‘Downsized’ Viewers Want to Know: Who is Todd Bruce’s Ex-Wife?

Who were they married to before?

The Ashley has been fielding a ton of questions regarding the former spouses of Todd and Laura Bruce since the premiere of the second season of Downsized on Tuesday. Why people care  who the Bruces were married to before each other, The Ashley has no clue, but she has to give the people what they want.

The Ashley has already given you a little info on Laura Bruce’s ex-husband (and father to her five children). You can read about him here.

So who is Todd Bruce’s ex-wife?

Here’s what we know: her name is Tonya and she lives in Arizona. She’s very active in the lives of her children, Levi and Heather. (They stay with her part of the time, as they’ve said on the show.)

She’s in her late-30s and works in the medical field. She even appears to have a good relationship with her children’s stepbrothers and sisters (they’re Facebook friends!)

I wonder if Tonya watches the show? It might be kind of awkward, but if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to resist. I’d have to know what everyone was saying about me!

However, I can’t recall a single time where Laura or Todd has said anything negative about Todd’s ex-wife, which is very classy of them. In fact, I don’t remember Laura ever saying anything negative about her ex-husband either, which shows that Laura and Todd are clearly above that kind of drama.

(Photo: Sacramento & Co.)

6 Responses

  1. What happened to the TV show where Todd and Laura did Reno on houses. Laura designed and renovated the houses and Todd was the muscle on the construction? The kids were all fairly young and they all lived on a big ranch that they were renovating? It had to have been before “Downsized” since the kids were quite young. What happened to all the money they made from that show? Not to mention…weren’t then being paid for “Downsized” there was no mention of either show or the money made from them. Kudos to the whole family ….I’ve been there, done that!

  2. I really feel your family should be commended for as hard as you try to be everything to everybody in your family. The kids are very caring, responsible people. My heart breaks for all the problems you have. Seems the harder you try to find solutions, the more problems come up. In spite of this you are all working together & make it clear you love each other & the children. Somehow it has to work. I live in Carefree & feel like we are neighbors. I will miss your program & wish all of you the best.

  3. I really enjoy your show, can’t wait to see the new season, i can really relate to your everyday life. what a strong group you are !

  4. I really enjoy your show, can’t wait to see the new season, what a strong group you are!!! I can relate to your everyday life, hope everyone is well.

  5. So, you sincerely believe Todd and Laura are absolutely above talking shit about his ex-wife simply because they were portrayed as not doing so on their reality show? lol Hmm, I’ll bet you they certainly aren’t, but whatever, believe what you choose I suppose.

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