Russell Hantz Worms His Way Into Next Season of ‘Survivor’…Sort Of

Thanks for putting in a good word for me, Uncle Russell!

Is it even possible for there to be a season of Survivor that doesn’t include Russell Hantz?

Russell has already made three appearances on the show and always brings the ratings, making producers eager to figure out a way to get him back on the island. Since they can’t bring Russell back for a fourth season without catching a ton of flak for it, they’ve done the next best thing: bring in Russell 2.0.

It’s just been announced that Russell’s nephew, Brandon Hantz, will appear on the next season of ‘Survivor.’ The 19-year-old recently came home from Samoa, where he was filming the show’s 23rd season.

According to a reporter from E! who went out to visit the castaways on location, Brandon debates in the beginning if he should reveal that he is Russell’s nephew. (Um…the fact that he has a giant tattoo of his last name, “Hantz,” on his arm might tip some of them off.)

Brandon and the Mrs., after he returned from the island.

No doubt having Brandon on the show gives producers a ton of ways to keep Russell involved in the show. I’m sure we’ll see Russell appear in video messages (courtesy of Sprint, naturally), and also be the family member that visits the island, if Brandon makes it that far. And, of course, the producers will make sure everyone knows that Brandon is Russell’s nephew by asking him things like “what would your uncle do in this situation?” during his confessionals.

Anyway, here’s what we know about Brandon so far: he’s 19, from Texas, and has been married for two years (married at 17, wow!)

He’s the father of one kid and has another on the way. He and his wife Candace are very religious and seem like good people, so he probably won’t play the game as sleazy as his uncle did (much to the producers’ dismay, of course.)

Here’s the entire E! article, which has lots of good info on the upcoming season of ‘Survivor!’

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