This story just warms The Ashley’s cold little heart!
There’s no doubt that fans have been rooting for Catelynn & Tyler since they first saw them on 16 & Pregnant, and later on Teen Mom. Despite having been dealt a crappy deck in the poker hand of life, Catelynn & Tyler have demonstrated that they are classy, wonderful adults drowning in a sea of hard knocks.
Although their lives include an ex-con father with a mullet and a verbally-abusive mother (and her endless cloud of cigarette smoke), Catelynn & Tyler have gotten through it together, and with class.

Their decision to place their daughter for adoption her own good shows that an apple really can fall far, far from the tree.
Thankfully, The Ashley is not the only person who feels that these two kids deserve a shot in life. They are so much better than the crappy people they are surrounded by, and “Teen Mom” viewers are determined to give them a chance to make something out of themselves!
On October 20, the website Jezebel decided to start a college fund for Catelynn and Tyler. The website editors asked their readers to make donations that would go towards helping them pay for their college education.
The website collected $15,000 in the Catelynn & Tyler fund! According to Jezebel, Catelynn and Tyler plan to share the money equally and will put $5,000 ($2,500 each) toward Barnes & Noble for textbooks. The remaining funds will go into a client-trust account.
The deserving duo was overwhelmed by the viewer’s generosity!
I’ll bet ol’ AMBO wishes she could get her hands on $15,000— think of how much self-tanner, eyeliner and cheap vodka that could buy!
(Photos: MTV)