The New Jersey shoreline was devastated yesterday as Hurricane Sandy raged. Seaside Heights, the area of shoreline that once served as a playground for the cast of Jersey Shore, suffered horrifying damage.
The house used to film the show wasn’t damaged, according to a report Tuesday night by the Newark-Star Ledger. However, many of the restaurants, bars and other landmarks that served as the setting for the hi-jinks of Snooki and the gang have been destroyed or have suffered major damage.
The area surrounding Rivoli’s, the favorite restaurant of the ‘Shore’ crew and the place that The Situation took Paula to make their relationship official during a recent episode, is totally flooded, with boats floating in the streets, according to reports on Tom’s River Patch. Rivoli’s sits on Fischer Blvd. in Tom’s River, New Jersey, which was hit hard, but is still standing. The restaurant has sent out a few very scary tweets in the last few hours.
“Seaside is destroyed it’s like a war zone we need help,” followed by, “Raw [sewage] in the streets, cars are floating looting has begun.”
The Seaside Heights Boardwalk, where the ‘Shore cast members frequently hung out, was ravaged by the hurricane, with reports claiming that a huge piece of the boardwalk was ripped off and is now floating in the ocean, as are several of the boardwalk’s rides.
The Shore Store, where the cast worked, is still standing, according to a tweet by cast member Jenni Farley.

“Bubbas and Lucky [Leo’s] Arcade are no more but the Shore Store is standing but major damage,” she tweeted. The Shore Store posted this haunting photo on its Facebook page on Tuesday, showing the view from the boardwalk.
Another frequent hang out of the ‘Shore’ crew, The Surf Club, was completely destroyed, according to numerous reports.
“The level of devastation at the Jersey Shore is unthinkable,” New Jersey Govenor Chris Christie said.
Several of the ‘Jersey Shore’ gang’s favorite haunts, like Jimbo’s, Karma and Bamboo are still unaccounted for.
The Ashley sends her thoughts to all of her readers affected by Hurricane Sandy! There are still so many people that need help. If you are able to, please consider making a donation to help Hurricane Sandy victims by clicking here.
UPDATE: Club Karma is still standing, according to a post on its Facebook page.
“Karma has made it through the storm! For the rest of the island it will take a little longer for it to get back on its feet. We appreciate all your support and hope that everyone in need of help all pull together especially in times like these.”
Bamboo Bar, scene of the giant fight shown on a recent episode, also weathered Hurricane Sandy. The bar’s owners updated their Facebook fans yesterday.
“Fortunately the Bamboo sustained little damage. Unfortunately Seaside itself was not so lucky. Hopefully all of us will be back better than ever.”
Click below to watch JWOWW discuss what happened to the house she shares with her fiance, Roger.
9 Responses
How nervey writing an article about the show jersey shore’s house.i honestly think people without homes,and power are more important than a tv shows house.
I am so devastated by the damage done, not just to the shore but everywhere else. I am a Jersey girl, and have spent many summers of my life down at the shore. I feel like a piece of my childhood has been ripped away.
My heart goes out to all the Sandy victims and the loved ones of all those we lost to this hurricane. The structural damage is devastating… It’s sad to know the damage incurred to Jersey Shore cast hang outs but I’m glad the cast came through safely.
You’re glad the “cast” came through safely! Are you serious? Who cares about them!! They were a disgrace to Jersey! We have more important things to do than worry about people who WEREN’T EVEN THERE!!!! Residents lost EVERYTHING in this storm. The Jersey Shore will NEVER be the same…but thank God those losers are fine. smdh!
Why be so harsh? It was a show about young adults having fun and spending their summer with friends. If you really think they are a disgrace to jersey, then that is pretty sad. Besides most of the cast live in the areas that were hit by this storm. Most of them were effected by sandy. Don’t they deserve the same compassion as everyone else?
You are right Ava !!! The only thing Snookie should be concerned about is losing her customers the stupid TRAMP !!! I have talked to friends who have lost everything so my least concern is those cartoon characters that poorly represent Jersey! I appreciate your updates but just like my friends told me in Staten Island some places are fine while others are destroyed…
Yeah people well a lot of the cast form JS Lived there.. In fact JWOWW bought a house there with roger like last year. And they both live there, so to the harsh sack that said that Thanks but other people have opinions you are not the only person left on earth because of it.
I really hope they all think about writing some checks to help their beloved shore and parts they helped to make famous….
I sure hope you are thinking about writing some checks to help out as well.