MTV Tells New ‘Teen Moms:’ We’re in Charge!

Apparently, MTV has gotten a little tired of the new stars of Teen Mom 2 airing their dirty laundry on social media sites like Formspring, Tumblr and whatever other weird websites teenagers use to talk crap on each other. (Sorry, I’m old. I don’t know this stuff.) They’ve told them all to disable their Formsprings and Tumblr accounts ASAP or face the consequences!

This didn’t sit well with new teen train wreck, Jenelle, who was constantly answering questions on her Formspring from her “fans” from 16 & Pregnant

She also used it to talk crap on fellow 16 & P alum and former friend, Nikkole, and to tell us all about her day-to-day happenings, which included bailing boyfriends out of jail, custody battles and arrests. (You know, normal teenage stuff.)

In addition to Jenelle, Chelsea and Leah (who will also be on the upcoming season) had to take down their Formspring accounts.

(For you old people like me, I will give you a lesson on teenage social media: Formspring is where you have followers who ask you questions and you answer them. Tumblr is sort of like a Facebook/Twitter hybrid thing where you can post pictures and videos and stuff and show it to your friends.)

The Teen Moms are allowed to maintain accounts on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, at least for the time being.

Why is MTV doing this? Probably because they don’t want the girls getting caught saying stupid and offensive things, or revealing stuff about production and the show.

Either way, The Ashley is sad. She enjoyed going over to Jenelle’s Formspring page and getting her daily white-trash pick-me-up. It stimulates the soul.

Social media isn’t the only thing MTV has control over.  According to Jenelle’s Facebook page, MTV also told her that she had to dye her hair brown again, most likely so all of her scenes will match once they hack the footage to pieces and edit it back together again in a way that squeezes the most white trash footage into an episode.

Even though it seems like MTV controls way too much of these girls’ lives, I think it’s worth it, considering the hefty Teen Mom salary ol’ AMBO admitted to making  last week! I’ll dye my hair green and never go online again for half that!

2 Responses

  1. I don’t think so .. If they told Janelle wouldn’t they tell Leah to? In the first episode she was as blond as she is now, when she and Corey was on the swings. Then she the hair got browner, then blonder, then browner and so on. Clearly there has been creative cutting! Don’t know why none has mentioned it, The Hills got flack for a change of nail polish color!

    ps. I prefer “my Leah” blonde. 🙂

  2. Im not suprised that mtv has that much control over them but I dont feel bad for them they choose to be on the show and what I don’t like is the fact that mtv try to played the viewers in making us all believe that they are struggleing finanical to take of their kids. When in fact they make more money than average person who went to college and actually work hard for their money and still can’t pay their bills but these girls who get knock up can make it .

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