Kayla Sessler is once again “young and pregnant!”
The star of Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant announced the news on Sunday by posting a photo to her Instagram of her son, Izaiah, holding an ultrasound photo and wearing a “big brother” T-shirt.
Kayla— who is the first girl from the show to get pregnant again—has starred on the ‘Young & Pregnant’ since it premiered in 2018. Most of her Season 1 segments revolved around the drama with her first baby daddy, Stephan Alexander. Kayla and Stephan have since broken up and she is now dating Luke Davis, who is the father of this baby.
Luke attends Kishwaukee College where he plays basketball. Kayla first started posting photos with Luke last summer and it seems he plays an active role in Izaiah’s life.

While Kayla is the first ‘Y & P’ girl to get knocked up again, many of the other girls from the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise got pregnant with another baby by another man within a few years of having their first child.
Many of Kayla’s ‘Young & Pregnant’ co-stars have expressed congratulations to her. Jade Cline wrote, “Was wondering when you were going to tell! Lol. So excited for y’all. I love you guys.”
Brianna Jaramillo wrote, “Congratulations!! Love you!!”
Even Angela Babicz from Ex on the Beach popped in to say congratulations.
‘Teen Mom Young & Pregnant’ was just renewed for a second season. As The Ashley previously reported, all of the girls except Lexi Tatum were asked to return for the second season.
Kayla posted that her baby is due in August, which would make her about three months along in her pregnancy. We will undoubtedly get to see her whole pregnancy journey play out when Season 2 premieres later this year.
RELATED STORY: ‘Young & Pregnant’ Star Kayla Sessler Says Baby Daddy Stephan Alexander Hasn’t Seen Their Son in Months
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
35 Responses
Get on fucking birth control you bunch of trailer trash
Thought Brianna Jaramillo would have been the first one to get knocked up again.
Give it time she’ll be 2 by 2 again soon.
So much for her schooling… At least finish a few semesters first.
Is Morgan J Freeman putting sperm in their bath water, to keep this shit show going???
Well according to the shirt she is wearing in her picture….I guess she did “Just Do It”. I found her to the be most disrespectful and annoying of this batch of girls. She will go nowhere and get paid dearly for it.
Let’s get rid of the one girl who actually looked as if she was going to go some where in life.
MTV you make no sense.
Way to go, moron. You have learned nothing from life apparently.
I can’t believe it took her this long to have another. Everything about her screams I’m as lose as it gets, when you go to to church for your child’s baptism is a flaming red, boobs hanging out, slut party dress you can’t lower the bar any further.
How ghetto can you get but to steal from your mom and let your pos baby daddy take full blame. Her mother will end up raising at least the oldest child .
The show should be called Young, Dumb, and Pregnant. How stupid can she be…and I bet this isn’t the last kid by a different dude she’s going to have.
MTV is a monster
My money was on Brianna. Proved me wrong.
I’m actually shocked it wasn’t her too haha
Mtv has taught her (and countless other young women) that a baby = mtv money, so why not add another one and potentially get a pay raise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pretty much…unless the show gets cancelled, the more kids she has, the longer she’ll stay on the show, and the more money she’ll get. Shame because she’ll keep bringing innocent kids into messed up situations. The girl is a functioning version of Jenelle.
Damn these girls don’t give a shit about higher education…
Way to quick n thought Mtv promoted safe sex what gives
She’s working on securing a 3rd season for the show I guess. I think Jade will probably be pregnant next.
Jesus Christ ?
Two baby daddies by age 20. Nice.
Congrats Kayla
I truly am at the point where I believe every last one of these girls should only be paid in contraceptives.
Bring Lexi and Kylar back!!
Welp she may not have learned her lesson with birth control, but at least the baby daddy seems better. Then again that wasn’t a difficult feat to accomplish, but still… baby steps…
Wow. I knew she was a mess, but I didn’t think she was this big of a mess. I just feel bad for her kids smh
I’m still upset Lexi was booted for no reason.
She was booted because she about everything MTV is against
She has a stable family, the babies father doesnt have a criminal record & is working. Most importantly she is least likely to have another kid before marriage.
All thing MTV is against
LMAO.. I’d love to see the look on Stefans face when he found out. LMAOOO Dusty @ss
Just Google a image of GUMBY. That should give you an idea about how Steffans face looked.
Kayla may just be the most manipulative teen mom in the entire franchise! The way she treated her mother was terrible. She also was extremely arrogant.
More babies, more MTV money
Well that escalated quickly.
I checked and it seems they will have a baby on their first anniversary of being together. I mean WHAT?! Why have a child so soon with your new guy especially if you were having problems with your ex! I won’t say two by two…….but soon she will have two by two and end up being a single mom. You really are trying to be like the “original” girls, right?!
*whispers* condoms….
My boyfriend literally told me a similar story about his (only) co-worker. He is still divorcing his wife (never had relationship therapy to fix it), got himself a gf (“she wanted him for so long and so badly he had no choice”), are together for a couple of months, not living together and they tried having a baby cause by the time they would get pregnant they would be living together. Well, she got pregnant right away and they are shocked. She thought her pregnancy rate was 5% at her age, so it would take a year to get pregnant. 1) that’s not how reproduction works,one time can be enough and 2) I googled her age and the rate to get pregnant is 29%. Some people are so so so dumb
They can never just wait….
We wouldnt have a show then..