Let’s all just admit it: we’re hooked on Teen Mom! The lives of Maci, Catelynn, Farrah and Amber have kept us intrigued for the last few months. (PS- don’t forget to follow The Roundup on The Twitter to stay up-to-date on all of the Teen Mom gossip).
If you have any questions you would like The Ashley to sleuth out for you, leave them in a comment below!
The Ashley has compiled this list of questions that she is most-often asked regarding the show ‘Teen Mom.’ She did her best to find the answer for all of them!
Question: Why does Farrah call her dad ‘Michael’ instead of ‘dad?’ Is that her real dad?
Answer: Michael is Farrah’s real dad.
So why does Farrah call him Michael instead of dad?
Here’s how Farrah explained it:
“Because I felt like he betrayed me for being on my mom’s side when she assaulted me; but I eventually got over it. I call him dad now.”
Farrah’s sister Ashley uses the last name “Danielson” like her mom because she is Farrah’s half sister. Michael is Farrah’s biological dad but not Ashley’s, she confirmed on Twitter.
Question: What do Farrah’s parents do that allows them to have so many houses? They are obviously pretty rich!

Farrah’s parents do seem to make a pretty comfortable living. They have at least two big houses. Of course, they do live in the Midwest, where it is a lot easier to afford real estate than in a state like, say, California.
Anyway, Michael Abraham is a regional account manager at a security system company as of September 2010. Before that, during the filming of ‘Teen Mom’ and ’16 & Pregnant’ he worked as the Director of Infrastructure Services at a cable company. (I don’t know what that means but it sounds important!)
Here’s some more information about his job, via his LinkedIn profile! It seems like he also does business and legal consulting on the side.
Debra is an Executive Sales Director for a media network company. Here’s her LinkedIn profile. (However, Farrah’s sister, Ashley, tweeted that Debra has been “unemployed for over four years” so who knows what the real deal is with her.)
They both seem to have good jobs that pull in the big money!
Question: Is it true that some website is starting a college fund for Catelynn and Tyler?
Answer: YES! This is actually happening, thanks to the website Jezebel
According to a recent news story:
Jezebel believes, “The young couple should be commended for having the wisdom to know that they were unable to give their daughter the kind of life that they wanted for her and the sensitivity to make the kind of sacrifices in order to make sure that she would.”
“As of this morning, the fund has raised about $10,300. I hadn’t anticipated that people would be so generous, but am thrilled about it,” Tracie Egan Morrissey, senior writer at Jezebel wrote on the site.
Here’s the full story if you want to read it.
Question: What is the tattoo that Maci has on her back?
Answer: The Ashley still can’t get over the obsession that people have with finding out about Maci’s back tattoo! So here you go folks, all the photos and info you need about Maci’s tattoos were covered by The Ashley awhile back.
You can also see a lot of photos of the tattoos here.
Question: Is it true that Amber has lost custody of baby Leah?
Answer: Amber is not currently living with Leah. The baby is staying with Gary, but Amber claims this is because she is packing up her house for a move out of Anderson, Indiana, so the house is no longer baby-proof…..sure……
”It’s not true!” she tells Hollywood Life regarding the rumors that she’s losing Leah. “Where in the world would that come from?”
It is true that AMBO was investigated by Indiana police due to her beat-down of baby-daddy, Gary. Here’s an article done by their towns’ local newspaper about the investigation. After the episode with the beating aired, the police department received two anonymous emails urging them to look into the domestic violence going down at The Orange One’s pad. (Probably from MTV producers looking to get even more ratings from this incident!) She hasn’t been arrested or anything, but there is an investigation going on, which is a good thing!
Question: Did Farrah get breast implants?!?!
Answer: The buzz a few weeks ago was that everyone’s favorite ugly cryface mom, Farrah, got a little help from the plastic surgeon in the way of bazoombas. Magazines and websites are claiming that Farrah went under the knife to enhance her boobs from an A cup to a C cup.
If you believe Star magazine, (and generally you shouldn’t, but I think this time they’re telling the truth):
“An insider close to Farrah tells Star the 19-year-old mother and part-time model went under the knife to enlarge her chest size in her hometown of Council Bluffs, Iowa. As we report in our Oct. 25 issue, a new-and-improved Farrah was practically popping out of her low-cut gown when she modeled for a hair show in Denver on Oct. 2.”
14 Responses
My question is why the hell is her therapist reassuring her that her attitude is ok?!?! She is so ugly inside, I can honestly say Iwould have disowned her if she was my child. Her attitude towards anyone and everyone is disgusting!
And i get moms make mistakes but waxing your toddlers eyebrows, leaving your child on a high bed while your in the other room, and making your priority in life to be a porno star … Are not the qualities of any remotely good mother!
I really don’t care if Farrah had a boob job, she looks good. The problem is her attitude; it’s so screwed up that she makes herself ugly. She has the typical pretty girl attitude. Amber is a lazy slug; so lazy she can’t keep her eyes open.
?- Does Farrah’s sister on Teen Mom have a disorder of some sort? I ask because she has that slight dwarfism look to her face & legs, yet she is normal height. So I wanted to know if this is so? Also you need to ask why Amber always has her damned eyes closed, she’s always laying down or slunched on a chair/couch. Can we say LAZY! I totally agree with all of your posts so far 🙂
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I don’t think bring Sophia’s Dad into the problem. And it’s her body not ours, I mean we all have our Opinion’s but, sometimes we should keep them to our self’s. And Sophia is doing Fine probly. And Farrah is strong enough to provide for Sophia and her Self just Fine. And I think she looked Good before but, If it will help her Modeling Career than you mind as well do it if you really really want too. And she did. so that was her disicion and it is done and over with. So lets just all be happy with what she wanted to do in her Life(:
Farrah def. had a boob job. You can tell by the way the boobs are so round by her armpits. I can’t stand her. It’s totally fine if you are a single childless woman to get your boobs done. But if you have a child, that you know you are possibly going to have to support by yourself for the rest of your life, stop being selfish and save money!!!!!
ughhhhhhhhhh. So I guess that’s where the dead father’s social security money went to!!! Between leaving her baby outside her apartment for like 10 minutes unsupervised, leaving the baby on the bed so she fell, and leaving her in the sink to scald herself, that baby should be taken away!
I agree! Don’t appear on every rag mag in town claiming “I’m broke” and then go out and get plastic surgery!!
What is wrong with you? Shes a single new mom. Plenty of moms make simple stupid mistakes everyday. That doesnt mean there children should be taken away. Farrah IS really annoying and rude to everyone, but she shows alot of love for her daughter and is always thinking about Sophias best interest. I think shes a good mom.
Very enlightening and beneficial to someone whose been out of the circuit for a long time.
– Lora