reward shitty behavior. Lexi was literally the only mom that acted like an adult, took responsibility for her actions, was civil with everyone around her, and wanted to make something of herself. Let’s give woman-beater-Bar an effing raise though. That’ll send a good message. I actually stopped watching the show after the first run of season 1 in 2017 because I couldn’t handle how trashy all of the girls on the show were, Lexi was the only one I didn’t hate and even she wasn’t enough to get me to see down and watch this garbage ass show.
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Lexi was my favorite! Mark my words I will not be watching the show due to this decision MTV made! Id reevaluate the other cast members especially in teen mom 2.
You cut the wrong person….. You should have cut Ashley and her mother!!!
Ashley is the star of this show. Sis beautiful and intelligent. If she can just get rid of that women abuser “Bar” she will go far in life.
Ashley and bars mother
That is SO messed up!!! Wth?! Lexi was the only one who wasn’t dramatic trash. That’s what MTV goes for. Cut Trashley! But MYV lovvvves trash like that. Lexi is there working… gotta give her props for still breastfeeding… they need a girl who isn’t on drugs, works her butt off, working on a growing & successful relationship with her son’s father. Forget it. She’s too good for MTV. I’ve already started to boycott MTV. OG sucks, TM2 is falling apart, and now this with Y&P keeping girls who have no chance. All the other shows suck too.
So, MTVs world view:
Jenelle is a keeper (three kids with three different guys, having more mugshots than parental moments, doing drugs while pregnant, letting her gun crazy soulmate, who she provides for, beat her and the kids, hatespeak on Internet and threaten the authorities) – while Lexi is cut off. Wow! What’s the name of the show again? Teen Mom? How ironic.
It seems as though the worse you act and the more drama you bring to the show then you are a keeper. What is wrong with MTV !
I’m glad. She was such a mopey sad sack and her boyfriend was just a lump. I bet now that they’re no filming and making that money, her lump of a boyfriend will be gone.
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Ok what a BS move MTV. Just because Lexi was nice, respectful and had her shit together, she gets cut and misses out on the fame and big bucks. I’m sick of MTV continuously rewarding the girls who don’t deserve crap! Making them famous and rich just because they are disrespectful brats filled with so much drama and too many issues. I won’t be watching anymore because MTV needs to get their shit together. I’m not going to support them punishing the girls who deserve to be on the show and everything good that comes with it, while they boot the good girls who DO deserve to be on the show. Poor Lexi, if she just would’ve been abusive and disrespectful to her parents, slept around and left her baby with other people most nights to go out and party. Then she would be famous and making all that money like the other little brats that MTV rewards for their bad behavior. Not like my one view a week makes a difference to MTV’s ratings but I’m no longer watching ’16 and Pregnant’ ‘Teen Mom OG’ or any of their shows where they glorify children having children.
How can they dump her, but keep Chelsea? As much as I like her, she’s boring too then. She’s just a lady that’s married, responsible, lives in a cabin and procreate with her husband. No drama, no hot mess of a life.
Mayes it’s time for us to cut MTV as we are tired of how they reward drama and crappy behaviorrather than the girls who work hard and do their best to turn their lives around. MTV doesn’t exactly put forth good examples to young girls looking for role models. MTV is definitely part of the problem.
I’d love to see an entirely fresh cast each season. Show the reality of what teen motherhood really is. Before MTV money, Instagram sponsored posts, and all the fake tans, hair extensions, and tattoos that they blow their money on.
I think this is so messed up. I regularly watched Lexi and Tyler and believe they contributed greatly to the truth of teenage high school parenting challenges as well as helping others in the world see that not everyone’s life is so dramatic and they are the cutest couple. Best wishes to them on their future endeavors?
This is becoming the new OG and 2 if they get canceled, isn’t it?
They should of got rid of the brat, Kayla. She is a master manipulator who thinks the Earth revolves around her. I suspect she is still seeing her loser “baby daddy” on the side.
All the other girls are trash, especially Ashley. The cast is disgusting. Lexi was the only girl with a real chance to show young girls that there is a way.
