Yay! TJ Lavin Gets to Go Home & Wear an Eye Patch!

A photo of TJ, post-crash, courtesy of his girlfriend.

Real World/Road Rules Challenge host TJ Lavin has finally made it home, a month after his super scary and horrific BMX crash. (I’ll save you the Googling…here’s the video.)

He spent some time in a medically induced coma to relieve the swelling.

According to Us Weekly, he was able to go home from the hospital last Friday.

He has “crawled out of a deep hole,” his mother told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “He is now walking, talking, eating on his own and is getting his sense of humor back. He has some eye issues and balance issues, but as the swelling goes down, we hope they will go away.”

That’s great news! TJ must be feeling better, as he was able to Tweet something to his fans today. He thanked them for their well wishes and reminded them to remember his friend, Ty Pinney, who suffered an eerily similar bike crash just days before TJ did.

Um...this is TJ's girlfriend. I'd imagine just knowing this is what he had to go home to was motivation enough to get better ASAP!


According to this article from people.com,  TJ’s girlfriend, Roxanne Siordia, said he will have to take at least a year off from sports to recover. However, he will be back to host the next RW/RR Challenge! Good news all the way around.

There are also reports that he has to wear an eye patch sometimes. That just makes him even more bad ass than I originally thought! Arrr!

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