‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Discuss New Season on ‘Good Morning America!’

Teen Mom 2The day has finally arrived! The second season of Teen Mom 2 starts tonight! The Ashley is so excited to have her guilty pleasure return on Tuesday nights! (You know you watch this crap too!)

Anyway, in honor of the season premiere, two of the stars of the show, Kail Lowry and Chelsea Houska, appeared on Good Morning America this morning to talk about the new season and what’s changed in their lives since we last saw them. (If you’d like to know what’s changed since Season 1, click here.)

In case you were still asleep when it aired (lucky you), The Ashley will go over a few things that were discussed on the morning show. (By the way, Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer weren’t on GMA because they were busy doing a photo shoot. All of the girls are in New York City right now.)

Anyway, here are some of the highlights:

Kail on her relationship with baby-daddy Jo:

“Right now we’re in a good place and we’re still trying to stay civil to co-parent. We’re still on a rollercoaster, but right now we’re in a good place.”

Chelsea on why she tried to make her relationship with her baby-daddy Adam work:

“I always wanted my family together. I believe children should have a full family. You should be married when you have a child. When you have a kid young, you just can’t always give them that opportunity.”

(That’s good advice, ya’ll!)

Kail on what it’s like to be on camera during high-stress times:

“It can add a certain level of stress because there are certain times where you feel really vulnerable and you want to experience something by yourself but you have these cameras there. But I think part of it is pretty good because we get everything documented, which some people don’t really have the opportunity to do.”

Chelsea on what it’s like to be a role model:

“We get a look back at mistakes we made and try to improve on them. We try extra hard to be good role models for the other girls out there.”

Kail on if she thinks ‘Teen Mom’ glamorizes teen pregnancy:

“It’s so hard. I don’t think people really are thinking about that when they say it’s glamorous.”

Chelsea on when Adam called Aubree a mistake:

“I try not to think about that too much anymore but it was a big deal and it still hurts.”

Kail on what she hopes girls learn from the show:

“I think it’s really important for girls to notice that in one episode, one of us is crying, one of us is fighting with her boyfriend, one of us doesn’t have enough money to buy diapers and one of us is about to go to jail. There’s no way that any of that is glamorous.”

The girls were looked fantastic on the show this morning. They’ve both really matured in their looks since Season 1 and look really different!

Wanna see the clip of the girls on ‘Good Morning America’? Click here! (Sorry it wouldn’t let me embed the video.)

Tune into MTV tonight to see the Season 2 premiere! (You know The Ashley is taking her phone of the hook! Don’t judge me!)

15 Responses

  1. I love the show but some of these girls are just really dumb. Kail used joe and his family when all they tried to do was help her….chelsea is spoiled and lets adam walk all over her….smfh

  2. Do you guys ever just sit and think.. “hmm maybe MTV requires the girls to put that money in a trust fund for their kids” I KNOW kail has a trust fund for Isaac cause she has stated so and I think all the money goes to there.

  3. I’m so excited to watch teen mom 2 but I’m even more excited to read ur recaps every week. I’m holding u too that Ashley. Recaps every week. Do work Ashley! Do work! Haha.

  4. I think that this show not only shows how strong a young mother can be but it shows that everything happens for a reason and if your relationship with the father of your child doesn’t work out than that just means that you need to be strong for not just yourself but for your growing child as well. We don’t have the opportunity to go back and fix our mistakes because life is not a video game and it shouldn’t have to be that why we need to learn from our mistakes and make better choices with what we do later down the road. These young ladies have worked so hard to get where they are and yes alot of them are finishing high school in hopes to going to college and we all know that it will be hard for them to do so with a young child that they are raising. I have alot of respect for these girls and what they have been through…

  5. Don’t have enough money for diapers? $200,000 a season and you don’t have diaper money? Wtf ever! Get out of here with that bs!

  6. I think it’s funny how one of them, “can’t afford to buy diapers” when MTV pays them a buttload just to be on TV. Millions of parents go through the same thing without MTV.

    1. @ everyone: My (good) Teen Mom sources tell me that the TM2 girls don’t make anything close to what the original Teen Mom girls make. They do NOT make anywhere near 200k, trust me! -The Ashley

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