Breaking News: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Leah Messer is Pregnant–AGAIN!

"I'm makin' another baby, y'all!"

Leah Messer of MTV’s Teen Mom 2 is once again expecting, she confirmed to Us Weekly today.

This will be her fourth (yes fourth) child; she gave birth to twin girls in December 2009, and miscarried earlier this year. In April, the 20-year-old MTV star married Jeremy Calvert, who we will likely meet when the show starts back up in November.

“Jeremy and I are excited to be adding a new addition to our family,” Leah told Us.  “Being a teen mom was difficult, but I’m older and in a different place now — married to Jeremy and excited for our family to grow.

“Ali and Aleeah can’t wait to meet their new brother or sister,” she added. “We feel incredibly blessed and look forward to this next chapter in our lives.”

The fourth season of ‘Teen Mom 2’ has completed filming, with the girls set to go to New York next week to tape the reunion special. (My guess is we can expect Leah’s on-air pregnancy announcement to come at the Season 4 reunion. In other words, the baby will likely be born before we see this!)

The Ashley sends her congratulations to Leah and Jeremy. (She certainly is one Fertile Myrtle though, isn’t she?)

(Photo: Twitter)
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14 Responses

  1. 0
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    Im happy for Leah but i also think she is rushing into things… I am only 18 but had a child at 14 after being raped and my boyfriend and now ex husband said it was his child. I know my life is way different but I got a divorce at 16 and started dating again and married again at 17 and was pregnant again soon after. Now I have two wonderful children divorced twice and going to college. I know I rushed into things and even though she is older then me I have done the same thing she is doing. I hope for her and Jeremy they can get through this and have a wonderful life together with their child and the twins… Best wishes to Leah and Jeremy

  2. 0
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    Getting an education is really important. It’s too bad Leah couldn’t wait to have another child. College doesn’t take a lifetime. Having children does.

  3. 0
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    Ohhh be cause you are SOOOOO much more mature at 20. You know NOTHING at 20. This girl has no idea how young she really is.

  4. 0
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    This is her fourth pregnancy-that we know about. (Just sayin’.) Sorry to be so cynical. I wonder how many of the teen moms had pregnancies that we didn’t know about. Hmmm…..

        1. 0
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          Maybe I’m missing something, but isn’t it her 3rd pregnancy? The twins were pregnancy #1, the miscarriage pregnancy #2 & this baby pregnancy #3. This will be the 4th baby that she’s carried but the 3rd pregnancy since the twins were 1 pregnancy. Anyways, hopefully she’s happy and the kids are happy.

          1. 0
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            Okay Brittany that’s what I thought too. Then I thought I had a blonde moment counting, but I didn’t.

  5. 0
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    …why would she confirm it to Us Weekly? And what’s the rush with having another baby with this new boyfriend?

    Congratulations to her. If being a mother makes her happy, more power to her.

      1. 0
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        They have not even been married a year yet. She bounced from divorcing Corey last summer, to hoping onto the Jeremy train, getting hitched super fast after the miscarriage and now popping out another baby. I agree, what is the rush to have another baby? She is so young and needs to enjoy the life she has (with the twins). She has so much time ahead of her.

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