’16 & Pregnant’ Star Aubrey Akerill Has an Arrest Record For Drug Possession!

Um...what the hell happened here?

Radar Online ‘broke’ this news today; however, obviously their journalists did not actually read the documents they published— this incident happened in May of 2010!

Still, it’s juicy, so The Ashley will write about it!

Anyone who watched the 16 & Pregnant ‘Where Are They Now’ special that was shown a few weeks ago won’t find this news shocking….

‘16 & Pregnant’ Season 2 star Aubrey Wolters Akerillwas arrested last year at The Wal-Mart (where else?) for shoplifting and possession of drugs! After Aubrey and her friend were caught stealing makeup, police were called and searched her purse. They found two different prescription medicines in her pocket— OxyContin and Ritalin. Naturally, Aubrey claimed that the pills “weren’t hers.” (She must have learned that one from Paris Hilton!)

What’s worse—her son Austin, then three months old, was with Aubrey when the incident happened. Her then-husband Brandon had to come fetch the baby while Aubrey headed to the police station. Seriously girl, can’t you leave the baby home when you plan to go out and sticky-finger some Revlon?

Anyway, Aubrey caught some major flak from MTV viewers after the “Where Are They Now” special aired. She apparently has done a 180 since her original appearance on ’16 & Pregnant.’ When she first appeared on the show, she was shown trying to establish a good home for her son, even marrying her baby-daddy to try to create a stable family for Austin. (The couple has since divorced.)

These days, Aubrey spends her nights out partying. On the special she was shown going to bars, (um..how old is she?) dancing on pool tables and making out with her friends. In addition, her looks have taken a turn for the slutty as well. On her ’16 & Pregnant’ episode, Aubrey was frequently seen wearing conservative cardigan sweaters and blond curls. Today, she sports fishnet see-through shirts, stripper heels and greasy dyed hair.

Aubrey clearly still has a lot of growing up to do.

6 Responses

  1. This girl is a stupid girl who is clearly portrayed as a whore. not only is she a horrible mother, but she has the brightest idea of becoming a stripper supposedly because of the money. I really doubt that the reason behind stripping is money. You can clearly see that she loves attention.

  2. I think she’s the next
    Amber/Jenelle for Teen Mom 3. She’s a total train wreck, that I know I would watch more of.

  3. Yeah, I’m pretty sure the girl just needs rehab and that baby needs to stay with his daddy full time.

  4. During her segment, I got the impression that she was just acting out for the camera. Certainly dont feel that way anymore….

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