This confirms100% that MTV has no interest in filming a life lesson , they can careless about the true hardship of teen pregnancy, this is so damn disgusting!
I have voiced my opinion many times on The Ashley comments that I don’t buy and believe that a lot of this real … this goes to show if you don’t have enough garbage and drama you better find some as that’s all the show is about .
I’ll miss the square jaw of steel. Fly away little girlie, this is the best thing that ever happened to you.
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Well, her entire life was just sitting on the couch with that potato who treats her like garbage. I’ve never seen a more uninteresting person on television. BYEEEE!
Maybe MTV wants these girls dependent on their money. The girls who have careers and stability will realize they don’t need the hassle after a few years and won’t put up with the ridiculousness. Girls who are a hot mess will.
Wtf. She was one of my favourite girls – I don’t get why they’d replace her…..
I’m pissed! She was my favorite. Chealsea is everyone’s favorite BECAUSE she’s boring. She’s a good mom and respectful to her parents. I’m done with this show now.
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Chelsea is not everyone’s favourite, minority maybe, but not the majority.
Personally I can’t stand the baby voiced spoiled entitled brat.
Heaven forbid MTV put money into the pocket of the girl who is trying to make a better life for her and her child. Let’s just give it to the idiots who are going to stuff it into a crack pipe. ?
That’s not right in my opinion. I never missed a episode. I loved watching Lexi’s story.. Her boyfriend doesn’t treat her right and so many young girls can learn from waiting Lexi’s story……
No! I loved Lexi. She breastfed, took responsibility for her baby and had career aspirations. We don’t want to just watch girls who are a hot mess. They should film her to show how you can be a good teen mom. Should have kicked out Ashley, ridiculous drama queen.
I agree with you. I loved watching her journey.
The only one that was ACTUALLY a good mom!!
She literally had zero drama. she was boring AF and was monotone the entire time. good riddance.
Shame on her for not having loser parents, a boyfriend that steals & beats her or constantly fighting with her baby daddys mom.
Chelsea better run out & get herself a drug habit, maybe Cole can start pulling guns on innocent people or they will be next.
I like her! She put her baby first, listens to advice from her family, works hard and comes across really well. Kyler wasn’t painted in the best light, although I suspect that was editing, as Lexi seems like she has her head screwed on! I think you could pretty much film anyone and they’d have a story to tell. People always have things going on in their lives, however because her stories are full of break ups and anguish, hers isn’t worth watching? I thought these shoes were supposed to show a reflection of what life is like for young mums? Yes, it’s hard, especially when you’re still studying. However, Lexi was showing young girls who are pregnant that if you work hard and have the right support, you can manage. I hope they haven’t cast another mum with a baby daddy who is an addict, absent, or has family members in prison. If so, they are recycling the same stories! I actually like all the young and pregnant girls. They are all strong women!
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It’s cuz she don’t have any drama in her life and that’s all they care about
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She was the only enjoyable story and her son is the cutest. I might be in the minority but I prefer the stories with no screaming. Ashley, Bar, Jade and Sean drive me insane with their constant fighting. Danae was the worst, I’m so glad she’s gone, hopefully Stefan will follow soon.
Once again MTV cuts the girl that is trying to better herself beyond the money they pay her. Lexi graduated school early and then went on to work toward a career. I guess MTV find this “boring” compared to child abuse on The Land.
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If that were the case, Chelsea deBoaring would be booted off the show.
I’m just glad I wont have to look at Kyler’s underwhelmed stare on my TV any more.
I could never figure out why kylar talked out of the side of his mouth. It made me nuts . She did too. Won’t miss them
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He is self conscious about his teeth. That’s why all of his smiles are closed-mouth, too.
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Well I’m sad for her but her boyfriend is a jerk and so boring
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I liked Lexi. Why would they let her go? They didn’t want to film a stable person with career goals. She would have been a good role model. Bad move.
Sounds like she’s being punished for being a stable human being who is doing her best and trying to make good choices.
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I’m sure because she was the most stable.