‘Teen Mom’ Stars Head to NYC, While Amber Portwood Heads to Rehab

Someone's missing......

All four of the original Teen Moms are on the move, which isn’t surprising since we’re only a week away from the premiere of the third season of the show! (It starts next Tuesday, July 5, at 10 pm on the MTV.)

On Sunday, Maci, Farrah and Catelynn all headed off to New York to film the after show for Season 4 (the after show for the season starting next week was actually filmed way back in April in Los Angeles– don’t ask me why!) There, they will meet with Dr. Drew to discuss what’s happened to them in the months since they last filmed a reunion special. (An interesting note: the boys all stayed home this time around! While Gary, TylerRyan and Kyle all attended the last reunion show, this time they did not come!)

One of the original cast members, Amber Portwood, did not join in on the festivities in New York. Instead, she left her home in Indiana on Sunday and flew to California, where she quietly checked into a rehab facility in Malibu. (The word is that she’s at the same facility that Jenelle stayed at recently…my guess is Promises.)

"Peace out guys!"

According to HollyBaby, one of Amber’s friends said she will be staying at the center for up to 60 days to come to terms with her recent suicide attempt.

Her brother, Shawn, posted this on an Amber Support Facebook Page he is active on:

All I can say at this time is Amber is fine, but please everyone pray for her. She needs your support now more then ever. The negative people and comments she encounters day-to-day have finally got the best of her.

He also made it clear that Amber is not in rehab for anything drug-related, and offered insight as to why Amber has behaved the way she has in the past, telling a fan:

Although I do not condone her attitude or the way she handles some issues, I do understand why she is the way she is. Yes, we had a …difficult childhood but unlike her I do not blame my problems on it. She has been through a lot in life and is currently going through a lot being scrutinized and criticized by millions. By the way, you are very very very right about not seeing the whole story or truth behind her behavior. Some “individuals” in her life push her to act out like she does.”

Yikes. It seems like Amber is in the right place to talk through her issues and get the help she needs. A friend reported on Sean’s Amber Support Page that she talked to Amber recently and that she is doing well in rehab and has a great support system.

5 Responses

  1. carina..they have to rush to film jersey shore now bc they only can film at the jersey shore in the summer time..

  2. Cannot wait for this season to start. I really miss Macy’s fun red hair though. It looked so good on her! The blonde does nothing for her cute self.

  3. Carina – they’re filming Jersey Shore (season 4) now because it’s summer time. I don’t know if you’ve ever actually been to the Jersey shore outside of the summer months, but it’s dead from Sept to May. If they didn’t film it now, you’d have to wait a year or so to see the 4th season.

  4. catelynn said they were filming after shows, not a reunion special. Probably that’s why the boys are home. Wonder why they are such a hurry to film! Same with jersey shore, they are filming season 4 and season 3 hasn’t started yet.. crazy!

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