EXCLUSIVE: ‘Teen Mom 2’ & ‘Teen Mom 3’ Reunion Filming Dates & Details!

"My goal is to make all eight of you cry. Just sayin.'"

The Ashley has learned that the cast of Teen Mom 2 will be heading to New York City at the same time that the cast of the new Teen Mom 3 will be there! Both casts will be in the Big Apple to tape their reunion specials!

The ‘Teen Mom 3’ cast- which consists of 16 & Pregnant Season 4 cast members Katie Yeager, Briana DeJesus, Alexandria Sekella and Mackenzie Douthit will sit down with Dr. Drew on Saturday, November 3 for an all-day filming session.

The following day, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ girls- Chelsea Houska, Kail Lowry, Leah Messer and Jenelle Evans (and, God willing, her motha, Babs!) – will take their turns on the couches. No doubt the good doctor will have a lot to talk to them about– Kail’s engagement, Jenelle’s engagement/breakups/nude pictures/breast implants, Leah’s wedding and Chelsea’s um, hair?

The day after that, November 5, MTV will be taping an After Show with the ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast. The girls will sit down with other (non-famous) teen mothers and discuss real-life issues that moms face. Dr. Drew will be moderating.

The reunion specials are now almost exclusively shot in New York City, as opposed to Los Angeles, where they used to be shot. The reason for this is, in The Ashley’s opinion, there’s less paparazzi to worry about in NYC, among other things.

Fans of the shows have criticized MTV for taping these reunions so far in advance that by the time they air they are often six to 12 months out-of-date. However, MTV still insists on doing it this way, and we, as devoted fans, still insist on watching this crap.

UPDATE: We now have a premiere date for ‘Teen Mom 2’ season 3! The season will start Monday, November 12 at 10 p.m.!

(Photo: MTV)

13 Responses

  1. So I’ve been trying to figure out which girl fits each “type” for this season, but I’m having a hard time with Alex and Brianna’s placement.

    The girl whose baby’s father is supportive (Catelynn/Leah) – Katie?
    The fashionable girl with poor judgement (Chelsea/Farrah) – Brianna?
    The down-to-earth one/one who “keeps it real” (Maci/Kail) – Mackenzie?
    The traffic wreck (Amber/Jenelle) – Alex? Alex herself doesn’t really fit this type, but she does exhibit extremely poor judgement, and her baby’s father is an addict. Maybe her storyline fills this niche through him, since MTV has had enough trouble with Jenelle and Amber?

    What do you guys think?

  2. When does TEEN MOM 3 AND SEASON 4 OF 16 & PREGNANT AIR? I havent heard of these and I watch all of the teen moms and 16 & pregnant.?

    1. Teen Mom 2 Season 3 is starting in January, no trailer has been released yet. 16 & Pregnant Season 4 has already aired entirely, perhaps you mean season 5? There is rumors MTV is pulling the season all together when it was discovered every girl got pregnant purely to be on the show. However, if they choose to air it anyways, it’ll probably be next summer.

  3. I’m pretty sure they do the reunions in NYC now for a few reasons:

    -MTV/Viacom headquarters are in NYC and probably easier to secure sets and crew for filming
    -They also have access to recording studios in NYC to record the voiceovers for their episodes. They used to do this in each girls home town by hiring time through a private studio, but it is more cost effective to use their own studios. So they just fly em all out to NYC and get the reunion and VO’s done all at once. cheaper and easier.

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