Jen Edwards says Teen Mom OG fans should not believe the rumors floating around about her just-released-from-jail son, Ryan and his wife Mackenzie.
In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, the ‘Teen Mom’ grandma clarified that the story circulating on the ‘Teen Mom’ clickbait circuit— which states Ryan is leaving Mackenzie and taking a break from their marriage—- is false.
“[It’s] not true!” she said. “I think this has been taken out of context.”
The clickbait stories track back to a story posted by Radar Online earlier this week, which stated that Ryan told Mackenzie he wants some solo time– away from her– now that he’s a free man.
Jen clarified that what happened wasn’t as dramatic as the clickbaits are making it out to be.
“I believe Ryan was venting a bit to Mackenzie at some point in a conversation because of the amount of people that can be in your ear talking about their problems and issues in jail,” Jen said. “After three months of literally no peace at all, you get to a place where being alone for a minimal amount of time becomes a luxury.”

“Having time to somewhat deprogram yourself and calm the anxiety from the environment you have been living in is what Ryan is trying to do,” she added.
Jen confirmed that Ryan is not leaving Mackenzie and stated that, “Ryan and Mackenzie are home and together right now…they are not living apart.”
As to why Ryan agreed to do the three-month stint behind bars, Jen echoed what Mackenzie said on Instagram Live last month, stating that he is now off probation because he did the jail time.
While Ryan was in jail, Mackenzie continued to assure fans that she was standing by her man, and that Ryan doing the jail time was the best thing for their family.
“It was a decision we made together,” Mackenzie said last month on Instagram Live. “To have him go to jail and then just be off probation for good…It was the smartest decision that could have been made. Otherwise, it’s a revolving door that you never get out of the system.”

Mackenzie also confirmed that she and Ryan will be appearing on the upcoming new season of ‘Teen Mom OG, although she said she has refused to do or say anything on the show that will embarrass Ryan.
“I’m not going to publicly humiliate him,” she said during the same Instagram Live session. “That does not work and I believe that’s so disrespectful to do that…Who cares if we are part of MTV or not? Everything does not need to be public…Just because you sign a contract with MTV doesn’t mean they get to know everything about your life…I’m here to help him and not exploit him.”
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Dad Ryan Edwards Released From Jail After Three Months Behind Bars
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)
29 Responses
It’s only a revolving door or something you canf get out of when you dont follow the rules…..such as using drugs and stuff.
So with her “I believe” and “taken out of context” comments tells me that the ROL story was accurate. And if so, who would have told ROL since it sounds like a conversation between Mack and Rhine?
It’s only a revolving door if you keep up with the drugs.
A woman who lives with her head in the sand is not a reliable source of information. Just because she is sweet and loves her son doesn’t mean she isn’t part of the reason he is the way that he is.
Says the biggest enablers and is in complete denial about Ryan. He may not leave Mac because there’s always Tinder will he can arrange his hook-ups. Commenters posting was a great mother she is and I don’t deny she doesn’t love her son with all her heart but she needs to get real about his addiction and stop making excuses or him.
First off, Mimi Jen is an angel. I very hot angel. I will hear no negativity about this fantastic women.
Isn’t it odd that Ryan, a thirty something year old man (boy in Ryans case) has his mother speak for him? It is ridiculous and sad actually.
Ryan needs to grow up! Isn’t he about 30? He needs a real job, addiction counseling, and start to take an interest in his kids. He has zero responsibilities. He is soo enabled by his loving parents and then has to contend with that nasty, mean personality mac. I just think he needs to get off TM and work on getting his life in order.
I think Jen is a sweetheart but just like Mackenzie, I don’t believe a lot of what she says about Ryan. They both and lie and make excuses for Ryan to try and alter the public opinion of him.
Why have they filmed Rhine? Maci wouldn’t film if MTV would also film Rhine, so how is this happening?
Maci refused to film because she didn’t think Ryan was clean and didn’t want to be associated with him until he went back to rehab so as a result Ryan did another rehab stint that’s why he was allowed back on the show.
Right Mimi, Ryan started following random women and sexual accounts, example..IG badbooties and wouldn’t you know Mack all of a sudden starts to follow them, probably after trolling Ryan. lol. They have to be trolling social media because I just checked and I believe he unfollowed them now.
Yup, after people called Ryan out, she followed them too and then immediately claimed “what’s the big deal, I follow them too” Ummm, we can all see you that you only started following the bigbooties account literally minutes ago…
Just pathetic the lengths they will all go to protect and enable Ryan.
Now apparently Ryan has been accusing Mack of cheating on him
Mkkay Jen, didn’t you also say he wasn’t doing drugs
Jen has a long track record of being both truthful and grounded in reality where Ryan is concerned. Her statement is completely believable.
I’m a bizzaro world.
Jen is a Moron, who has enabled her son, and takes far to many liberties with Bentley, far to much involvement in that boys life, undermining Maci’s parenting and interfering to much, of i were maci I’d cut back on the visitation to mimis house, or they’ll turn Bentley in to
The lazy rude arrogant pos that their son is.
I don’t know how Jen and Mack aren’t constantly dizzy with all the spinning they do.
I dunno.. I’ve been on probation and completed it so I’m not sure how one can’t complete unless they are planning a relapse
Mac exploits Ryan for fame, everyone saw it the minute she showed up. To say she doesn’t exploit him is ridiculous.
Also, Ryan’s an addict and embarrasses himself on so many occasions. Look at the footage of BOTH weddings (including the footage of him falling asleep at the wheel) and all the times he’s made excuses for not being there for Bentley.
Ryan should be off camera and working a normal job. Everyone can see from a mile away he’s never been happy with Mac.
LOL. When was he ever NOT a free man? What a dickbag!
oh Fucking puh-leez Jen. Less is more. The more you talk the more your lies scream “I’m bull-shitting y’all”. We’re not dumb. Your protesting is laughable at best. Your son wants out of his marriage. Suck it up and help the boy. Yes, you’re going to lose a lot of control over a second (do-over son) grandson but such is life. Had you done this right the first time Jen, we wouldnt all be suffering through this mess!
Uh huh….
He doesn’t do anything or have any responsibilities. What would he need a break from?
Mack… and now that she has a baby, that Ryan was pretty vocal about not wanting, he probably really wants to knaw his leg off and hobble away. If he hasn’t already reactivated his Tinder, I’d be surprised
Why would he need to take a break from their marriage? It’s not like he’s ever let it stop him from picking up other girls before. Or allowed it to push him into working a full-time job. Come to think of it, I can’t say I really see him having any responsibilities or obligations of any kind within that marriage – why would he need a break?
Because while he isn’t being forced, I can only imagine Mack’s nonstop nagging about everything. Now they have a baby which he did not want to deal with. There’s a difference in being alone doing what you want and being attached to someone you don’t like trying to still do what you want.
Yeah, ok Mimi. He’s finally sober enough to realize what a miserable snake Mack is.
Okay, sure, but would Jen tell the truth anyway?