Reality TV stars have taken over our televisions, our tabloids and pretty much The Ashley‘s entire life; it’s only appropriate that they start taking over entire states.
Indiana will have the honor of being the first reality TV star-run state, if Survivor fan favorite Rupert Boneham has anything to do with it. He announced a few days ago that he plans to run for governor of Indiana.
Just to refresh your memory, Rupert competed on three seasons of ‘Survivor,’ (“Pearl Islands,” “All-Stars” and “Heroes vs. Villains”). Although he never won the actual title of sole ‘Survivor,’ he did pocket the $1million Fan Favorite prize. He ended up donating a bunch of his winnings to his charity for at-risk kids. If you still can’t remember who he is, think tie-dye….lots and lots of tie-dye.
Anyway, according to the Associated Press’ article, Rupert plans to seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination for governor. “He wants to take on the state’s political establishment because he feels voters deserve better,” the article said.
“I have only one interest: Empowering Hoosiers to give back to their communities,” Rupert said during a press conference in Indianapolis. “If the government puts up roadblocks, then they should be repealed.”
“I have spent my entire adult life serving my community and I see an opportunity to make a difference for Indiana,” Rupert wrote on his website earlier this summer.
He’s not fooling when he says that. He has operated his children’s charity for over 20 years now, which means he’s not one of the celebrities who start a random charity just to keep their name in the public eye. Rupert was doing it long before he was famous from ‘Survivor.’

The Ashley isn’t qualified to comment on if he would be a good governor for the state since she doesn’t live in Indiana. (The Ashley does visit there a lot though, mostly to go to this amazing amusement park! Yes, I travel across the country to go to an amusement park, don’t judge me!)
Anyway, good luck to Rupert. Maybe we can convince him to make fellow Indiana resident Gary Shirley of Teen Mom his running mate?!
(Photos: Mike Coppola/Getty; WISH)
2 Responses
I think you will make a great Governor of the state of Indiana.You are a true trooper that has the heart and sole of the working class person. I will Definately vote for you Rupurt